Junior Touch @ Nunweek Park
The module will be held on Tuesday evenings from 5.30-7.10pm with grades available as follows:
Kiwi Touch Years 0-2 3-4 5:30 – 6pm
Intermediate Years 5-6 6:05 – 6:35pm
Senior Years 7-8 6:40 – 7:10pm
& Years 9-10(subject to numbers, minimum 6 teams)
Draws will be based on number of entries per grade. Grades may be split into 2 sections. Byes may occur if odd number of teams.
NOTE: We have decided to have a competitive and social grade (except 0-2) due to the enormous number of teams (as it is impossible to grade everybody in their correct place) Please remember to choose one or the other at the top of your registration form.
Competition Dates
The season will commence on Tuesday 14th October 2014 with a Christmas break after 9th December 2014. Games will recommence on 3rd February 2015 & continue until mid March. No Game Cup Day (11 Nov).
Additional Player Registration
Coaches/Managers of the teams will NOT be able to register additional players after 3rd February 2013. Team players names MUST be on the official registration form. Players can only play in the team they are registered in.
· Copies of the draw will be e-mailed to the Coaches/Managers by Friday 10th October .
· The draw and any changes to the draw will be displayed on the notice board and our website.
Module Details
This module is affiliated with Touch Canterbury and Touch NZ. The Module organisers implement Junior Touch @ Nunweek Park on a voluntary basis. This Junior Module is the biggest Junior Touch Module in New Zealand on a single night.
NB: If any details pertaining to the Coach/Manager (including contact details) should change please contact the Module Organisers ASAP.
All defaults or forfeits are to be advised to the Module Organisers AND to the opposition team coach/manager ASAP.
Contact Details for Module Organisers
We have a website. Check it out @ www.sportsground.co.nz/nunweekjuniortouch
Shelly Johnstone ph: 3598863 cell: 0273151650
Mel Ryder ph: 3596377 cell: 0276310274
Cancellations will be posted on our website after 3pm and all teams will be
Only Coaches/Managers are to contact the Module Organisers.
Eligibility of Players
Touch Nunweek Park Module Organisers rely on coaches to provide the correct school year of players. If the school year is challenged, the onus is on the player to produce proof of school year. The Module Organisers reserve the right to approach schools to confirm that the player school year level provided is correct. Teams that play a game with any player(s) not in the correct grade will forfeit the game.
The points for each round will be updated on the point’s table and displayed on the notice board prior to the next playing night.
It is the responsibility of the winning team to ensure that the scorecard is submitted on the night. No card, will be recorded as a draw.
NOTE: 0-2 Grade does not have scorecards.
Dress Standard
· Within each team all players MUST wear the same colour t-shirt when playing.
· All players MUST have identification numbers not less than 16cm in height on the back of their playing shirt.
· Shoes MUST be worn at all times by both players and referees.
· No jewellery or watches may be worn.
Match Points
Match Points will be allocated as follows:
Win = 3 Draw = 2 Loss = 1 Default/Forfeit = 0
In an event of a default or forfeit the non-offending team will be awarded the win. (Any scorecard not handed in will be deemed a draw)
NOTE 1: 0-2 Grade No points will be maintained as this grade will not be competitive.
NOTE 2: SEMI FINAL GAMES: No Drop Offs 1st touchdown in the game wins.
· Please fill out your registration form electronically on your computer and then attach it to an e-mail and send to me. (Do not scan and send or post) (-:
· PLAYER DATA NOTE As part of our affiliation to Touch New Zealand we are required to record a parent’s phone number and/or e-mail address, please ensure registration forms are filled out correctly.
· All teams MUST provide a referee. Entries will not be accepted without a referee. All referees and coaches must attend a COMPULSORY Refereeing Course which will be held on Wednesday 1st and Monday 13th October 2014, Burnside Cricket Club, 6.30-8ish. (You must attend one night)
· Please note 3 girls on the field at all times!! Only exception Yr 0-2 & 9-10.
· Please be organised and ready before the start time of your game.
· It is the teams responsibility to ensure that they have collected the scorecard at least 5 minutes before the start of the game.
· To remove any doubt as to the final score please ensure the scorekeeper from each team stands together for duration of game.
· It is the winning teams responsibility to return the scorecard and pen at the end of the game.
· Any scorecard not handed in will be deemed a draw.
· The siren will be signalled at:
1. The start of the game
2. Halftime
3. The end of the game
Please note that the siren will not be sounded to indicate the start of the 2nd half of your game. Teams are to have a 1 or 2 minute break and then begin the 2nd half themselves under the referees command.
· Please keep off the fields when other games are being played
· Inappropriate Language/Behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the person being asked to leave the Module for the remainder of the playing season.
· YEAR 0-2, 3-4 Grade: at the end of your game please move away from playing field promptly as the fields need to be reset for the other grades.
· NOTE: Only Years 0-2, 3-4 may have coaches on the field in addition to the Referee.
· All teams playing the last round of the night are to collect and return the cones to scoreboard!.
Enjoy the season. Your support is much appreciated.
Many Thanks,
Shelly, Mel, Chad Doug (-: (-: (-: (-:
Module Organisers: Shelly Johnstone ph: 3598863
cell: 0273151650 or Mel Ryder 3596377 cell: 0276310274