6th Year Booklist 2017-2018
Subject / Title / Author / Publisher
English / LC Exam Papers for appropriate level / Ed. Co.
Irish / Retain 5th Year Text Books
Exam Papers at appropriate level / Ed.Co.
Maths / Higher: Retain 5th Year Books
Retain Calculator
Ordinary: Retain 5th Year Books
Exam Papers for appropriate level
Log Tables/Mathematical set / Ed. Co.
Geography / Horizon 2nd Edition Text Book (Green Cove) 2016 Book 2
Exam Papers / T. Fitzharris / Folens
History / Retain 5th Year Books
French / Retain 5th Year Books
French Exam Papers for appropriate level
Online Languages Subscription €10.50 to be paid online in September through school / Ed. Co.
Spanish / Retain 5th Year Books
Exam papers / Ed. Co.
Biology / LC Biology The Complete Study Guide
Retain 5th Year Books
Laboratory Hardback Notebook / John Cullen / Mentor
Ed. Co.
Chemistry / Chemistry Live – Book & Workbook (New Edition) Hardback Experimental Notebook
LC Experiment Book 2nd Edition
Exam papers / D. Kennedy / Folens
Physics / Real World Physics Textbook and Workbook
Hardback Experimental Notebook
Graph Book
Exam Papers/Log Tables / D. Kennedy / Folens

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Subject / Title / Author / Publisher
Technology / Retain 5th Year Book
Materials €30 to be collected via online payment system in September
Business / Retain Business Today and Business Extra Workbook
Combined Exam Papers H/O Level / Ed.Co
Accountancy / Retain 5th Year Books
Music / Music scores available for rent in September €10 for Year
Leaving Cert music exam papers
Music manuscript copy / Ed. Co.
Art / Materials €10 to be collected via online payment system in September
Please replace pencil, fine liners, sketch book and basic art material in your kit.
Home Economics / Retain 5th Year Text & Workbook
Retain A4 Ringbinder, A4 Refill Pad & Dividers
Exam Papers / Ed. Co
R.E. / Use school class sets

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·  Please note that Castle Book Shop, Leixlip, Co. Kildare are offering a 5% discount on books and 10% discount on stationary during June & July.

·  Leaving Cert Mock Fees: The cost for the Leaving Certificate mock examination is approximately €110. This includes papers, CD’s/DVD’s, corrections and exam booklets for all exams. The fee will be collected in October 2017. Further information will be provided at a later date. No waiver applies to mock examination fees.

·  Leaving Certificate State Examination: Fee to be paid via Bank Giro which will be sent to the school for all students from the State Examinations Commission in or around early March 2018 (2017 fee €116). There is a waiver of these fees if candidate/parents hold a medical card current in March 2018. Please see www.examinations.ie for further information.