PRESENT: / 30Members in total / APOLOGIES:D Hocking / Chairman / D Robbie
J Freeman / Vice Chairman / C Spring
J Gooding / Secretary / D Milns
I Simpson / Treasurer / G Weight
M Reams / Membership Secretary
No / ITEM /
1. / A minutes silence was observed in respect to Jim Conway who had recently passed away.2. / Minutes of the meeting on 19th January 2017 Approved B Barratt & H Bellamy / Secretary
3. /
Matters arising from previous meeting:
Derek reported that he had still not had a reply from LEXSA regarding the donation made to the War Memorial railing fund. He would be attending their next meeting to raise the issue..John confirmed that the High St collection had been granted and would be on Sat 3rd June..
Jim had spoken to 158 RLC who were OK with the Sovereigns Dinner on AFD 24 June.
4. /
Treasurers Report: Acceptedby all present .
/ I Simpson5. / Welfare Report:
J Gordon welcomed Nobby to the meeting again and explained that he may have to move into a home soon but he was in good spirits and not worried about it.
John also reported that Don Milns and his wife were a bit better and Don hoped to get to a meeting sometime in the future.
6. / New Members: None / M Reams
7. / Correspondence:
Derek had received a request from a Roger Stuart-Andrews in Australia trying to find information on a relative who had served with the Regiment. He had passed this to Terry Marker who had ben able to assist him and Derek thanked him for his valued assistance with the matter.
8. / Any Other Business:
Jim Freeman confirmed that the May Meeting would take the form of a social evening which would begin with a Belgium Chocolate making demonstration, a meal of Fish n Chips or Pie n Chips, followed by an hour's entertainment by a tribute band. This would cost each member and their wives approx £6.00. with branch funds subsidising the remainder. he asked members to complete the proforma on the tables with their choice of meal. It was also agreed that the girls from the Ivy Tavern be invited as well.
John Gooding introduced the AGM paperwork and asked members to complete if they wanted to nominate anyone to the committee or want to propose a motion.
Ian Simpson proposed that Jim Freeman become a signatory on the branch banking forms. He also requested that we stop paying the annual £20 subscription to the castle magazine as we never seemed to receive any. Both motions were passed by all present.
Ian then gave out flyers from Gary Weight with itinerary details of his battlefield tour in March 2018.
Derek Sendall had produced some coloured brochures for the members detailing the events of the Battle of Sobraon. Ian proposed a vote of thanks which was warmly endorsed by the members.
Derek informed the members that following the meeting John Gooding would be reading out the citation about the battle and proposing a toast to the Regiment. Port, Wine or Orange Juice would be available immediately following the meeting.
And finally, a local soprano, Eva McDonald would be entertaining the members with a selection of songs from her repertoire
There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:00hrs .
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 16th March 2017