Performance Pro Update 3.6

January 7, 2016


What’s New?

This release, 3.6,includes enhancements and changes to the following features:

  • Routing
  • Goals
  • Miscellaneous features

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Several enhancements have been made to the Routing feature to add greater flexibility for organizations.

Enable Routing for Forms and Appraisals Separately

Some clients only wish to route Forms. Other clients may only wish to route Appraisals. This new feature allowsyou to turn Routing on for Appraisals only, Forms only, or both. It is important to remember that any Routing options made on the Routing Setup screen will still apply to both. Also, remember that Routing must be activated on the System Setup/Company Settings/Appraisal Settings screen in order for the Routing Setup screens to be accessible.

When Routing is enabled for Forms on the Routing Setup screen, the Form Builder, Form Properties button will have a new Form Property titled “EnableRouting.” When thisForm Property is checked, the Routing setup will apply to that Form and Routing options will be available when working in that document. When the Form Property is not checked, no Routing options will be available for that document. The new Routing feature will be enabled for systems that currently have Routing in place. If your system has Routing disabled, this feature will not be available. Any Form that has been previously assigned will maintain the settings that were established when the Form was assigned.

Approve without Signature

You may wish to have an upline or admin user review documents and approve them. However, you may not require or want these users to sign the document. With this release, there is a new option that will allow users to approve items without adding a signature line to the document. E-signature must be activated in System Setup/Company Settings/Appraisal Settings for the option to appear on the Routing Setup tab.

When enabled, users receiving a routed item will have a new option of “Approved without Signature” in the response dropdown.

This option will add their name to the document indicating “Approved by:” but it will not show a signature line or require an electronic signature.

New Options for Handling Expired Routing

When automatic Routing is turned on, if one or more appraisers in the Routing Path expire, but all others in the path have approved, when the user re-routes they will have the following options:

  • Route to All
  • Route to Expired

When “Route to All” is selected, the item is re-routed to all parties in the path. When “Route to Expired” is selected, the item is only re-routed to the parties in the path that expired.

Route Information Accessible on the Appraisal Document

When Routing is enabled, Appraisals viewed in Performance History will have a “Route Information” button at the top. When clicked, the user will see the Route History and Routing Notes related to the appraisal document they are viewing.


Several enhancements have been made to Goal features in Performance Pro.

Evaluate Goals

Minor changes have been made to the Evaluate Goals feature. With this release, when Goals do not total 100%, theEvaluate Goals, Overview tab will still show the Goals. However, a message will display stating that the Goals do not total 100%. Clicking on the Weights are adjusted in the Employee Goal Tools link will take the user to Employee Goal Tools where the weights can be adjusted.

Add Current Goals

With this release, employees will now have the ability to add Current Goals. In the past they could only add Future Goals.

This feature, “EE Add Current Goals” must be turned on in System Setup/Company Settings/Appraisal Settings in the Goal Settings area at the bottom of the first column.

Once activated, employees will be able to add Current Goals up until they mark their self-appraisal as “ready” or until the appraisal has been merged by the appraiser. Once a Goal is added by an employee, they can edit that Goal until the admin, upline user, or appraiser selects and Saves the Goal. Once the Goal is saved by another party, employees may propose changes to the Goal description or weight if Goal Edit Approval is enabled. The proposed changes are submitted to the manager to be reviewed and approved or declined.

Miscellaneous Features

Employee Ability to Upload Additional Documents

With this release, organizations now have the option to allow their employees to upload additional documents to their Performance History file. The feature is activated on the System Setup/Company Settings/Appraisal Settings screen under Advanced Features. When activated, employees will have access to the Performance History/Additional Documents tab. The employee will only be able to see documents they personally have uploaded unless View Performance History and Additional Documents are checked in the Hide and Show section of the Appraisal Settings screen. The admins, appraiser, and upline users will have access to all documents in the Performance History file.

Employee Selector

When searching for an employee in the Employee Selector tool, in addition to being able to click on the employee and then click select, users will also be able to double click the name to select and load the employee.

Multi-Appraiser Assignment

When assigning multi-appraisers, the pop-up box to select multi-appraisers will now have a search function to aid in locating thedesired multi-appraiser.

Appraisal Settings Rearranged

The Appraisal Settings tab under System Setup/Company Settings has been rearranged. All of the Goal related settings have been organized together in a new “Goal Settings” section at the bottom of the first column. E-signature settings have moved to the top of the second column. Other settings have been adjusted slightly to fill in gaps.

Re-activate Terminated Employees via Import

Admins now have the ability to un-terminate an employee via the Import feature. To utilize this option, admins should enter “reinstate” in the Terminated date field of the Import file. When the Import runs, the system will reactive the user. If the termination date field is left blank, there will be no change to the user.

Notes Tab Filter

The Notes tab in Performance History stores all of the different types of Notes that can be created in Performance Pro. The Find Notes button allows you to search for Notes that have been created on the selected user. In the past, Notes could only be filtered by a date range. With this release, you can now apply a simple filter to Find Notes based on type as well. When a type is checked, Notes of that type, with dates that fall within the entered date range, will be displayed on the Notes tab. The three types of notes you may display in Performance History are:

1) Log: Notes created on the Notes tab, by the appraiser, administrative user, or upline manager.

2) Goal: Notes created on the Employee Goal Tool for a selected Goal.

3) Route: Notes added by an administrative user or upline manager via the routing process.