Book 3 Chapter 8 Mediterranean Diet

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

1. What do you know about the Mediterranean Diet?

2. Why do you think it is called “Mediterranean”?

It is perhaps the world’s healthiest diet. Lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grainsand of course olive oil are consumed by people who follow a Mediterranean diet.Red meat is replaced with fish and poultry while red wine is consumed moderately. Scientific research reveals that the benefits of such type of nutrition are many: lower body weight, lower risk for certain types of cancer (colon, stomach, breast), better recovery during/after cancer treatment, lower cholesterol, lower blood glucose, lower risk for heart disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, even depression.

6 tips for adopting the Mediterranean Diet


Answer the following sentences True or False:

1. If one adopts the Mediterranean diet, the risk for type 1 diabetes is decreased ____

2. Processed snacks are replaced with fruits, vegetables and nuts in the Mediterranean Diet ___

3. Butter and margarine are as healthy as plant-based oils ____

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1. sprinklea. to make something known

2. refineb. to use something instead of something else

3. eliminatec. to process

4. replaced. to scatter, to disseminate, to spray

5. reveale. to limit the use of something

4. Circle the correct word.

1. Sweets must be eaten sparingly / always

2. The Mediterranean diet lowers the risk for drizzle / depression

3. If whole grains are portable / refined, they are not healthy

4. Moderate / Processed amount of red wine can be consumed on a daily basis

5.Plant-based oils are rich inmonounsaturated / polyunsaturated fats

Book 3 Chapter 9 Dash Diet & Alkaline Diet

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

1. Have you heard of the Dash Diet?

2. Have you heard of the Alkaline Diet?


Mark the following sentences True or False

1. Dash diet is named after the scientist who invented it ______

2. Only women suffer from PCOS ______

3. Whenthe body becomes more acidic, there is a greater risk for cancer ______

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1. osteoporosis a. A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution

2. postmenopausalb. a number of risk factors that raise the risk for heart disease and/or diabetes

3. metabolic syndrome c. Thinning of the bones due to loss of bone mass

4.pH leveld. Endocrine system disorder that can affect a woman’s hormone levels, period and ovulation

5. Polycystic ovary syndrome e.The period of time after a woman has experienced 1 year

without menstruation

4. Circle the correct word.

1. Acidity / Tendencyis harmful for the body

2. There is a debate / base in the scientific communityabout the Alkaline Diet

3. Lunch was soalkaline /satisfying that I don’t want to eatdinner

4. This card is not valid / acid any more

5.Foods thatare low inportion / sodium reduce cholesterol

Book 3 Chapter 10 The 5:2 (IF) Diet & The Atkins Diet

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions:

1. What do you know about the Atkins diet?

2. Have you heard of the 5:2 diet?

A lot of scientific research has taken place throughout the years in the field of weight management. One of the most recent diets (the 5:2 was launched in 2013) and one of the least recent ones (The Atkins diet was launched in the 70s) are presented below.


A. Read the texts and answer the following statements True or False:

1. The 5:2 diet “appeared” 30 years ago ______

2. The Atkins diet involves too much protein intake ___

3. In the 5:2 diets, one can fast any days of the week as long as they are one after the other ___

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1. Weight management a. getting something back

2. Regain b. balancing somebody’s kilos at a healthy level

3. Consecutively c. stopping for a time and starting again

4. Maintenance d. occurring one after the other

5. Intermittent e. keeping something as it is

4. Circle the correct word.

1. Healthy diets support losing weight gradually / relatively.

2. Some religions support conserving / fasting.

3. Induction / Balancing is a synonym of the first step.

4. My daily nutrition is equal to / split into 5 small meals.

5. Starving / Conserving is not a healthy way of losing weight.

8. Speaking

With a partner, act out the roles below, based on the text and the dialogue from the Listening task. Both of you are students in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Use words such as:it is believed, it is claimed that, it is said that, it is thoughtthat

Book 3 Chapter 11 “Measuring Body Composition - Introduction”

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

1. Do you know any method of measuring Body Composition?

2. Who is responsible for performing and assessing theses measurements?

Clinical researchers (in university labs or specialized health centers) and Nutritionists-Dietitians(in their offices) deal with body composition and determining body fat. Currently, there are a number of different methods to measure body composition, all of which must be carried out and assessed by specialized administrators. The most common ones are:

dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA),

underwater weighing (UWW),

skin-fold thickness (SFT),

body mass index (BMI),

bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)

isotope dilution (ID),

The first two methods are considered the most accurate ones, yet they are too expensive for regular use, are not portable and require a specialized administrator. Therefore, for epidemiological or field studies they may not be practical.

Although SFT and BMI are easy to administer and are practical for large studies, they provide the least accurate estimates of percent body fat.

BIA is easy to carry and inexpensive, does not require extensive training, and has been shown to be moderately accurate. In addition, BIA is especially adequate for use with children as it does not require exposure to radioactivity or submersion in water.

ID and BMI require some mathematical calculations


Read the text and answer the following questions True (T) or False (F)

1. All methods of measuring body composition can be applied everywhere _____

2. UWW is an expensive way of measuring body composition ______

3. DEXA is easy to carry ______

4. BIA is easy to use with children _____

5. SFT and BMI are the most accurate ways of measuring body composition _____


3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1. body compositiona. research on human populations that aim at finding the relation between

human health effects and a cause

2. portableb. the act of being completely held under water/liquid for a long time

3. submersionc. the percentage of stored fat, water, bone and muscle in the body

4. specialized administrator d. easy to carry

5. epidemiologicale. expert at applying something

4. Circle the correct word.

1. This particular method is easy to use but it is not quite portable / accurate

2. This particular method doesn’t cost much. It is inexpensive / epidemiological

3. My brother is moderately / currentlyworking in a lab

4. How is easy to administer / exposure to mercury measured?

5.(UWW) / (SFT)is carried out underwater

Book 3 Chapter 12 “Measuring Body Composition part I” (ID), (DEXA)

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

1. How can assessing body fat help Nutritionists-Dietitians?

2. What do the acronyms BIA and DEXA stand for?

Assessing of body composition can help clinical researchers and Nutritionists-Dietitians make safe assumptions about a person’s nutritional status and thus make the necessary interventions. This article will present two methods of measuring body composition:

(BIA) bioelectrical impedance analysis,which isbased on the principle that electrical current applied to the body will meet greater resistance with more fat, is an accurate, portable and non-invasive method for estimating body composition. Lean body tissue has a greater water and electrolyte level, lower electrical resistance, and greater conductivity than adipose tissue.Procedure: BIA analyzer’s electrodes are supplied to fingers and toes. Electrical current flows into the body. The lower the electrical impedance, the greater an individual’s lean body mass. Data about the person’s height, weight, daily activity and body frame size are input. 10΄later, the device produces information about body composition. Because of normal fluctuations in body water, hydration status must be assessed before BIA is performed, otherwise it might lead to inaccurate results.

(DEXA) dual energy X-ray absorptiometryis a precise method for quantifying the skeletal and soft tissue components of body massthat requires a specialized administrator. It provides a direct measurement of body composition, whereas other common methods make predictions based on variables indirectly related to body composition. Procedure: the person is scanned with photons that are generated by two low-dose x-rays at different energy levels. The body's absorption of the photons at the two levels is measured. The ratios can be then used to predict total body fat,fat-free mass, and total body bone mineral. It lasts about 10΄ – 20΄.

Read the article above and answer the following questions True or False

1. BIA can provide safe and correct data about a person’s body composition ___

2. If the body’s hydration level is not taken into consideration before applying BIA, the results might be misleading ____

3. DEXA predicts a person’s body composition ___

4.Anyone can perform DEXA ______

5. DEXA lasts more than one hour _____

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1. absorptiometrya. the property of a material to let electric current go through

2. non-invasiveb. the degree to which an object /material doesn’t allow the passage of an electric current

3. conductivityc. resistance

4. impedanced. measurement of the amount of radiation taken in to determine density

5. electrical resistancee. usually for medical tests or treatment applied externally

4. Circle the correct word.

1. Lean mass is the body’s fat free/ fat mass

2.When the doctor saw the results of the blood test he decided to make principle/interventions

3. Some mathematical equations might be based on variables / conductivity

4. Fat is stored in lean body tissue / adipose tissue

5. Some methods of measuring body composition make interventions / predictions about a person’s nutritional status

Book 3 Chapter 13 Measuring Body Composition part II (SFT, UWW, BMI, ID)

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

1. What do the acronyms SFT, UWW, BMI and ID stand for?

2. How is BMI calculated?

Taking Skin Fold Thickness measurements is a common method for determining body fat composition. Assessment can be done using four to seven sites (parts of the body). The technician pinches the skin and uses the skin caliper device to measure the thickness of the skin fold for each site. The numbers are plugged into a formula and body composition is estimated. Drawbacks: Body fat distributionand inexperienced technicians can affect the accuracy of the measurement

Underwater weighing or Hydrostatic weighing is based on comparing a person’s bodyweight(outside the water) to the same person’s weight while completely submerged. Along with the density of the water, operators can trace the person’s density which is then used to estimate body composition. Drawbacks: inconvenient and expensive method

The Body mass Index BMIquantifies the amount of tissue mass (muscle, fat and bone) of a person and accordingly categorizes him/her as underweight (under 18,5), normal weight (18.5-25), overweight (25 to 30) and obese (over 30).

Drawback: not accurate enough

Isotope dilution (hydrometry): A dose of water labeled with deuterium is given and then, following equilibration, enrichment of the body’s water is measured using samples of saliva, urine, or blood. Samples are generally analyzed by isotope ratio mass spectrometry

Drawback: specialized knowledge is required

Read the text and mark the following statements True or False

1. All parts of the body are measured buy a skin caliper device during the SFT ______

2. UWW is not easy to apply at home ______

3. A person having BMI 29.5 is obese _____

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1. submergea. track, locate

2. skin caliper deviceb. disadvantage

3. drawbackc. counterbalance

4. equilibrationd. cover with water, sink

5. trace e. an instrument used to measure the breadth of a fold of skin

4. Circle the correct word.

1. A person with a BMI below 18,5 is considered bodyweigh / underweight

2. Body fatequilibration /distributionis important while measuring body composition

3. Gold has adensity / accordingly of 19.3

4. Scientific research requires careful and detailed assessment/ thickness

5. The skin caliper machine / devicelooks like giant tweezers for the eyebrows

Book 3 Chapter 14 Applying for a Job as an RD

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

1. Have you ever written a CV? Was it easy/ difficult?

2. If yes, did you accompany it with a cover letter?

When applying for a job, one must send a cover letter along with his/her CV. In the cover letter, the interest in the particular position is stated and abrief explanation of the reasons for applying follows. Last, the person interested in the position mentions that his/herresume is enclosed (if sent by mail) or attached in a pdf form (if sent via e-mail).

Curriculum Vitae

European CV

Phone number
Fax number
Date of birth
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
Name and type of organization providing education and training
Acquired during your personal and professional life (no certificates are required)
Language 1
Language 2
Language 3
Specify in what context they were acquired
Specify in what context they were acquired
Specify in what context they were acquired
Specify in what context they were acquired and level
Honours and awards
A list of documents annexed to your CV
▪copies of degrees and qualifications;
▪testimonial of employment or work placement;
▪publications or research

Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
C1 C2 / C1 C1 / C2
B2 B2 / B2 B2 / B2
B1 B2 / B2 B1 / B2
Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Answer the following statements True or False

1. Resume is a synonym ofCurriculum Vitae ______

2. Personal information is provided at the end of the CV _____

3. Foreign language knowledge level of B1 means intermediate user _____

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1. A1/A2 levela. the ability to convey information to people clearly and simply

2. mother tongueb. the ability to use a pc

3. testimonialc. the language spoken in the family

4. computer skilld. basic knowledge of a foreign language

5. communication skille. written recommendation certifying to a person’s character, morality, value, ability to collaborate

4. Circle the correct word.

1. The person’s nationality is mentioned in the part of personal skills / personal data

2. The person’s previous training in a work place is mentioned in the part of work experience / job related skills

3. A list of the degrees mentioned has to be included in the cover letter / annexes

4. According to the cefr, a proficient user is B2 / C2 level

5. The person’s ability to operate a car is written in the part of drivinglicense / additional information

Book 3 Chapter 15 “Do’s and Don’ts during Job Interviews”

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

1. Have you ever been to a job interview?

2. Have you noticed any mistakes you might have made?

Being interviewed can be quite stressful.Here are the keys to successful job interviewing. Job-seekers who follow these simple rules and guidelines will manage to get the position.


Mark the sentences True or False

1. During the interview you can discuss about anything ______

2. The interviewee shouldn’t answer his mobile phone during the interview ______

3. The interviewee shouldn’t ask any questions ______

3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1. body languagea. the position of the body while sitting or standing.

2. postureb. incapable of being justified, having no reason

3. controversialc. a set of rule or instructions

4. inexcusabled. an issue that might cause disagreement and/or much discussion

5.guidelinese.non verbal communication, where thoughts or feelings are expressed by physical behaviors, such as facial expressions and body posture.

4. Circle the correct word.

1. When the interviewee brought up / over rehearsed politics, everybody was surprised

2. Job interviewing / Job-seekers are very much stressed

3. It is important to have shake hands / eye contactduring the interview

4. It is important not to smoke beforehand / firmly

5. Rehearse / Telling jokes are a way of body language