Obama Citizenship story update 12/7/08:
Summary of new selected links - articles/National Press Club event Dec. 8
See also earlier (11/30/08 and 12/4/08) summary compilations of news regarding the Obama Citizenship story:
Obama Citizenship story: Summary of selected links - articles/videos/ad in WT/petition
(compiled November 30, 2008)
Obama Citizenship story update 12/4/08: Summary of new selected links - articles/video/ads in CT
A conference of nine Supreme Court Justices on whether to take (grant certiorari, conduct oral arguments) the
New Jersey case (Leo C. Donofrio v. New Jersey Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells) filed by attorney Leo C. Donofrio ( was expected to have taken place on December 5, 2008.
Leo C. Donofrio, Applicant v. Nina Mitchell Wells, New Jersey Secretary of State
(9:30) Views: 11,001
(CCL Note: warning - Donofrio uses radio talk show profanity on one occasion)
Leo C. Donofrio, Esq., a NJ attorney filing suit against the NJ Secretary of State for allowing three ineligible candidates on
the 2008 elections ballots, sets the record straight against MSNBC's Pete Williams for a misleading and unfactual article
written about his case last week.
This case is schedule for conference in the United States Supreme Court before nine Justices on December 5, 2008.
**UPDATE 12/5** - NO SCOTUS decision has been announced to any source. An Orders List will be released at
10:00 a.m. on Monday Dec. 8th.
For further details/updates, see:
Don't be surprised that you haven't heard much reporting from the CFR-controlled Corporate Big Media on this vital constitutional issue. The CFR-controlled Corporate Big Media has been hiding the truth on issue after issue, over
and over again, for decades. Thisis a big reason why the American people are so uninformed, for example, about the
threat to the very sovereignty of this country posed by the work-in-progress North American Union (, planned by the CFR. ( "Building a North American Community" –
Council on Foreign Relations - Task Force Report No. - ).
If and when the CFR-controlled Corporate Big Media does report further developments on these legal challenges to Obama's constitutional eligibility to be elected president, be wary of what you hear from CFR-member Brian Williams (NBC anchor-propagandist); retiring interim NBC's "Meet the Press" host CFR Director Tom Brokaw(and former NBC anchor-propagandist),or from CFR-member Katie Couric (CBS anchor-propagandist), or from CFR-member, former
CFR Director Diane Couric (ABC News-propagandist), or from CFR-member Barbara Walters (ABC News-propagandist),
or from FOX News (overseen by CFR-member Rupert Murdoch, Newscorp. CEO), or from the PBS Newshour ("CFR Evening News" !) crew, including CFR-member Jim Lehrer, CFR-member Judy Woodruff, or CFR-member Margaret Warner, or any of the other CFR mouthpieces in the broadcast, print, or internet media. Do your own research from independent and varied sources, especially on the internet (blogs, e-mail). Check out plaintiff Phil Berg's (Pennsylvania case) website ( and Leo Donofrio's blogsite (. Links to reports from various media and other sources, just from Dec. 5 - Dec. 6, are provided below.
God says, "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12
and, "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16
To paraphrase this nation's Founding Fathers, Only a Virtuous People is Capable of Liberty; Only a Moral People is Capable
of Freedom; Only a People which can Govern Themselves as Individuals, can practice Self-Government corporately. To apply the Scriptures above, America has gotten wicked rulers because we ourselves as a People are wicked: a nation that practices, tolerates, enshrines, advertises, supports financially both privately and publicly, and protects in law: child-murder-by-abortion, fornication, adultery, and sodomy, etc. Can such a nation survive ? NO.
America's only hope is Repentance, beginning with those who profess to be Christians.
Repent Church (2 Chronicles 7:14). Repent America (Psalm 9:17, Proverb 14:34).
Steve Lefemine
December 7, 2008
Decision on Obama citizenship pending
Court delays action on suit
Saturday, December 6, 2008
[excerpt, emphasis added]
The Supreme Court held off Friday on deciding whether to grant a hearing in a long-shot lawsuit that would decide whether Barack Obama can constitutionally become president as a "natural born" U.S. citizen.
The Friday list of court orders that denies or grants hearings did not mention the lawsuit, which says Mr. Obama should be disqualified from the presidency because he purportedly acquired the same British citizenship that his father had when he
was born.
A spokesman for the court said the decision on whether to hear the suit brought by retired New Jersey lawyer
Leo Donofrio is likely to be announced next week.
The Supreme Court's justices met in a private conference Friday morning to discuss the issue. At least four of the court's nine justices must approve before the case is heard.
Will Supremes review citizenship arguments?
Lawsuit: Even with a valid birth certificate, 'he still wouldn't be eligible to be president'
Posted: December 05, 2008
[excerpt, emphasis added]
Roger Bredow and demonstrators protesting before the U.S. Supreme Court
With protesters gathering and praying on the front steps, the U.S. Supreme Court met in conference today to discuss whether or not to hear a case challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.
"Obama was born a dual citizen," protester Roger Bredow told the Washington, D.C., local events blog, DCist. "British, and a citizen of the United States, at birth."
According to Bredow – and the case the Supreme Court reviewed today – dual citizenship makes Obama ineligible
to take the oath of office.
The case of Leo C. Donofrio v. New Jersey Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells, which claims Obama does not meet the Constitution's Article 2, Section 1 "natural-born citizen" requirement for president, was initially denied
a hearing by Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter, but Justice Clarence Thomas agreed to bring it back for
review today.
In order to go forward in the process, the case needs four of the Supreme Court's nine justices to approve
a full hearing.
Supreme Court mum on Obama-birth case
Posted December 5, 2008
[excerpt, emphasis added]
Theresa Cao speaks about President-elect Barack Obama's proof of U.S. citizenship
outside the Supreme Court in Washington, Friday Dec. 5, 2008. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
by Frank James
No announcement today from the Supreme Court about whether it will hear what I call the
Obama-isn't-a-natural-born-citizen-so-he-can't-be-president lawsuit, officially known as Donofrio v. Wells.
As I wrote yesterday, Justice Clarence Thomas had the case listed for the justices' Friday conference
where the court's members, among other orders of business, decided what cases to hear arguments on.
Donofrio wasn't announced as one of the two cases the court decided to take. Scotusblog has details
on the cases.
I'm told by a Supreme Court watcher that the lack of an announcement doesn't mean the court definitely won't
hear Donofrio although he thinks it's safe to say its unlikely the court won't hear the case. The full orders aren't
due until Monday.
So we'll just have to stay tuned.
Eligibility dispute story spreads
Now National Press Club event scheduled on challenge to Oval Office occupant
Posted: December 05, 2008
[excerpt, emphasis added]
Questions raised over Barack Obama's citizenship are reaching into the National Press Club now, with an event scheduled Monday at which an activist group will call for the release of documentation proving his eligibility to
occupy the Oval Office.
Already, at least one legal advocacy group is promising to raise legal challenges to whatever Obama would do
as president, until and unless his eligibility is established.
Now the group that has aired and published a number of ads challenging Obama based on charges that he was
born in Kenya, not Hawaii, and doesn't meet the U.S. Constitution's requirement that all presidents be "natural-born" citizens has scheduled a news conference in Washington.
Among those scheduled to be present are attorneys handling a Pennsylvania case brought by Philip Berg,
a New Jersey case brought by Leo Donofrio and a California case brought by Orly Taitz. The U.S. Supreme Court justices were scheduled to have a conference today on whether to accept arguments on the issue, but no immediate announcement was made.
WeThePeopleFoundation.org, which is scheduling the event, will talk about Obama's response to the publication of an open letter last week in the Chicago Tribune.
The letter sought Obama's authorization for access to his original birth certificate, which state officials in Hawaii report having seen.
"Under our Constitution, no one is eligible to assume the office of the president unless he or she is a 'natural born citizen,'" Bob Schulz of WeThePeople said. "To date, Mr. Obama has refused all requests to release his original
birth certificate or other documents that would definitively establish his citizenship status and thus his constitutional eligibility."
More than a dozen legal challenges have been initiated over Obama's citizenship, all citing Obama's clouded history and the U.S. Constitution's requirement that a president be a natural born citizen.
Schulz' open letter asked that Obama have delivered to the National Press Club a certified copy of the original birth certificate, including any under the names Barack Husssein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and Barry Dunham, a certificate of his citizenship and admission forms for his attendance at Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard.
The dispute is facing an immediate deadline, because members of the U.S. Electoral College are scheduled to vote Dec. 15 formally to make Obama the next president.
"Should the state members of the Electoral College cast their votes for Mr. Obama in the face of such overwhelming evidence, and without verification of Mr. Obama's eligibility, they would be committing treason to the Constitution," Schultz said.
PRUDEN: Impostor in the White House?
Wesley Pruden (Contact)
Friday, December 5, 2008
[excerpt, emphasis added]
The Supreme Court will get a first look Friday at a little bomb with the potential to make a big noise. The operative word is "potential." Almost nobody thinks the justices, who can read election returns as well as the law, will light
the fuse.
But it's an interesting story, nevertheless, since we have not yet actually elected a president. This may come as news to millions who voted for Barack Obama and John McCain and thought Nov. 4 was the end of it. But Nov. 4 was merely the day we elected the men and women who will meet in 50 state capitals Dec. 15 to actually elect
the president.
The lawsuit, Donofrio v. Wells, challenges the qualifications of Barack Obama to serve as president of the United States based on whether he is a "natural born citizen" as defined in the Constitution. The court will first decide whether to hear the merits, if any, of the question.
Friday, Dec. 05, 2008
Group seeks to have state's votes for Obama set aside
[excerpt, emphasis added]
A group of Washington residents have filed a lawsuit with the state Supreme Court asking the state's votes for President-elect Barack Obama be set aside.
James E. Broe of King County and 12 others claim Obama never established that he is a natural-born American citizen as required by the Constitution, and that Obama ran under a false name.
A similar suit before the election was dismissed in King County.
Obama is set to receive the state's 11 electoral votes when the Electoral College delegates meet in Olympia
on Dec. 15.
Dave Ammons, spokesman for Secretary of State Sam Reed's office, said in an e-mail to the Herald that the state's position is that Reed is not required and does not have the authority to investigate the qualifications of candidates
for president and vice president.
President-elect would seek changes in Supreme Court
'Constitution a living, breathing document and more justices have to understand that'
Posted: December 05, 2008
[excerpt, emphasis added]
President-elect Barack Obama believes the U.S. Constitution needs to be interpreted through the lens of current events and the U.S. Supreme Court needs to include empathy for the plight of minorities in its opinions, a new report has found.
The issues are raised in Fox News report in which Obama staff members affirm the Democrat's goals. WND also reportedObama believes the Constitution is flawed, because it does not mandate redistribution of wealth, and he says the Supreme Court should have intervened years ago to accomplish that.
Fox News noted four of the Supreme Court justices are in their 70s, and Justice John Paul Stevens now is 88, so Obama is expected to leave a major footprint on the makeup of the court through possible appointments in the coming years.
In a 2007 speech to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider [sic]***, he said, "We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges."
***[CCL Note: abortions are not "provided," abortion / murder is "committed" - Planned Parenthood is the nation's
largest abortion perpetrator.]
Obama has committed himself to respecting the Constitution, but he said the founding document must be interpreted in the context of current affairs and events.
Melody Barnes, a senior domestic policy adviser to the Obama campaign, said in the Fox News report, "His view is that our society isn't static and the law isn't static as well. That the Constitution is a living and breathing document and that the law and the justices who interpret it have to understand that."
Obama has criticized Justice Clarence Thomas, who is on the more conservative side of the philosophical spectrum in the Supreme Court, as not a strong jurist or legal thinker.
And Obama voted against both Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, two appointees of President Bush who vote with Thomas on many issues.
"There's nothing wrong with voting against nominees who don't appear to share a broader vision of what the Constitution is about," he told the pro-abortion audience in 2007.
Melody Barnes, Obama's pro-abortion, feminist Domestic Policy Director
"She has served on the board of EMILY's List, the Moriah Fund and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund,
and she was chief counsel to Sen. Edward Kennedy on the Senate Judiciary Committee."
November 25, 2008
More on Pro-Abortion, Feminist Leader Melody Barnes:
(Center for American Progress, EMILY's List, Planned Parenthood Action Fund)
Obama announces Globalists Geithner (CFR, Bilderberg) and Summers (CFR, TC, Bilderberg) for
Economic Team; Pro-Abortion, Feminist Leader Barnes for Domestic Policy
Absolutely no mention of Geithner or Summers connections to NWO one-worlder organizations by Obama
Nov. 24, 2008
November 24, 2008
Family Planning is a Family Value
By Melody Barnes, Gayle Smith | March 8, 2004
Why I'm Marching, by Mattie Johnstone, April 22, 2004
I have not known a time when abortion and contraception were illegal. I have always believed that reproductive rights are human rights and accepted that the right of privacy is broad enough to encompass a woman's reproductive decisions.
Melody Barnes and Gayle Smith are senior fellows at American Progress. Together, they work on the issue of reproductive rights, with Melody focusing on the domestic and Gayle on the international dimensions of the issue. As they co-wrote "Family Planning is a Family Value," they both talked to their mothers, women who have lived through earlier struggles for reproductive rights, and who thus have a unique perspective on today's challenges. Melody and Gayle asked them to write their own views, and share them with American Progress.
[ CCL Note: Abortion is murder, and contraception is immoral, both were at one time illegal in America,
and neither is a "human right" ]
Obama On Gay [sic - "Sodomite"] Rights/Abortion
Melody Barnes, who is now a senior domestic policy adviser for the Obama campaign, has served on the board of EMILY's Listand the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
Melody Barnes
Barnes, who began as a senior domestic policy adviser in June, was executive vice president for policy at
the Center for American Progress. She has served on the board of EMILY's List, the Moriah Fund and
the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and she was was chief counsel to Sen. Edward Kennedy on the
Senate Judiciary Committee.
2006 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster
2007-2008 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster
(including Current and Historical Rosters of Directors and Officers)
Psalm 33:12; Proverb 14:34; Psalm 9:17; 2 Kings 24:1-4; Jeremiah 19:3-5; Psalm 106:37-42
"America repent" (music video)
"Contemporary Christian Artist: Tim Juillet"
"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."
Psalm 9:17, KJB
"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."