Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Study Guide


1.  What is the significance of the chorus here?

2.  What type of poem does the chorus speak?

Scene 1

1.  Mercutio and Benvolio are looking for Romeo, who has seemingly run away. They correctly think he is lovesick. With whom do they think he is in love?

2.  Mercutio is taunting Romeo’s feelings of love. Why does this trouble Benvolio?

Scene 2

1.  Quote #2: “He jests at scars that never felt a wound.” (2.2.1)

A.  Speaker:

B.  Meaning:

C.  Significance:

2.  Romeo uses metaphors (comparisons of unlike things) to describe Juliet in his initial soliloquy. Give 2 examples of these metaphors.

3.  What is the essence of Juliet’s soliloquy (“…wherefore art thou Romeo...”)

4.  Quote #3: “That which we call a rose

By any other word would smell as sweet.” (2.2.43-44)

A.  Speaker:

B.  Meaning:

C.  Significance:

5.  Why does Romeo offer so quickly to give up his name? Is this surprising?

6.  Juliet worries that Romeo will think her too brash/forward because he overheard her speaking to herself about him. Does she really have to worry about this?

7.  Why shouldn’t Romeo swear by the moon?

8.  What does Juliet want Romeo to do tomorrow?

9.  Quote #4: “Parting is such sweet sorrow

That I shall say good night till it be morrow.” (2.2.185-186)

A.  Speaker:

B.  Meaning:

C.  Significance:

10.  What irrevocable course have these two lovers now embarked upon?

Scene 3

1.  What is the point of Friar Laurence’s initial soliloquy?

2.  How does Romeo’s new love surprise Friar Laurence?

3.  How does Friar Laurence feel about Romeo’s love for Juliet?

4.  Quote #5: “Pronounce this sentence then:

Women may fall when there’s no strength in men.” (2.3.79-80)

A.  Speaker:

B.  Meaning:

C.  Significance:

5.  Why does the friar agree to marry the young couple?

Scene 4

1.  Why is Tybalt looking for Romeo? How does this complicate the love story?

2.  What kind of fighter is Tybalt? Does this worry Mercutio?

3.  What is Romeo’s mood as he enters?

4.  How does Mercutio get him to forget about Juliet for a short while?

5.  Why do the men mock Juliet’s nurse?

6.  What does this do to the nurse?

7.  What do Romeo and the nurse talk about?

8.  What will the rope ladder be used for?

9.  What further complication does the nurse unwittingly mention just before she leaves?

Scene 5

1.  What is Juliet’s mood as the scene opens? Why?

2.  How does the nurse treat Juliet when she’s waiting for news from Romeo?

3.  Why does the nurse make Juliet wait so long for news?

4.  What is Juliet’s reaction to the good news?

Scene 6

1.  How does the friar foreshadow bad tidings?

2.  What does Romeo want Juliet to do with their love?

3.  What is Juliet’s response to this request?

4.  How does the scene end? Why is there not an actual wedding scene?