Website Design Questionnaire

We’ve put this questionnaire together to help you get your thoughts down on paper, to create a brief for your new website project. This helps us measure the scope for your project and put an accurate quote together. It should help you focus your thinking and help us make sure you get exactly what you want from your website.

Please put as much detail down as you can, any questions you are not sure about just leave them. If you want to talk this through or have any questions, give us a call on 0844 838 6718 or email

Your Details:

First name:

Last Name:




If you already have a website, please note down the address here:

Please let us know what your budget is for the project:

What is your deadline for completing the site?:

And if you don’t mind, how did you hear about us?

Company Details

Please tell us a little bit more about you!

What are the main reasons for wanting your new or redesigned website?

Please describe your company in a few sentences.

What problems do your prospects have that your business solves?

Why do you believe visitors should work with you rather than a competitor?

Please describe the demographics of your potential customers.

Who are the decision makers on this project? What is the turnaround time for making a decision?

Branding & Imagery

Please note down some details of your brand identity...

Do you have a logo already?

Would you like us to design or update a brand identity for you?

Do you have a slogan or tagline that clearly describes what you offer in terms of benefits or features?

List any important words that you want people to associate with your company image/brand

Do you have any existing corporate identity guidelines?

Do you have photos or graphics you want included in your web site?

Creative Requirements

This helps us get an idea of your creative brief for the new website...

Do you have any colour preferences for the look and feel for the website?

Is there a specific theme you had in mind to incorporate into the website?

Please describe what style of site you are looking for:

e.g. serious, professional, creative, informal, friendly, modern etc.

Please describe how you would like your visitors to perceive your new site:

e.g. friendly, corporate, serious, engaging, fun, funky, cutting edge etc.

Existing Website

You can skip through this bit if it's a brand new site you are after...

Please describe which areas you feel are successful and why

Please describe any specific shortcomings of your existing website

How many unique visitors do you receive to your website on a monthly basis?

When was your existing site designed?

Does it use any kind of content management system? If so please detail here

Do you want to keep to a similar site structure and similar content or will it be changed and all new content?

Website Content

This is where we need to know roughly what size of site you are looking for...

Roughly how many pages do you think you will need on your new website?

What do you NOT want on your site in terms of text, content, etc.?

Where is the website content coming from? Who’s responsible for updating it? Is it ready for use on your website?

Would you like us to update your site or would you like to be responsible for updates?

Would you like us to update the content on your site or would you like to be able to make updates yourselves?

Website Structure

Please select (delete any you DON’T want) any pages or features you would like on your site below, or add your own

Website Pages

·  Home

·  About Us

·  Services

·  Client List

·  Contact

·  Candidates

·  Jobs

·  Directions

·  News

·  Events

·  FAQ’s

·  Resources

·  Biographies

·  Newsletter

·  Promotions

·  Offers

·  Legal

·  Terms

·  Privacy

Any we’ve missed?

Website Features

·  Gallery

·  Directory

·  Video

·  Secure Area

·  Portfolio

·  Banner Management

·  Testimonials

·  Booking System

·  Quotes

·  Jobs System

·  Map

·  Case Studies

·  Search

·  Contact Forms

·  Newsletter Sign Up

·  Multiple Languages

·  Online Payments

·  Polls

·  Blog

·  Survey System

·  Products

·  Social Integration

·  Meet The Team

·  Newsletter

·  Responsive Design

·  Mobile Version

·  Cookie Consent

Any we’ve missed?

Please describe any other bespoke functions or applications that you require. Please provide as much detail as possible:

What actions do you want visitors to take on the site?

Fill in a form, call you, buy something etc

Are you planning to make sales through your website? If so, please list your product categories and products below.

If you’re planning to sell online, are you set up to accept credit cards?

Your Competition

Enough about you already, who are we up against?

Please list the names of two or more of your competitors and describe how you differ from them?

Have you researched your online competition so you have an idea of what you do and don't want on your site?

Please list the names of five other sites, not direct competitors, that you like.

Why are they attractive to you? What do you like about them?

Please list the names of up to five other sites that you DO NOT like and tell us why and what's wrong with them?

Digital Marketing

If you were using a search engine, what words or phrases would you use to find your site? Which of these words or phrases is most important? Second? Third?

Other than organic search engine traffic, what other methods do you have in mind to spread the word about your site?

·  Search Engine Optimsiation

·  Pay Per Click

·  Facebook

·  LinkedIn

·  AdWords

·  Remarketing

·  Social Media

·  Sponsorship

·  Email Marketing

·  Marketing Automation

Please tell us how you will measure the success of your new website?

Are you interested in a proposal for a Search Engine Optimisation campaign?

Are you interested in a proposal for a Social Media Optimisation campaign?

Technical Details

And last but not least, the nitty gritty techy stuff we need to get out of the way...

Will you require us to host your site?

Do you have any specific technical requirements?

Do you want us to integrate with any 3rd party systems? Please supply the details of these systems here

If there is anything else you think will help us get a better understanding of your requirements then please note down here?

How many other agencies are you approaching regarding this project?

Please submit this completed form along with any other briefing documents such as sitemaps, wireframes etc. to

Thanks – we’re looking forward to learning more about your new project!

Kind regards

The Addictivity Team