Leeds City Region Talent Match

Employer Due Diligence

Please complete the following form to the best of your ability. This information will be used to check the suitability of your company with the aims of Talent Match. This information will also enable us to match young people to the opportunity you wish to offer. Once you have completed this form, and received notice for approval you will not be required to provide this information again.

About Your Organisation/Company
Organisation Name
Company Legal Status
SoleTrader / Public Sector Organisation
Private Limited Company / Charitable Organisation
Public Limited Company / Voluntary/Third Sector
Other (please state)
Company/Charity NumberPlease provide your company number. This will not be applicable for Public Sector organisations and sole traders
Size of you company (for information purposes)
Micro: (up to 10 employees) / Small: (Up to 50 Employees)
Medium: (Up to 250 employees) / Large: (Over 250 Employees)
No of Full Time Staff employed by your organisation / Manager to staff ratio (FTE) / Yes No
Is your organisation in a state of insolvency, voluntary administration, compulsory winding up, receivership, composition with creditors, company voluntary arrangements or subject to equivalent proceedings? / Yes No
Other Company information
Does your organisation have any quality marks that would be beneficial for us to know about (e.g. Mindful employer, living wage employer). If so, please state
Would you be happy for Your Consortium Ltd to advertise your involvement with the programme? / Yes No
Contact Details
We want to ensure that we contact the right people in future. Please provide full details of a main contact, contact details for your finance officer/department and also a contact for the main line manager/work experience coordinator
Main ContactThis should be the person who will be responsible for the Talent Match young person
Name / Position
Telephone Number / Email
Line ManagerThis should be the person who will be managing the young person. This information will be passed on to a Talent Match key worker
Name / Position
Telephone Number / Email
Finance Officer/DepartmentWe need this information to ensure financial information relating to job creation is forwarded to the person responsible for your companies finance
Name / Position
Telephone Number / Email
Safety in the workplace
We want to ensure that the young people are safe within the workplace. Please provide the following information relating to your employment and work practices
Health and Safety
Does your organisation have a written Health and Safety Policy (covering General Policy,Organisation and Arrangements) as required by Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and issue any codes of safe working practices to your workforce? / Yes No
Equal Opportunities
Does your organisation have an Equal Opportunities Policy (encompassing the protected characteristics race, disability, age, sex, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, and religion or belief) / Yes No
Please provide details of insurance certification as indicated below, supplying in each case an up
to date copy of the policy summary held. The evidence shall include the name of the insurers, policy numbers, expiry dates and limits for any one incident and annual aggregate capsand the excesses under the policies.
Copy of appropriate policy summary documents/broker's letters (detailing amount of cover, etc) must be enclosed for each insurance type stated below.
Employer Liability Attached / Yes No / Public Liability Attached / Yes No
Company Offer
We would like to get an understanding of what kind of opportunities your company would like to offer our young people, please indicate below what opportunities you’re able to offer
Developmental opportunities
Interview Skills / Internships / Traineeships
Open Days / Business Mentoring / Other
Work experience, Career Development and Job Opportunities
Please indicate which of the following statements best describes your company offer
A / 4 week work experience placement that will enable the young person to gain the necessary skills in their chosen field of work to help them continue to progress with their chosen career
B / 4 week work experience placement that meeting either of the above statements that will have the potential to progress in to a 6 month paid Job Creation opportunity
Why Talent Match?
We would like to understand why your company is interested in our programme. Therefore please use the space below to indicate why you would like to offer opportunities to young people, but also how you would like the Talent Match programme to support you to do this
Understanding of young people
Please indicate what your organisations understanding is of the young people we are engaging with, and how your organisation can adapt its practices/management of these young people

Please note: If you would like to offer young people a work experience and job creation opportunity, please below. Companies who do not want to offer a work experience or job creation are not required to complete the information captures in appendix 1

Appendix 1: Work Experience and Job Creation Opportunity

Proposed offer to young people
We want to ensure that expectations for job creations and work experience are met for both young people and employers. Please take the time to consider the following answers before submitting your application
Where will your work experience opportunity be offered? / Bradford / Leeds / Wakefield
Kirklees / Calderdale
Address of work placement / How many young people would you like to offer this opportunity?
Work experience title / No hours per week
Please state what sector this role falls under (e.g. Administration, manufacturing, IT)
Summary of main duties: Please describe what the main duties will be for this work experience
Skills and Experience: In your own words, please indicate what specific skills and experience young people can develop and learn at your company. You may wish to consider sector specific skills, entry jobs/experience in a specific career path and any other work based skills that you believe to be relevant
Support: Please indicate the type of support that will be offered to Talent Match young people throughout the duration of their work experience placement and if relevant the job creation opportunity.
Job Creation– Only applicable if you wish to offer a job creation opportunity
What is your business need for this role and how has this need been identified?
If this role is successful, will there be potential to sustain this position within your organisation?
Additionality and Value for Money
Can your organisation offer additional benefits to the programme? Please indicate what added value your company can bring to this young person. (e.g. Contribution towards the wage subsidy, formal training, links into other businesses)
Company Declaration
By signing this due diligence my company:
Is committed to uphold data protection and treat all information that relates to young peoples documentation as confidential and only used for the purpose of Talent Match Work experience and Job Creation
Is committed to a fair and transparent recruitment process
Is a young person friendly organisation that is keen to help young people enrolled on Talent Match upskill and get closer to the job market
Is willing to work in conjunction with the Talent Match Keyworker organisations to ensure that the appropriate level of support is given to each young person irrespective of whether they are participating in work experience or a Job Creation opportunity
Acknowledges that the Talent Match young people are those furthest away from the job market and may require additional support and patience during this process
Signed* / Date
*If submitting electronically, it is acceptable to type your name rather than sign the document

Please forward a completed version of your application to . Alternatively if you would like some guidance or support with completing this please contact the Talent Match team at Your Consortium Ltd on 01423 795300.

Your Consortium Ltd use ONLY
Approved / Approved with conditions / Not Approved
Areas for clarification
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