The Periodic Table of Elements Project

Advanced Chemistry 11

Mrs. Daugherty


Due: November 30, 2009

300 Point Test Grade

The Periodic Table of Elements Project


This is a major project that should be taken very seriously by all students. Students are strongly encouraged to work on the project daily. It will be very difficult to complete if you wait until the last minute. Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a failing grade (zero). All research and work should be done by the student. This will help to increase the students’ knowledge and understanding of the periodic table.


The purpose of the project is to help the students gain an in depth knowledge of the periodic table of elements. The periodic table is the very backbone of chemistry. In order for the students to be successful in chemistry, they must be able to understand, apply, interpret and evaluate the periodic table. In order to successfully meet this goal, students must do more than merely write a paper or read the textbook. The project will require research, critical thinking, application of knowledge, evaluation of facts and data, creativity, and the use of technology.


The content of the project should include:

·  The History of the Periodic Table (what did they contribute)

o  Antoine Lavoisier

o  John Newlands

o  Lothar Meyer

o  Dmitri Mendeleev

o  Henry Moseley

·  The Modern Periodic Table (organization include the following terms:)

§  Groups

§  Periods

§  Valence Electrons

§  Orbitals

o  Trends (Define and explain how they change as you move across and down the periodic table)

§  Atomic Radius

§  Ionic Radius

§  Ionization Energy

§  Electronegativity

o  The Elements (characteristics of each family, elements in each family, tell common use for each element)

§  S block elements

·  Hydrogen

·  Alkali Metals

·  Alkaline Earth Metals

§  P block elements

·  Boron Group

·  Carbon Group

·  Nitrogen Group

·  Oxygen Group

·  Halogens

·  Noble Gases

§  D block elements

·  Transition Metals

§  F block elements

·  Inner Transition Metals

o  Lanthanide

o  Actinide


Choose one of the following formats.

·  Creative Story with poster or other visual aids

·  Power point with pictures, video clips, etc.

·  Video with typed script and report

·  Newsletter with visual aid

·  Poem book with illustrations

·  Song with music, visual and typed report

·  Web Page

·  Family Album

·  Comic or childrens’ book

·  Any other pre-approved format.

Grading Rubric

CATEGORY / 50Points / 40Points / 30Points / 20Points / 10Points / 5Points
Content / Contains all the required information and the information is accurate. / Contains most or all of the required information with only a few errors in accuracy. / Contains most of the information with some errors in accuracy. / Contains some of the information with some, few, or no errors in accuracy / Contains a little of the required information with no errors in accuracy. / Contains a little of the required information with errors in accuracy.
Organization / N/A / N/A / The project is well organized, easy to follow and understand, and includes all the elements of the format. / The project is fairly organized with a few elements out of place, fairly easy to follow, mostly stays on the subject. / Project is poorly organized, hard to follow, but stays on the subject. / Project is not organized and hard to follow. Missing elements essential to the format. Gets off the subject.
Creativity/ Originality / N/A / N/A / The project is interesting, entertaining, and original. / The project is some what entertaining and interesting. Some originality. / A little interesting, entertaining, and originally, but mostly boring. / Boring, no effort, just the facts.
Neatness / N/A / N/A / N/A / Neat, correct spelling and grammar. / Mostly neat, few spelling and or grammar errors. / Messy with a lot of spelling and grammar errors.
Visual Aids / Attention getting, easy to see and read, organized, neat, appropriate, accurate, relevant, and adds to the presentation. / Mostly attention getting, easy to see and read, organized, neat, appropriate, accurate, relevant, and adds to the presentation. / Fairly attention getting, easy to see and read, organized, neat, appropriate, accurate, relevant, and adds to the presentation. / Somewhat attention getting, easy to see and read, organized, neat, appropriate, accurate, relevant, and adds to the presentation. / A little attention getting, easy to see and read, organized, neat, appropriate, accurate, relevant, and adds to the presentation. / Not at all attention getting, easy to see and read, organized, neat, appropriate, accurate, relevant, and adds to the presentation.
Bibliography / N/A / N/A / N/A / 5 or more sources cited correctly. / 3 or more sources cited correctly. / 2 or more sources cited correctly.
Presentation / Present project to the class with a clear voice, appropriate behavior, are quiet and attentive to other presentations with no warnings. / Present project to the class with a clear voice, appropriate behavior, are quiet and attentive to other presentations with less than 2 warnings. / Present project to the class with a clear voice, appropriate behavior, are quiet and attentive to other presentations with less than four warnings. / Present project to the class with a clear voice, appropriate behavior, are quiet and attentive to other presentations with less than five warnings. / Present project to the class with appropriate behavior and attentive to other presentations with less than five warnings. / Present project to the class and are quiet and attentive to other presentations with less than five warnings.
Participation/Effort / Works on the project every class the entire class period without being reminded. / Works on the project every class the most of the period with 2 or less reminders. / Works on the project some every class period with three or less reminders. / Works on the project most days most of the class with three or less reminders. / Works on the project some of the days some of the class period with three or less reminders. / Works on the project a couple of days with three or less reminders.
CATEGORY / 50Points / 40Points / 30Points / 20Points / 10Points / 5Points

The project is due November 30, 2009. 25 points will be counted off each day it is late. The presentations will begin on November 30, 2009. If your project is not presented that day, it still has to be complete and turned in to me.

The Periodic Table of Elements Project

I have read and reviewed the guidelines for the project. I understand what is expected. I realize that it is a 300 point test grade. I know it is due November 30, 2009. All questions should be directed to Mrs. Daugherty. Email or LFHS between 2:00 – 3:00 681 – 7846.

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date

The Periodic Table of Elements Grade Sheet

Name ______

Date ______

Content ______(50)

Organization ______(30)

Creativity ______(30)

Neatness ______(20)

Visual Aid ______(50)

Bibliography ______(20)

Presentation ______(50)

Participation ______(50)

Total Grade ______(300)