Depression in Adults: The latest assessment and treatment strategies
Questions from chapter 1
1. What percent of Americans suffer from depression at any given time?
a. 1-2%
b. 2-5%
c. 5-15%
d. 15-25%
2. Factors that seem to predict a relapse in depression include all EXCEPT
a. a prior history of depressive episodes
b. elapsed time between recovery and next episode
c. ineffective diagnosis and treatment
d. family history of mood disorders
Questions from chapter 2
3. Which specifier for depression means worse depression in a.m., early morning awakening?
a. melancholic
b. atypical
c. postpartum
d. double depression
4. Which presentation of depression has constricted or labile affect and pessimistic cognitions?
a. agitated depression
b. atypical depression
c. dysthymia
d. withdrawn depression
5. Which subtype of depression has been described as "endogenous"?
a. dysthymia
b. melancholia
c. agitated
d. atypical
6. Which form of depression is influenced by climatic elements?
a. SAD
b. withdrawn
c. atypical
d. dysthymia
7. All of the following medical disorders can cause symptoms of depression EXCEPT
a. thyroid disorder
b. bulimia
c. anemia
d. diabetic conditions
8. What type of assessment instrument is the MMPI?
a. self-report
b. structured
c. psychometric
d. combined
9. According to the DSM-IV, what is the likelihood that a person having their first depressive episode will later experience a manic episode?
a. 0-5%
b. 5-10%
c. 10-15%
d. 15-20%
10. Loss of intellectual capacity in such areas as memory, judgment, and reasoning usually due to brain deterioration is known as
a. depression
b. delirium
c. delusion
d. dementia
11. For a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder, depressive symptoms must be present for less than half the duration of the illness.
a. True
b. False
Questions from chapter 3
12. Personality factors which contribute to the overall level of suicide risk include all EXCEPT
a. those who have a long duration of an Axis I disorder
b. those who are generally ruminative and/or anxious
c. those who are angry in addition to being depressed
d. younger people who harbor a desire for murderous revenge
13. More explicit suicide contracts appear more useful than general contracts because they ask patients to do all of the following EXCEPT
a. learn better ways to manage their emotions
b. call a crisis line if they seriously think about suicide
c. work with the clinician
d. openly renegotiate the contract when it expires
14. Electroconvulsant therapy maybe an appropriate consideration for patients who express suicidal ideation and refuse to eat.
a. True
b. False
Questions from chapter 4
15. The treatment approach which focuses on how a person's internal thoughts, images and belief systems affect their behavior is
a. psychodynamic
b. interpersonal
c. behavioral
d. cognitive
16. Depressive feelings of abandonment based on the real or perceived loss of one's significant caretaker from childhood is known as what type of depression?
a. introjective
b. anaclitic
c. repressed
d. abandonment
17. Allowing the client to experience the emotion that could not be expressed as a child is
a. purging
b. emoting
c. catharsis
d. transference
18. Interpersonal therapy differs from psychodynamic methods in all of the following ways EXCEPT
a. clinicians function as active advocates for clients
b. clinicians focus on issues related to psychopathology
c. treatment focuses on the here and now
d. behavior between client and clinician is not interpreted as transference
19. The IPT treatment phase which seeks to develop new opportunities to grow and form healthy relationships is the
a. initial phase
b. intermediate phase
c. termination phase
d. follow-up phase
20. The foundation of behavior therapy is the concept of
a. insight
b. cognitions
c. rodent behavior
d. reinforcement
21. Treatment methods used with a behavioral approach include all EXCEPT
a. interpreting client's remarks
b. social skills training
c. relaxation training
d. assertiveness training
22. In Albert Ellis' ABC theory, the "C" stands for
a. cognitions
b. change
c. consequences
d. core beliefs
23. "Jumping to conclusions" is an example of which error in thinking?
a. selective abstraction
b. personalization
c. dichotomous thinking
d. arbitrary inference
24. All the following methods are used with cognitive-behavioral therapy EXCEPT
a. therapy as active collaboration
b. attack schemata
c. identify internalized objects
d. assign homework
25. Cognitive therapy has been found equal to or more effective than medications.
a. True
b. False
26. In a group, depressed clients come to realize they have something to contribute to others. This describes which therapeutic factor?
a. altruism
b. universality
c. installation of hope
d. interpersonal learning
Questions from chapter 5
27. No matter which antidepressant is selected, symptoms improve over time for 60 to 70% of patients.
a. True
b. False
28. Celexa, Luvox and Zoloft belong to which class of antidepressants?
a. SSRIs
b. tricyclics
c. MAOIs
d. tetracyclics
29. Which of these antidepressants could be fatal if taken with MAOIs?
a. Vestra
b. Paxil
c. Anafranil
d. Asendin
30. Elavil belongs to which class of antidepressants?
a. SSRIs
b. tricyclics
c. MAOIs
d. tetracyclics
31. ECT has the highest response rate of any form of anti-depressant treatment.
a. True
b. False
32. Which intervention's effectiveness has been found to be comparable to individual, group and cognitive therapy?
a. St. John's Wort
b. phototherapy
c. exercise
d. placebo
Questions from the Appendix
33. Which self report measure was developed to discriminate depressive symptoms from general characteristics of aging?
a. BDI-2
b. GDS
c. CES-D
d. WJC
34. Which is a suicide assessment scale?
b. HRSD been
d. BHS