Catawissa Creek Watershed Rivers Conservation Plan
- WhatCountyand Municipality do you live in?
- Do you live in the Catawissa Creek Watershed? Yes No
- Do you have a water body or wet area on your property?Yes No
If Yes, what is it? (If No, skip to question # 5)
RiverSmall Stream/Creek (<4’ wide)
WetlandLarge Stream/Creek (>4’ wide)
Does this water body have a specific name? (ex. Catawissa Creek)______
- Recently scientists have learned that the presence of a band of natural vegetation (such as trees and brush) along a water body (called a buffer) can absorb storm water and pollutants and decrease erosion. Do you have a water related buffer (grass alone doesn’t count) (Skip question if you do not have a water body on your property)
How wide is it?
Less than 5 feet5-10 feet10-20 feetOver 20 feet
- Living beside water can have benefits. Do you consider any of the following water related advantages to be a benefit to you (If you do not have a water body on your property please answer anyway)
WildlifeIncreased property value
Play area for childrenWalking
- Living beside the Catawissa Creek can have drawbacks. Have any of the following issues caused you problems or caused problems in the watershed that you are aware of?
FloodingTrespassers Liability
Eroding BanksTrash in Stream or Bank (litter)
Wet BasementSewer lines/outfalls
Water PollutionSinkholes
- Local municipalities are responsible for most of the regulation that can help protect their creeks and water bodies. In your opinion are your municipality’s ordinances:
Adequately protectiveDon’t know
Not protective enoughNo opinion
Too restrictive
- Would you favor having all the municipalities in the Catawissa Creek Watershed work together with county officials, landowners, businesses, industry and the Catawissa Creek Restoration Association to improve the quality of the watershed through the Rivers Conservation Plan?
- What would be the most important recommendation(s) to include in a plan for conserving the Catawissa Creek Watershed? (Ex.address AMD; address stormwater erosion; protect open space and farmland; conduct education and outreach; preserve historic structures.)
If you are interested in receiving more information about the rivers conservation plan as the project progresses please complete the following:
For more information, please contact:
Janet Sweeney
Pennsylvania Environmental Council
175 Main Street, Luzerne, Pa18709
(Ph): 570-718-6507
(Fax): 570-718-6508