Regina Public Schools - Unwrapped Outcome Summary
OUTCOME:P1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of repeating
patterns (two to four elements) by:
• describing
• reproducing
• extending
• creating
patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds, and actions. / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS:
a) Describe a repeating pattern containing two to four elements in its core.
b) Identify errors made in a repeating pattern.
c) Identify the missing element(s) in a repeating pattern.
d) Create and describe a repeating pattern using a variety of manipulatives, diagrams, musical instruments, and actions.
e) Reproduce and extend a repeating pattern using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds, and actions.
f) Identify and describe a repeating pattern found in the environment (e.g., classroom, outdoors) using everyday language.
g) Identify repeating events (e.g., days of the week, birthdays, seasons).
Key Concepts –
What students should know / Skills –
What students should be able to do / Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
· Repeating patterns / · Describe a repeating pattern
· Identify errors in a repeating pattern
· Identify missing elements in a repeating pattern
· Create and describe their own repeating pattern
· Reproduce and extend a repeating pattern
· Identify a repeating pattern in the environment
· Identify repeating events (ex. birthdays) / · Remembering
· Understanding
· Understanding
· Creating
· Analyzing
· Understanding
· Applying
1. Identify and use repeating patterns
1. Patterns can be found in many forms (physical, visual or auditory)
2. Identifying and extending patterns is an important process that helps us make predictions.
1. What is a pattern and how does using patterns help us?
1. (Student is presented a pattern) Can you tell me about the pattern? What would come next?
2. Can you make your own pattern and tell me about it? (physical, visual or auditory)
3. Reproduce and extend a displayed pattern using crayons, paper with squares, colored squares to be displayed to class in a pattern.