Milton Keynes & District Junior Swimming League
AGM Minutes 2016
Sunday February 7
Botwell Green Sports & Leisure Centre-Library
East Avenue Hayes
Colin Jones (Executive Committee)Tony Panacides (Executive Committee) Den Collen (Executive Committee) Flo Barnes ( Ealing/Executive Committee)
Nigel Halford (Flitwick/Executive Committee), Wayne Patrick (Newport Pagnell/Executive Committee)
1. Meeting opened by CJ at 12AM- Welcome to those present.
Information pack with all relevant papers to the meeting provided to attendees.
2. Minutes from AGM February 1 2015
Displayed on the web site since last years meeting – no questions raised since or on the morning of February 1.
3. Executive Report 2015- CJ- No questions raised. Very sad news surrounding both Dave W and Keith S. Guildford retaining the National League title certainly a first for the MKDL.
4. Matters Arising
5. League Composition 2016
Proposed League structure for 2016
As at the morning of the AGM-Executive not aware of any resignations so:
Division 1- To consist of 18 teams
Division 2- To consist of 18 teams
Interest shown from 2 new additional teams- hold as part of the reserve list for future competitions.
6. Competition Dates
No obvious clear desire to change the existing timings currently – initial provisional dates therefor to be identified for 2017.Issue and gauge future reaction to these.
2016 2017
June 4 June 3
July 2 July 1
September 10 September 9
7. Treasurers Report/Accounts 2015
Summary prepared by FB-After a frustrating year control of the bank account now back with MKDL-recognize a number of clubs had been unable to transfer electronically the league subs for 2015- list with FB/TP to follow up.
An anticipated loss of some £418 due to hosting semi-final identified- still healthy balance across both accounts of circa £3K.
8. Club Subscriptions 2016
Recommendation of FB- No change – to remain at £25 per team for 2015. Payments to (FB)
9. Gala Spectator Entry-Programme Charges 2016
Following discussion agreed that the League would recommend trying to hold existing levels in place however recognizes different clubs may wish to vary the charge according to their circumstances.
Agreement for 2016:Adults £4 each, Children/OAP FOC
10. Election of Officers/Executive Committee 2016
To the best knowledge of all present no existing committee members looking to stand down – current committee to therefore continue.
In Summary:
Chairman/Secretary Colin Jones
Vice-Chairman Den Collen
Treasurer Flo Barnes
Other Executive Committee Members:
Tony Panacides (Asst Secretary/Website Lead-Admin)
Roger Barton Nigel Halford Wayne Patrick
11. Rule Changes
CJ- No proposed changes.
12. Organization/Draw Round 1 2016
Following the draw results to be communicated out to club contact lists and displayed on the web site- potential hosts and arrangementsfor round 1 to be confirmed as soon as is practically possible.
13. AOB
-National League Committee Meeting 2015
Finance- 2015 saw an improvement in the finances, additional sponsorship arrangements in place.
Inter League Final- Expect a high level of promotion/publicity of the event- Anticipate Swimming Times in January 2016 would include several pages of coverage.
Age On Day- Overall message for ages on day for semi/final not reaching all clubs- recommend making all leagues aware of the Web site.
DC/TP to create new feed for 2016 season.
Again a talking point during 2015- League clearly cannot force clubs to provide suitable qualified people but would hope volunteers are prepared to support individual clubs/running of galas –agreed historical use of 2 timekeepers not essential – preference of referees would be for a single J1 qualified.
League would support clubs using the galas as mentoring sessions for new poolside volunteers.
-Event of a Non-Gala- No laid down provision as such however Committee need to reserve the right to decide the best course of action should a gala not take place-likely scenario’s would change depending on if it were a Round 1, Round 2 or Round 3 gala
AGM 2017Provisional Date Sunday February 5 Venue TBC
Meeting Closed 12.45PM