Ranjith Reddy

Phone: 816 214 2949 Email:


  • About 7+ years of overall experience in the Information Technology Industry
  • Experience in data warehousing and business intelligence using various ETL tools Informatica, SQL Server SSIS and Business Objects
  • 4+ years of data modeling experience using ErWin 4.x.
  • Extensive knowledge with dimensional data modeling, star schema/snowflakes schema, fact and dimension tables and process mapping using the top-down and bottom-up approach.
  • Extensive experience with ETL tool Informatica in designing the Workflows, Worklets, Mappings, Configuring the Informatica Server and scheduling the Workflows and sessions using Informatica Power Center 8.1.1/7.1/6.2/5.1.
  • Vast experience in Designing and developing complex mappings from varied transformation logic like Unconnected and Connected lookups, Source Qualifier, Router, Filter, Expression, Aggregator, Joiner, Update Strategy etc.
  • Experience in creating Reusable Tasks (Sessions, Command, Email) and Non-Reusable Tasks (Decision, Event Wait, Event Raise, Timer, Assignment, Worklet, Control).
  • Well Experienced in doing Error Handling andTroubleshooting using various log files.
  • Extensively worked on developing and debugging Informatica mappings, mapplets, sessions and workflows.
  • Worked on Performance Tuning, identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks in various levels like sources, targets, mappings and sessions.
  • Extensive work with PL/SQL, performance tuning of Oracle using,Golden gate, Tkprof, SQL trace, SQL plan, SQL hints, Oracle partitioning, various indexes and join types
  • Understanding & working knowledge of Informatica CDC (Change Data Capture) Implementation experience of CDC using stored procedures, triggers and using informatica power exchange.
  • Experienced with Informatica Data Explorer (IDE) / Informatica Data Quality (IDQ) tools for Data Analysis / Data Profiling and Data Governance.
  • Experience in working with Mainframe files, COBOL files, XML, and Flat Files
  • Proficient working with Unix/Linux environments and writing UNIX shell scripts,Java&Sybase
  • Experienced in working with tools like TOAD,SQL Server Management studio and SQL plus for development and customization
  • Experience with Teradata as the target for the datamarts, worked with BTEQ, FastLoad and MultiLoad
  • Proficient in using pmcmd and pmrep commands
  • Strong skills in data analysis, data requirement analysis and data mapping for ETL processes
  • Ability to prioritize and execute tasks in a high pressure environment
  • Experience in mentoring and providing knowledge transfer to team members, support teams and customers.


ETL Tools:Informatica Power Center,8.x/7.x/6.x, SSIS

BI Tools:Cognos 8 BI Suit, SSRS, Business Objects XI r2/6.5/5.x

Databases:MS SQL Server 2005/2008, Oracle 8i/9i /10g, Teradata, IBM DB2, Sybase

Client Side Skills:SQL, T-SQL, PL/SQL, UNIX shell scripting, Java, HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, C, C++, VB 6.0

Web Servers:IIS v5.0/6.0, Apache Tomcat

OS:Windows 2000/NT, UNIX/Solaris, Red Hat Linux, AIX

Version Control:Visual Source Safe 6.0, CVS

Tools:Erwin 4.1, Toad, Rational Rose, MS Project, Test Director,MS Visio, Autosys

Educational Qualification:

Bachelor’s degree in computer science,Kakatiya University-Warangal.


Warner Brothers, Los Angeles, CA Oct 2009 - Present

Sr. ETL Developer

This project was to implement anEnterprise data warehouse(EDW)by means of integrating data from different feeder systems situated across various locations into a central repository of business information. The EDW provides quick access to data to enable a more informative decision making process.


  • Involved in all phases of SDLC from requirement, design, development, testing, training and rollout to the field user and support for production environment.
  • Working with the Business Analysts and the QA team for validation and verification of the development
  • Involved in designing relational models for ODS and datamart.
  • Data Quality Analysis to determine cleansing requirements.
  • Responsible for developing, support and maintenance for theETL(Extract, Transform and Load) processesusingInformatica power center.
  • Extract data from flat files, Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server 2008MS SQL Server 2005/2008 and to load the data into the target database.
  • Extensively usedInformaticato load data fromfixed widthanddelimited Flat files.
  • Worked withRepository Manager,Designer,Workflow ManagerandWorkflow Monitor, alsoimported and created Source Definitions usingSource Analyzer and Target Definitions using Warehouse Designer.
  • Developed complex mappings using corresponding Source, Targets and Transformations like update strategy, lookup, stored procedure, SQL, sequence generator, joiner, aggregate, Java and expression transformations in extracting data in compliance with the business logic
  • Developed Informatica using Java&Sybase environments.
  • Created SSIS Packages to migrate slowly changing dimensions
  • Extensively used Informatica Power center and created mappings using transformations to flag the record using update strategy for populating the desired slowly changing dimension tables.
  • Implementation experience of CDC ( Change Data Capture) using stored procedures, triggers and using informatica power exchange.
  • Querying and analyzing multiple databases and handling the errors as per the client specifications.
  • Created server optimized database routing and mappings and focused on performance tuning.
  • Handling larger database queries and applying transformations to make the business solution applicable to project.
  • Involved in Performance tuning.
  • Created Transformations andMappings using Informatica Designer and processing tasks using Workflow Manager to move data from multiple sources into targets.
  • Designed dynamic SSIS packages to transfer data crossing different platforms, validate data and data clearing during transferring, and archived data files for different DBMS.
  • Extensively used Informatica for loading the historical data from various tables for different departments.
  • Used shortcuts to reuse objects without creating multiple objects in the repository and inherit changes made to the source automatically.
  • Wrote stored procedures inPL/SQLand UNIXShell Scriptsfor automated execution of jobs
  • .Developed Korn shell(ksh) scripts for Informatica pre-session, post session procedures
  • Identified the errors by analyzing the session logs.
  • Designed and created an Autosys job plan to schedule our processes.
  • Working with Mainframe files, COBOL files, XML, and Flat Files
  • Responsible for monitoring all the sessions that are running, scheduled, completed and failed Debugged the mapping of the failed session to check the progress of data load.
  • Involved in Unit and System Testing of ETL Code (Mappings and Workflows)
  • Implemented best practices suggested by Informatica to simplify deployment Process.
  • Created Test scripts and executed in the Test Director.
  • Worked with PMCMD to interact with Informatica Server from command mode and execute the shell scripts.
  • Wrote documentation to describe program development, logic, coding, testing, changes and corrections.

Environment:Informatica Power Center 8.6(Informatica Designer, Repository Manager, Workflow Manager, Workflow Monitor, Repository Server Administration Console),SSIS, Erwin, SQL, PL/SQL, Sybase, MS SQL Server 2005/2008,Java,Oracle 11g, UDB, DB2, Flat Files, Solaris 10

State Street Corporation,Los Angeles, CA Jan 2009 –Sep 2009


State Street Corporation is the world's leading provider of financial services to institutional investors. It provides core investment custody, fund or investment/securities accounting, fund administration, securities finance and transfer agent services to insitutional clients.Its broad and integrated range of services spans the entire investment spectrum, including research, investment management, trading services and investment servicing.State Street also provides "middle office" services such as trading operations and a California affiliate provides reconciliation services to investment banks with the help ofSyntel. State Street Syntel Sourcing Private Limited (SSSPL) is a joint venture entity that executes reconciliation for investment banks worldwide.


  • Involved with requirement gathering and analysis for the data martsfocusing on data analysis, data quality, data mapping between ODS, staging tables and data warehouses/data marts.
  • Designed and developed processes to support data quality issues and detection and resolutions of error conditions.
  • Working with the Business Analysts and the QA team for validation and verification of the development.
  • Extract data from flat files, Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server 2008, and to load the data into the target database.
  • Analyzed the session logs, bad files and error tables for troubleshooting mappings and sessions.
  • Implemented various scenarios related to slowly growing targets and slowly changing dimensions(Type1, Type2, Type3)
  • Implemented various business rules of data transformations using various Informatica transformations like Normalizer, Source Qualifier, Update Strategy, Look up(connected/unconnected/static cached/dynamic cached), Sequence Generator, expression, Aggregator, XML(source and generator), Stored Procedures.
  • Worked onCDC(Change Data Capture)to implement SCD (Slowly Changing Dimensions).
  • Worked with newer Informatica transformations like Java transformation, Transaction Control.
  • Used Teradata as a Source and a Target for few mappings. Worked with Teradata loaders within Workflow manager to configure FastLoad and MultiLoad sessions.
  • Experience with Teradata as the target for the datamarts, worked with BTEQ, FastLoad and MultiLoad
  • Provided administrative functions like creating repositories, backing up repositories, setting up users, assigning permissions and setting up folders in Repository manager.
  • Wrote shell script utilities to detect error conditions in production loads and take corrective actions, wrote scripts to backup/restore repositories, backup/restore log files.
  • Heavily involved with performance tuning of Oracle database – using TKProf utility, working with partitioned tables, implementing layer of materialized views to speed up lookup queries, working with Bitmap indexes for dimension tables, DBMS Stats package to update statistics, using SQL hints.
  • Created derived tables in Universe.
  • Created/Administered users/user groups/Security in Supervisor/CMC.
  • Created OMA WEBI and DESKI reports for to analyze the CMMI standards.
  • Scheduled workfiows using autosys job plan.
  • Did QA of ETL processes, migrated Informatica objects from development to QA and production using deployment groups.
  • Provided production support and involved with root cause analysis, bug fixing and promptly updating the business users on day-to-day production issues.
  • Co-ordinated with the off-shore teams and mentored junior developers.

Environment: InformaticaPower Center 8.6,SSIS, Oracle 10g, Autosys, Oracle 9i, Erwin 4.5, CMS, MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, TOAD 9.0, PL/SQL, UNIX,SQL Loader*,SQL server 2005,MS SQL Server 2005/2008.

Travelers Insurance, Hartford, CT Nov07 - Dec 08
ETL Informaticadeveloper/Analyst

Travelers offers a wide variety of property and casualty insurance and surety products and services to businesses, organizations and individuals in the United States and in selected international markets. It provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance products and services to businesses, government units, associations, and individuals.


  • Interpreted logical and physical data models for Business users to determine common data definitions and establish referential integrity of the system.
  • Assist data modeling using ErWin 4.x.
  • Extensively used all the features of Informatica Versions 6.x and 7.x including Designer, Workflow manager and Repository Manager, Workflow monitor.
  • Created workflows and tasks in Workflow Manager and linked the database through server setup and various other connections. Created users in Informatica, assigned them various permissions.
  • Worked with mappings using expressions, aggregators, filters, lookup,update strategy and stored procedures transformations.
  • Created flexible mappings/sessions using parameters, variables and heavily using parameter files.
  • Involved in monitoring Informatica jobs/processes using Workflow Monitor.
  • Developed and modified UNIX shell scripts to reset and run Informatica workflows using pmcmd on Unix Environment. Conversant with the Informatica API calls.
  • Partitioned sources to improve session performance.
  • Backup/Restoration of repositories. Upgrade of repositories when upgrading to new versions of Informatica.
  • Completed various data load simulations to stress test the mappings.
  • Tuned performance of Informatica sessions for large data files by increasing block size, data cache size, sequence buffer length, and target based commit interval.
  • Improved session run times by partitioning the sessions. Was also involved heavily into database fine tuning (creating indexes, stored procedures, etc), partitioning oracle databases.

Environment: Informatica Power Center 7.1.x, 8.1.1 SP4, Oracle 10g, MS SQL Server 2005 PL/SQL, SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader, Unix, Linux, Windows XP.

National Grid Corporation, Melville, NY Jan 2007– Sep 2007

ETL Developer

National Grid is a provider of gas to different parts of North East US like Long Island (NY), Boston, Rhode Island, Connecticut etc. The project involves addition of Upstate New York locations to the already running gas lines. The project involves interface and migration between the old transmissions in Upstate NY (known as TSA) into National Grid’s new transmission (EBB).


  • Analyzed the system, architect and business flow in order to define the requirement.
  • Involved in the requirement definition and analysis in support of data warehousing efforts.
  • Designed and developed business rules to generate consolidated (fact/summary) data identified by dimensions usingInformaticaETL(PowerCenter) tool.
  • Update or add new mappings to EBB to incorporate TSA data and flat files will be sent out with the required information back to TSA.
  • Maintained stored definitions, transformation rules and targets definitions usingInformaticarepository manager.
  • Created and scheduled sessions and Batch process based on demand, run on time, run only once usingInformaticaserver manager.
  • Involved in the performance tuning of mappings and sessions.
  • Created java scripts for automated scheduling ofInformaticajobs.
  • Developed training materials for deployment of data marts and reports.
  • Scheduled and monitored transformation processes using Informatica Server Manager.

Environment:InformaticaPowerCenter 7.1.4, Oracle 9i, PL/SQL, SQL* Plus, SQL*Loader, UNIX.

WellPoint HealthCare, Mason, OH July 06 – Dec 06

ETL Designer

Sr. Informatica/Teradata Developer


  • Involved in full life cycle development including Design, ETL strategy, troubleshooting Reporting, and Identifying facts and dimensions.
  • Prepared the required application design documents based on functionality required
  • Installed and configured Informatica 7.1
  • Migrated repository and mapping from Informatica 6.2 to 7.1
  • Created and Maintained users and User profiles
  • Designed the ETL processes using Informatica to load data from SAP R/3, Oracle, Flat Files (Fixed Width), and Excel files to staging database and from staging to the target Teradata Warehouse database.
  • Wrote the Algorithm for ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) team for Data Validation.
  • Provided the BTEQ scripts to validate the Edge Model and to generate Serial Key.
  • Created Data Marts and did System Testing of the Application.
  • Automated Test Scenarios using BTEQ scripts to validate Source System Data against the Data Mart Views generated by Edge.
  • Wrote Queries, Procedures and functions that are used as part of different application modules
  • Optimized Teradata SQL and TSQL queries for better performance.
  • Extract and Load data using different tools in Teradata like Multiload, FastExport, Fastload, OLE Load, BTEQ.
  • Implemented the best practices for the creation of mappings, sessions and workflows and performance optimization.
  • Created mappings using transformations like Source Qualifier, Joiner, Aggregator, Expression, Filter, Router, Lookup, Update Strategy, and Sequence Generator.
  • Designed and developed the logic for handling slowly changing dimension tables load by flagging the record using update strategy for populating the desired.
  • Involved in cleansing and extraction of data and defined quality process for the warehouse.
  • Involved in performance tuning and optimization of Informatica mappings and sessions using features like partitions and data/index cache to manage very large volume of data.
  • Documented ETL test plans, test cases, test scripts, test procedures, assumptions, and validations based on design specifications for unit testing, system testing, expected results, preparing test data and loading for testing, error handling and analysis.
  • Involved in migration of mappings and sessions from development repository to production repository
  • Involved in Unit testing, User Acceptance Testing to check whether the data is loading into target, which was extracted from different source systems according to the user requirements.
  • Involved in production support working with various mitigation tickets created while the users working to retrieve the database.
  • Created Stored Procedures to transform the Data and worked extensively in PL/SQL for various needs of the transformations while loading the data.

Nissan North America, Gardena, CA Apr 05- Jun 06
Data warehouse /ETL, Oracle, UNIX Developer

Nissan North America Inc. (NNA) was created coordinate all of Nissans various activities in North America to enhance the design, development, manufacturing and marketing of Nissan vehicles and provides solutions for regional data warehouse.


  • Requirement gathering and Understand the Functional Business processes and Requirements given by the Business Analyst.
  • Involve in Designing High level Technical Documentation based on specification provided by the Manager
  • Created mappings, workflows for Nissan extended services north America [NESNA] and Nissan acceptance holding company [NAHC]
  • Extraction, Loading and Unit testing has been done using both SAP AND NON-SAP sources
  • Worked on different parallelism concepts in AbInitio.
  • Experienced in ETL Administration responsibilities for the enterprise Data using informatica tool
  • Involved in writing Shell Scripting for ETL JOBS to run.
  • Power Exchange Change Data Capture has been done for data updates
  • Technical Documentation has been done for all the mappings for presentation with Business logic

Environment:InformaticaPowerCenter 7.1, IBM DB2,AbInitio, Mainframes, UNIX