September 19, 2013



Cheryl Schmidt (for Jason Gibson)


Linda Austin

Sheri Brown

Stacey Burns

Joann Carpenter

Kathleen Ciez-Volz

Lori Collins

Joanna Darilus

Billy Davis

Denise Dougherty

Melanie Ferren

Michael Franklin

Paul Herman (for Jim Simpson)

Tiffany Hunter

Joseph Lackey

Margo Martin

Steve Milczanowski

Johann Pautz

Shep Shepard

J.R. Woodward


Rebecca A. Nelson


Kay Pope


Jerry Collins

Lynne Crosby

David Dagenais

Rebecca Ford

Neal Henning

Dan Husband

Karen Johns

Terry Perry

Ryan Sessions

Naomi Sleap

Lindsay Webster

Barbara Yankowy



Michael Brock

Jacqueline James

Jose Lepervanche

Sheri Litt

Ron Moore

Nancy Webster-Yurko


A.  The Curriculum Committee meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Cheryl Schmidt at 2:35 p.m.


A.  Motion to accept and approve the minutes from June 20, 2013, was made by Linda Austin and seconded by Joseph Lackey.


A.  Proposal 2013-33: Human Services (T500) (B.S.) Program and Course Modifications

Presented by Professor Rebecca Ford

i.  A motion to discuss and vote on the proposal was made by Joseph Lackey and seconded by Lori Collins.

Professor Rebecca Ford stated the reason for the proposed modification is to reinstate six elective courses at 3 credit hours each: HUS 4700, HUS 3352, HUS 3574, HUS 3537, HUS 4442 and HUS 3322. She clarified the addition of the elective courses enables students to move swiftly through the program with focused training and educational opportunities. Professor Ford presented one amendment to page 8 of the proposal in the section labeled “Associate Degree Credit.” She requested to strike the statement, “Select from non-General Education Cores: Electives, Professional Core or Professional Electives,” and replace with the statement “Select from any Associate Degree courses: General Education, Electives, Professional Core or Professional Electives.”

A vote was taken to accept the proposal as amended, and the motion carried.

B.  Proposal 2013-34: Environmental Science Technology (2166) (A.S.) and Hazardous Materials Specialist (6021) (T.C.) Program Modifications; and New Program Environmental Science Technician (6022) (T.C.)

Presented by Professor Joseph “Dan” Husband

i.  A motion to discuss and vote on the proposal was made by Linda Austin and seconded by Billy Davis.

Professor Dan Husband stated the reason for the proposed modifications was to more closely align the courses within the A.S. degree to those within the existing embedded Technical Certificates as well as the new Technical Certificate recently approved for the FLDOE. He clarified that four courses were moved from Professional Core to General Education: CHM 1020, ESC 1000, GLY 1010C and STA 2023. He also clarified that the Professional Electives section of the program now includes three tracks that students can select from: Water Quality Technician, Assessment & Safety Compliance or Hazardous Materials Specialist. Professor Husband informed the audience that by specifying the Professional Elective tracks within the A.S. degree, students are able to successfully complete the embedded Technical Certificates in a timely manner. He also stated that “laddering” the courses generates a higher completer rate resulting in more “hits” for the College. (For additional information or clarification on the term “hits” please contact Jim Simpson.)

A vote was taken, and the motion carried.


A.  Amendment to Proposal 2013-07 Cardiovascular Technology (2121) (A.S.) Program Modification as approved by the 3/21/2013 Curriculum Committee: Per oversight in original proposal package, the course outline for CVT 1200 on page 19 stated prerequisites as CVT 1000 and CVT 1261 and prerequisites should have stated CVT 1000 and CVT 1610.

Questions answered by: Dean Heal Henning

B.  Amendment to Proposal 2013-24 Aircraft Coating Technician (5950) (PSAV) Program Modification as approved by 4/18/2013 Curriculum Committee: Per state approved frameworks, change POS from local 5950 to state approved 5757, amend program title to Aircraft Coating and Corrosion Control Technology, add frameworks to course outlines, effective Fall term 2014 (20141)

Questions answered by: Professor Terry Perry

C.  Amendment to Proposal 2013-28 Adult Education Course Outline Modifications as approved by the 5/16/2013 Curriculum Committee: Per state mandate, title changes for courses ASE 0062 and ASE 00066 should be effective spring term 2014 (20142) as opposed to fall term 2013 (20141)

Questions answered by: Dean Tiffany Hunter


A.  SACSCOC Reaffirmation Visit, October 14th – 17th from the Office of the Reaffirmation Leadership Team and the office of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation

Presented by: Dr. Lynne Crosby and Ms. Naomi Sleap

Dr. Crosby stated that as part of the regularly scheduled ten year accreditation renewal, the College’s reaffirmation visit will take place October 14th to 17th and will be conducted by a committee of SACSCOC peer evaluators from around the southeast. She clarified that on Monday, October 14th, the evaluators will visit campuses and centers and from Tuesday, October 15th to Thursday, October 17th, the evaluators will be hosted at South campus by Dr. Margo Martin. Dr. Crosby stated there are 97 SACSCOC standards and several of those relate directly to curriculum and/or the Curriculum Committee process. She confirmed that the college submitted the Compliance Certification in March and the Focus Reports in August. Dr. Crosby reported that none of the Focus Reports submitted to SACSCOC were related to curriculum. Additionally, as part of the SACSCOC visit, Dr. Crosby reminded the audience that the College’s new Quality Enhancement Plan is called Map for Success and she encouraged everyone to become familiar with the MAP flashcard.

For a list of the SACSCOC standards that are most relevant to the Curriculum Committee, please refer to Appendix A and/or contact Ms. Naomi Sleap. For a review of the College’s QEP – Map for Success, please refer to Appendix B and/or contact Mr. Keith Seagle.


A.  A motion to adjourn was made by Joseph Lackey and seconded by Denise Dougherty. The meeting was adjourned at 3:17 p.m.


October 17, 2013 at 2:30p.m., Administrative Offices 451 (Board Room)

The deadline for submitting proposals for this meeting is September 23, 2013.


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Accessing Florida State College at Jacksonville’s Compliance Certification Report

An electronic copy of the College’s Compliance Certificate material submitted in March 2013 may be viewed on the College’s Reaffirmation website.

Additionally, printed copies of the narratives in the Compliance Certificate are available at each of the College’s campuses and centers in the Library and Learning Commons on reserve in the Library Services area for in house review and each Campus President’s Office.

A copy of all the SACSCOC standards to which the Compliance Certificate is written may be found on their website: http://sacscoc.org/pdf/2012PrinciplesOfAcreditation.pdf

Accessing Florida State College at Jacksonville’s Focused Reports

The Focused Reports represent additional clarification on eleven SACSCOC standards in the areas of Library/Learning Resources, Finance/Financial Stability, Institution-related Entities (Foundation), Faculty Competence (Qualifications), and Financial Aid. The Focused Report provides an opportunity not only to submit available documentation that was not included in the original Compliance Certification Report, but also to provide new documentation that was generated after the submission deadline for the Compliance Certification.


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A PDF copy of the Focused Reports submitted in August 2013 may be viewed on the College’s Reaffirmation website underneath the Compliance Certification Report information.

Compliance Certification Report Standards Related to Curriculum Committee

Standard / Subject / Area
2.7.1 / Program Length / Educational Programs
2.7.2 / Program Content / Educational Programs
2.7.3 / General Education / Educational Programs
3.4.10 / Responsibility for curriculum / Educational Programs
3.7.5 / Faculty role in governance / Faculty
4.2 / Program curriculum / Educational Programs
4.4 / Program length / Educational Programs


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