Reasons to Use MVPs
Compilation of responses from the LearningTimes webinar on July 15, 2004
- Access for various learners – connecting people more dynamically over distance and time.
- There might be groups that you would want to bring together ... e.g. language learners and students from that country or the combo of graduate business students + small business owners.
- Some of our instructors want to reach students on campus and those that are remotely situated.
- As distance learning librarian, I’ll be engaging in [these kinds of] blended events to our off-site campuses.
- Because it offers total flexibility for participants and moderators, and I have a feeling this will become more and more an accepted approach.
- We run a learning community for small business operators in Australia. People can participate in special presentations either by attending f2f or by joining in online.
- We want to have a means to integrate distance students with f2f students in creating a collaborative atmosphere.
- This provides more ways to spread learning -- period -- whether in a face-to-face class or conference or online class.
- Workplace effectiveness
- I think it can be an important part of my students' learning experiences -- prepare them to be participants in virtual organizations.
- Pedagogical effectiveness
- Increasing the actual learning at our live customer events at Microsoft.
- I am always looking for ways to increase the learning in our organization.
- I am interested in finding out more about how to take the best parts of both online and f2f and create a very dynamic learning environment.
- The ability to type comments while listening and talking is a huge positive in my eyes.
- I don't want to lose touch all together with my users (i.e. having them use only "taped" instruction, but I also can't be avail 24/7 for them, so....)
- Enhancing online or f2f courses
- Augment f2f learning with synchronous learning. Extending the learning window beyond the classroom.
- To be honest, I haven't been thinking about f2f, but instead adding the synchronous element to what I'm doing online (I'm an asynch fan).
- I help people to transfer their f2f programs to online. I am always interested in how this could be incorporated into their programs.
- Our company is starting to deliver our courses online and I'm looking for ideas, best practices. We also are looking at delivering 'soft skills' training this way as well.
- Novelty factor to enhance learning
- Multiple presenters (and interaction between them) helps make the learning more entertaining.
- It’s an exciting way to connect people in different locations in a very "live" way.