WestHillsCollege Coalinga

New Program Packet

Program Name: Agricultural Engineering Technology Certificate Instructional Area: AG/BUS/CIS/CWEE

Faculty Originator: C. Cowden Date:7/10/09


New Program Proposal

New Course Proposal Packet (if necessary)

Course Revision Packet (if necessary)

Supporting documentation

List: Advisory Meeting Minutes


Curriculum Instructional Area Representative / ______Date______
Articulation Officer (required if transferable)
Dean of Student Learning (required) / ______Date______
Dean of Learning Resources (required)
College Curriculum Committee Chair (approved) / Date______
West Hills Community College District Board of Trustees (approved)

New Course Proposal

WestHillsCollege Coalinga

Title of Major/Certificate: / Agricultural Engineering Technology Certificate
Instructional Area: / AG/BUS/CIS/CWEE
Faculty Originator: / C. Cowden
Date: / 7/10/09
Voc Ed Programs Advisory Committee Approval-(Attach copies of minutes) Date: / April 16, 2009
Articulation with Transfer Institution-(Attach copy of agreement) Date:

Program Prerequisite(s):

A.Courses - (Indicate clearly whether it is a “prerequisite”, “corequisite”, or “advisory


B.Skills and/or Knowledge - (Specific skills and/or knowledge a student must possess in order to be ready to begin the program)


Program Course Requirements:

A total of 18 units are required to complete this certificate, including 4 units of electives.

Required Courses:

AET 10Surveying

AET 11Advanced Surveying with GIS Applications

AET 15CAD for Agriculture

AET 16CAD Applications for Land Management in Agriculture

AET 50Technical Fundamentals of Agriculture

SLSCI 21Soils

Electives: students must choose 4 units from the following list:

AET 21Ag-Irrigation Management

AET 22Irrigation Evaluation and Design Principles

AET 23Advanced Irrigation Design

AET 24Drip and Micro Irrigation Design and Management

AET 51Grade Checking

AET 523-D Machine Control

AG 10Introduction to Agriculture

AG 11Agriculture Sales and Communication

AG 15xOccupational Work Experience

AGBUS 15Computer Applications for Agriculture

AGMM 51Introduction to Agricultural Manufacturing

AGMM 52ATrade Mathematics

AGMM 52BComputer Fundamentals

AGMM 52CJob Preparation

AGMM 52DTechnical Report Writing

AGMM 53AFluid Power Fundamentals

AGMM 53BPneumatic Fundamentals

AGMM 53CHydraulic Fundamentals

AGMM 54APower Transmission

AGMM 54BWelding Fundamentals

AGMM 54CElectrical Fundamentals

CRPSCI 1Introduction to Plant Science

CRPSCI 6Applications of GPS Technology in Ag

CRPSCI 7GPS Crop and Yield Monitoring

CRPSCI 19Water Management

HVYEQUI 50Heavy Equipment Operation

WT 40Introduction to Welding

WT 41Intermediate Welding

WT …Intermediate SMAW

WT …Advanced Welding SMAW

WT …Welding Certificate Preparation


Members of our college and advisory committee met to discuss the future direction for the agriculture program at West Hills College. West Hills College, Farm of the Future’s advisory committee is made up of educators and industry from local communities. It is evident that there is a shortage of skilled workers in the engineering industry, across the board. It was discussed that an Agricultural Engineering Technology program would be a good fit to the existing curriculum and would be a benefit to the college and the community alike.

The skills obtained through the Agricultural Engineering Technology program will prepare students for internships thus better preparing them for the job market. Students, who learn skills such as GIS, AutoCAD, soils, irrigation, hydraulics and electrical applications will be prepared for a diverse number of internships in the agriculture industry, thus broadening their scope of job opportunities.

An Agricultural Engineering Technology program supports the mission of the college by enhancing student learning and supporting the colleges in the provision of world class learning environments. In addition, collaboration with USDA and local agricultural industry supports the mission of the college to act as a catalyst for collaboration with outside organizations and agencies.


1. Attached the typed program as it is to appear in the college catalog.

  • Include a catalog statement

2. Submit a new course proposal packet for any “new” courses.

Program Name : / Agricultural Engineering Technology Certificate

Associate Degree Certificate


The Agricultural Engineering Technology (AET) certificate program preparesstudent for a career in agriculture technology with an emphasis in engineering and science, including: soil science, surveying, computer-aided drafting, and surveying.A total of 18 units are required to complete this certificate, including 4 units of electives which students can use to tailor the curriculum to their own interests by choosing approved electives.

Required Courses:

Course NumberTitleUnits

AET 10Surveying2

AET 11Advanced Surveying with GIS Applications2

AET 15CAD for Agriculture2

AET 16CAD Applications for Land Management in Agriculture 1

AET 50Technical Fundamentals of Agriculture3

SLSCI 21Soils4



Electives: students must choose 4 units from the following list:

Course NumberTitleUnits

AET 11Advanced Surveying with GIS Applications2

AET 16CAD Applications for Land Management in Agriculture1

AET 21Ag-Irrigation Management3

AET 22Irrigation Evaluation and Design Principles4

AET 23Advanced Irrigation Design3

AET 24Drip and Micro Irrigation Design and Management3

AG 10Introduction to Agriculture3

AG 11Agriculture Sales and Communication3

CRPSCI 7GPS Crop and Yield Monitoring4

AET 51Grade Checking4

AET 523-D Machine Control4

AGBUS 15Computer Application for Agriculture3

WT 40Introduction to Welding2

WT 41Intermediate Welding2

WT …Intermediate SMAW2

WT …Advanced Welding SMAW2

WT …Welding Certificate Preparation2

AG 15xOccupational Work Experience1-2

AGMM 51Introduction to Agricultural Manufacturing0.5

AGMM 52ATrade Mathematics1

AGMM 52BComputer Fundamentals0.5

AGMM 52CJob Preparation0.5

AGMM 52DTechnical Report Writing0.5

AGMM 53AFluid Power Fundamentals0.5

AGMM 53BPneumatic Fundamentals0.5

AGMM 53CHydraulic Fundamentals0.5

AGMM 54APower Transmission0.5

AGMM 54BWelding Fundamentals0.5

AGMM 54CElectrical Fundamentals0.5

HVYEQUI 50Heavy Equipment Operation10.5
Farm of the Future

Advisory Meeting Minutes

Agricultural Engineering Technology

April 16, 2009

The Agricultural Engineering Technology Advisory Committee met in FF404 at the Farm of the Future in Coalinga, California.

Members Present

Kerri Birdwell – Cal Poly, SLO

Mike Dow – Helena Chemical

Rod Haarberg – Topcon Positioning

Randy Grumbles – WHC Student

Mike Howard – Chico State

Kurt Quade – Quade Consulting

Robert Nielsen – USDA – Agricultural Engineer

Joe Bazerra – CSUF

Clint Cowden

Joy Cowden


Clint Cowden thanked everyone for coming and stated the importance of their involvement in the committee. He stressed the importance of the committee and how far the college has improved.


Clint Cowden made introductions around the table.


Clint Cowden gave an overall update about the Farm of the Future.


Robert Neilson suggested that we create an Associate degree in Agricultural Engineering Technology in which students can specialize in several certificate areas such as irrigation and 3DMC.

He moved motion to approve an Associate of Science in Agricultural Engineering Technology.

Kerri Birdwell and Mike Howard second

Motion approved.

Kerri Birdwell moved motion to approve course AET 10.

Mike Dow and Robert Nielson second

Motion approved.

Mike Howard moved motion to approve course AET 11.

Kurt Quade and Randy Grumbles second.

Motion approved.

Mike Howard moved motion to approve course AET 15.

Kerri Birdwell and Kurt Quade second.

Motion passed.

Randy Grumbles moved motion to approve course AET 16.

Robert Neilsen and Wade Cook second.

Motion passed.

Mike Howard brought up the fact that math is a problem for many students therefore a hands-on, applied math course would be helpful. He moved motion to approve AGMM 87.

Mike Dow and Kerri Birdwell second.

Motion passed.


Mike Dow commented on adding a class similar to BRAE 129 (Cal Poly) which covers the basics of electricity, hydraulics, welding and ets.

Clint adjourned meeting