Menlo Park Terrace School 19 PTO Meeting Minutes
Date/Time:Wednesday 1/08/2014 6:33 – 7:50pm
Location:Menlo Park Terrace School 19 - Library
Attendance:Christy DaCruz - presidentDr. Samuel Fancera - principal
Jessica Ayers - vice presidentMrs. Dalessandro - teacher
Ursula Henry - treasurer
Jannine Hinterstein - recording secretary
Cory Fester–PBSIS
2 parents
Officers’ Reports:
President - Christy DaCruz Treasurer Ursula Henry
Financial “ducks are now in a row”. We have received receipt cards from the state Department of Revenue stating that all documents were received. We are now preparing for preparing for taxes in February. We are looking for volunteers for Jan 17 Market Day pick up at 4:00.
Treasurer Ursula Henry
All outstandingfilling fees have been paid. We are still awaiting the amount of fines from the state and the IRS from previous years. That has not been included yet as a budget line item as we do not know the amounts. After all budgeted student program line items have been paid: Mad Science Assembly, winter Dance, and Skydome, we are left with a balance of 16.73. We have a very strong need for family membership and fundraising to have programs with our children.
We opened our account with a line item to PBSIS to hold their funds for this school year. PBSIS’s baked goods sale at the winter concert was successful and we thank them for collaborating that event with PTO.
Question was raised regarding the line items, and why deposits were not itemized. Documentation was based on how other PTA’s document their funds. The question was also raised if our budget approved in October included fees to the state and reimbursement to board members for expenses incurred. It does.
The question was raised of the PTO budget being left with a 16.73, is it better to hold off on Skydome. The idea was discussed of charging a small admission for dances or for refreshments. The options of avoiding the cost of a DJ and doing a family game night of some sorts where perhaps beverages and popcorn are sold, are being looked at a more affordable option to dance nights. Decision: the dance is being changed to a Family Game Night in which admission is one large candy bar per player and Skydome is on hold.
Looking at past precedent, based on current expenditures, paying for track shirts, snacks for class parties Field Day events and refreshments are not looking too optimistic. It was suggested by Dr. Fancera that perhaps becoming a member of the PTO was required to take part in free events, or that events or programs may have to be retracted. He stated that up to this point we have been very lenient regarding accountability of parent volunteers and participation. The idea was discussed that perhaps that there could be a pretzel sale every week, with parents paying ahead for the month ($4 for 4 weeks of pretzels for that month.) This would have to be done at 3:00 to not interfere with class time, as well before 3:20, so that students are not bringing food on the buses.
Regarding the Holiday Bazaar, it is suggested that we do 1 full day and a 1/2 makeup day.
Individuals have stepped forward wanting to donate money, but not wanting to donate it to a general fund. Mrs. Henry suggested that monies could be donated to a specific area of the PTO, and will receive a letter for tax purposes.All Donations would remain confidential and anonymous unless otherwise stated by the donor.
To keep bookkeeping more organized, Mrs. Henry created a new deposit and fund reimbursement form.
Vice-President – Jessica Ayers
Mrs. Ayers has set up a Pizza Hut Family Fundraiser Night for Thursday, January 16th. Let’s Yo fundraiser the first week in May and Five Below Fundraiser the first week in April in preparation for Easter.
Top priorities are track t-shirts, getting three quotes for and the book fair.
Recording Secretary - Jannine Hinterstein
Mrs. Hinterstein restated that if parents or teachers had anything important they wanted in the newsletter, to please contact her.
Committee Reports
A. Box Tops Committees
$536 to date has been collected for boxtops.Distribution from Box Tops is not expected until the end of April.
Mrs. Petro, Mrs. Perryman and Mrs. Monticollo are in the the top 3 contributors for Box Tops.
B. Restaurant Night Committee/ Fundraising Committee
We are looking at a family game night (sometime in February) and a Zumba Night (sometime in March.
We are also looking for people to sign up for Shoparoo, the app with tallies purchases.Currently participants have totaled $50 for an August/September distribution.
C. PBSIS /PTOBookfair
Regarding book fair, last year’s PBSIS profit, was used to buy classroom sets of books for grades 3-5. A class set of books is owed to 2nd grade. PTO is on target to raise $4000 in book sales. We make 25% in cash sales, or 50% in scholastic dollars. The first $100 in scholastic dollars is owed to the 2nd grade for a set of reader.
Book Fair Dates: Feb 5- reading with Dad’s Night
Feb 7,10 and 11 for classrooms
Feb 13 is the family evening event
Principal’s Report
- The dance for February has been changed to a Family Game Night.
- There is a public hearing on the academic calendar for next year tomorrow night, January 9 at Woodbridge Middle School.
- The Board is trying to end the academic year as close to June 15th as possible. The reasoning behind this is that many of our graduating seniors are unable to take advantage of community activities and summer academic opportunities due to our late school year end.
- The biggest changes were the week of Election Day in November. This would be converted from the week off, to no school for students on Tues, Thursday and Friday. Staff would have a Professional Development Day on Election Day. Additionally, there would be Good Friday and Easter Monday off for Spring Break; any unused inclement weather days would be added to this break. Lastly, June 2 would be a day off so that parents and staff could vote in Election Primaries.
- The new testing modality, PARRC NJ is expected to be administered during the mid- spring, following Spring Break.
- Additionally, parents were reminded to keep on top of school activities by frequently visiting the school website or virtual backpack.
New Business
- Actively looking for a communications secretary to advertise events.
- We are also looking to fill the e-board vacancies of co-president, 2nd vice president, communications secretary and, if available, recording secretary.
- The next PTO meeting will take place at 6:30 on February 12, 2014
Time of adjournment: 7:50
Respectfully submitted by Jannine Hinterstein on 01/08/2014