Electronic Supplementary Material : ESM_1.docx

For manuscript “Phenology, biomass and productivity of sub-Antarctic seagrassRuppiafilifolia”

in journal “Polar Biology”

by Silvia Murcia*, Jorge Terrados, Pedro Ramírez-García, Andrés Mansilla

*Correspondingauthor: S. Murcia (; ) Laboratorio de Macroalgas Antárticas y Subantárticas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Magallanes, Casilla 113-D, Punta Arenas, Chile

Literature compilation of total biomass and RSR at the anualmáximum by Ruppia species

Source / Locality / Date / Species / MAXIMUM biomass
(g DW m-2) / RSR (rhizome and roots to shoot ratio) at max biomass
Anton et al 2011 Ecological Applications 21(3): 991-1009 / Sandy Bay, Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA / April to August 2005 / R. maritima / 16
Arocena & Rodrigues 2011 Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 6(2): 148-160 / Laguna de Rocha, Uruguay / Feb Jun Nov 2001 / R. maritima / 12,2
Bortolus et al 1998 Estuaries 21 (4B): 710-717 / Mar Chiquita lagoon, Argentina / 1994 december / R. maritima / 824 / 1,70723684
ChoPoirrier 2005 AquaticBotany 81: 37-49 / Fontainableau, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA / March 2000 to May 2002 / R. maritima / 254 / 0,24509804
ChoPoirrier 2005 AquaticBotany 81: 37-49 / Lacombe, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA / March 2000 to May 2002 / R. maritima / 201 / 0,29677419
ChoPoirrier 2005 AquaticBotany 81: 37-49 / Pointe aux Herbes, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA / March 2000 to May 2002 / R. maritima / 600 / 0,22699387
ChoPoirrier 2005 AquaticBotany 81: 37-49 / Lincoln Beach, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA / March 2000 to May 2002 / R. maritima / 450 / 0,48026316
CongdomMcComb 1979 AquaticBotany 6: 121-132 / Blackwood River Estuary, Western Australia / April 1975 to December 1976 / R. maritima? / 185 / 0,27586207
CongdomMcComb 1979 AquaticBotany 6: 121-132 / Blackwood River Estuary, Western Australia / April 1975 to December 1976 / R. maritima? / 150 / 1,14285714
CongdomMcComb 1979 AquaticBotany 6: 121-132 / Blackwood River Estuary, Western Australia / April 1975 to December 1976 / R. maritima? / 101 / 0,83636364
CongdomMcComb 1979 AquaticBotany 6: 121-132 / Blackwood River Estuary, Western Australia / April 1975 to December 1976 / R. maritima? / 503 / 0,16166282
Cortes 2001 Rev Biol Trop 49 Suppl 2: 273-278 / Playa Iguanita, Bahia Culebra, Costa Rica / 1994 September and November / R.maritima / 508 / 4,2371134
Costa & Seeliger 1989 AquaticBotany 33: 123-129 / Laguna dos Patos, Brasil / Jan 1981 / R. maritima / 114,1
Costa & Seeliger 1989 AquaticBotany 33: 123-129 / Laguna dos Patos, Brasil / Jan 1981 / R. maritima / 80,9
Creed 2004 Estuaries 27: 197-200 / Barra Grande, Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro State, Brasil / October 2002 / R. maritima / 60
Da Silva & Asmus 2001 EcologicalModelling 137: 161-179 / Patos lagoon, Brasil / Oct 1992 to May 1993 / R. maritima / 32
Da Silva & Asmus 2001 EcologicalModelling 137: 161-179 / Patos lagoon, Brasil / August 1993 to April 1994 / R. maritima / 187,7 / 0,14660965
Da Silva & Asmus 2001 EcologicalModelling 137: 161-179 / Patos lagoon, Brasil / August 1993 to April 1994 / R. maritima / 148,1 / 0,1043997
Dunton 1990 JEMBE 143: 147-164 / Seadrift, San Antonio Bay, Texas, USA / March 1987 to October 1989 / R. maritima / 213 / 0,88495575
Dunton 1990 JEMBE 143: 147-164 / BlackJack, San Antonio Bay, Texas, USA / March 1987 to October 1989 / R. maritima / 331 / 0,49099099
Dunton 1990 JEMBE 143: 147-164 / Indian Point, Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, USA / March 1987 to October 1989 / R. maritima / 283 / 0,53804348
Edwards 1978 Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 6: 75-92 / Huizache CaimaneroLagoon, Mexico / 1974 / R. maritima / 1000
Harlin & Thorne-Miller 1981 Marine Biology 65: 221-229 / Ninigret pond, Rhode Island, USA / May to July 1980 / R. maritima / 190
Harrison 1982 AquaticBotany 14: 357-371 / Roberts Bank, Fraser River, BC Canada / May 1979 to Jan 1981 / R. maritima / 8
Hengst et al 2010 Restoration Ecology 18: 605-614 / Broad Creek, Choptank river, Chesapeake Bay, USA / July 2001 and 2002 / R. maritima / 213
HolmClausen 2006 BiodivConservation 15: 4399-4423 / AggerFjord, Denmark / Sept and Oct 1999, Jan 2000 / R. maritima / 100
KinneyRoman 1998 MEPS163: 89-98 / Bass Harbor Marsh, USA / 1995, April to November / R. maritima / 33
Koop et al 1983 SouthAfrican Journal of Zoology 18(1): 1-10 / BotRiverEstuary, SouthAfrica / 1980 / R. maritima / 52
Koop et al 1983 SouthAfrican Journal of Zoology 18(1): 1-10 / BotRiverEstuary, SouthAfrica / 1980 / R. maritima / 239
Koop et al 1983 SouthAfrican Journal of Zoology 18(1): 1-10 / BotRiverEstuary, SouthAfrica / 1980 / R. maritima / 118
Koop et al 1983 SouthAfrican Journal of Zoology 18(1): 1-10 / BotRiverEstuary, SouthAfrica / 1980 / R. maritima / 371
Koop et al 1983 SouthAfrican Journal of Zoology 18(1): 1-10 / BotRiverEstuary, SouthAfrica / 1980 / R. maritima / 71
Koop et al 1983 SouthAfrican Journal of Zoology 18(1): 1-10 / BotRiverEstuary, SouthAfrica / 1980 / R. maritima / 9
Koop et al 1983 SouthAfrican Journal of Zoology 18(1): 1-10 / BotRiverEstuary, SouthAfrica / 1980 / R. maritima / 195
Malea et al 2004 Botanica Marina 47: 357-366 / DranaLagoon. Evrosriver, Greece / 1998, March to August / R. maritima / 175,5 / 0,76470588
Malea et al 2004 Botanica Marina 47: 357-366 y Malea et al 2008 Botanica Marina 51: 320-330 / Monolimnilagoon, Evrosriver, Greece / May 1998 to Feb 1999 / R. maritima / 176,9 / 0,54046997
Moore 2004 Journal of Coastal Research SI 45: 162-178 / Goodwin Island, Chesapeake Bay, USA / May 1994 to April 1995 / R. maritima / 85
Moore et al 2000 Estuaries 23: 115-127 y Moore 2009 Journal of Coastal Research SI 57: 50-58 / Chesapeake Bay, USA / -- / R. maritima / 100
Munda 1999 Hydrobiologia 393: 169-180 / SoutheasternIceland / 1977, February / R. maritima
Murray & Wetzel 1987 MEPS38: 231-239 / Vaucluse shores, Chesapeake Bay, USA / 1981, June to October / R. maritima / 87
Orth & Moore 1988 AquaticBotany 32: 291-305 / Vaucluse shores, Chesapeake Bay, USA / 1978, July to September / R. maritima / 34,7857143
Orth & Moore 1988 AquaticBotany 32: 291-305 / Plum Tree Island, Chesapeake Bay, USA / 1978, July to September / R. maritima / 9,8
Orth & Moore 1988 AquaticBotany 32: 291-305 / Browns Bay, Cheseapeake Bay, USA / 1978, July to September / R. maritima / 14,15
Orth & Moore 1988 AquaticBotany 32: 291-305 / Ware Neck, Chesapeake Bay, USA / 1978, July to September / R. maritima / 19,15
Orth & Moore 1988 AquaticBotany 32: 291-305 / East River, Chesapeake Bay, USA / 1978, July to September / R. maritima / 24,8
Orth & Moore 1988 AquaticBotany 32: 291-305 / Horn Harbor, Chesapeake Bay, USA / 1978, July to September / R. maritima / 1,25
Pérez-Castañeda & Defeo 2004 MEPS 273: 173-185 / CelestunLagoon, Mexico / 2000: February, April, September / R. maritima
Pulich 1985 AquaticBotany 23: 53-66 / RedfishBay, Texas, USA / 1982, March to December / R. maritima / 160 / 0,46788991
Pulich 1985 AquaticBotany 23: 53-66 / RedfishBay, Texas, USA / 1983, Jan to Dec / R. maritima / 150 / 0,33928571
Pulich 1985 AquaticBotany 23: 53-66 / Upper Laguna Madre, Texas, USA / 1983, Jan to Dec / R. maritima / 111 / 0,35365854
Rodríguez-Gallego et al 2010 Hydrobiologia 646: 253-269 / Laguna da Rocha, Uruguay / March, Dec 2003, Feb. 2004 / R. maritima / 4,7
Rodríguez-Gallego et al 2010 Hydrobiologia 646: 253-269 / Laguna da Rocha, Uruguay / March, Dec 2003, Feb. 2004 / R. maritima / 10,8111111
Rodríguez-Pérez & Green 2006 Oikos 112: 525-534 / Veta la Palma, Doñana, Spain / October 2001, Feb, Jun Sept 2002 / R. maritima / 2,34
Rodríguez-Pérez & Green 2006 Oikos 112: 525-534 / Veta la Palma, Doñana, Spain / October 2001, Feb, Jun Sept 2002 / R. maritima / 11,2
Thorne-Miller et al 1983 Botanica Marina 26: 231-242 / Ninigret pond, Rhode Island, USA / July, August 1979 / R. maritima / 21
Thorne-Miller et al 1983 Botanica Marina 26: 231-242 / Greenhill pond, Rhode Island, USA / July, August 1979 / R. maritima / 10
Thorne-Miller et al 1983 Botanica Marina 26: 231-242 / Trustom pond, Rhode Island, USA / July, August 1979 / R. maritima / 23
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Marshsalin de Badon, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. maritimavarbrevirrostris / 32
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Baisse sale de Badon, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. maritimavarbrevirrostris / 36
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Ditchsalin de Giraud, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. maritimavarbrevirrostris / 60
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Pool Tour de Valat, Camargue, France / 1976 / R. maritimavarbrevirrostris / 383,866667
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / DicthDijkmanshuizen / 1976 / R. maritimavarbrevirrostris / 38,6666667
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / DicthWaal en Burg / 1976 / R. maritima / 62,6666667
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Byiviken, Tvärminne, Finland / 1976 / R. maritima / 54,6666667
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Lappvik, Tvärminne, Finland / 1976 / R. maritimavarbrevirrostris / 156
Wetzel & Penhale 1983 Marine Technology Society Journal 17 (2): 22-31 / Vaucluse shores, Chesapeake Bay, USA / April 1979 to July 1980 / R. maritima
Wetzel & Penhale 1983 Marine Technology Society Journal 17 (2): 22-31 / Vaucluse shores, Chesapeake Bay, USA / April 1979 to July 1980 / R. maritima
Antunes et al 2012 EstuarineCoastal and ShelfScience 110-93-100 / Melideslagoon, Portugal / 2008, June to November / R. cirrhosa
Azzoni et al 2001 Journal of Sea Research 45: 15-26 / Valle Smarlacca,Valle di Comaccio, PO river delta, Italy / Jan to December 1997 / R. cirrhosa / 411 / 0,47311828
Bachelet et al 2000 ICES J Mar Sci 57: 1495-1506 / Certesfishponds, Arcachon, France / March 1993 to October 1994 / R. cirrhosa / 75
Ballester 1986 Anales de Biologia 4: 31-36 / Mar Menor lagoon, Spain / 1983, monthly / R. cirrhosa / 111
Bartoli et al 2008 JEMBE 360: 21-30 / Valle Smarlacca,Valle di Comaccio, PO river delta, Italy / Jan 1997 to Feb 1998 / R. cirrhosa / 414 / 0,30188679
Calado & Duarte 2000 AquaticBotany 68: 29-44 / Santo André Lagoon , Portugal / May 1996 to Feb 1997 / R. cirrhosa / 485,3
CasagrandaBoudouresque 2007 Fund.Appl. Limnol. 168(3): 243-255 / Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia / July 1993 to April 1994 / R. cirrhosa / 368,7 / 0,60374076
Comín et al Hydrobiologia 200/201: 427-436 / TancadaLagoon, Spain / April 1986 to April 1987? / R. cirrhosa / 616,028369
Gayet et al 2012 Aquatic Botany 103: 98-105 / CanePerdueLagoon, Camargue, France / July 2011 / R. cirrhosa / 19
Gayet et al 2012 Aquatic Botany 103: 98-105 / CanePerdueLagoon, Camargue, France / July 2011 / R. cirrhosa / 61
Gesti et al 2005 Aquatic Botany 81: 191-198 / Fra Ramon, Ampurdan wetlands, Spain / 2003, March to September / R. cirrhosa / 802
Gesti et al 2005 Aquatic Botany 81: 191-198 / Fra Ramon, Ampurdan wetlands, Spain / 2003, March to September / R. cirrhosa / 137
HolmClausen 2006 BiodivConservation 15: 4399-4423 / HarboorFjord, Denmark / Sept and Oct 1999, Jan 2000 / R. cirrhosa / 250
Kautsky 1991 AquaticBotany 39: 159-172 / Askö, Sweden / Spring / R. cirrhosa
Kjorboe 1980 AquaticBotany 9: 135-143 / Ringkøbing fjord, Denmark / monthly from December 1977 to December 1978 / R. cirrhosa / 28 / 1,43478261
Kjorboe 1980 AquaticBotany 9: 135-143 / Ringkøbing fjord, Denmark / monthly from December 1977 to December 1978 / R. cirrhosa / 17 / 1,61538462
Kjorboe 1980 AquaticBotany 9: 135-143 / Ringkøbing fjord, Denmark / monthly from December 1977 to December 1978 / R. cirrhosa / 10 / 1,20454545
Menéndez & Comín 1989 Scientia Marina 53 (2-3): 633-638 / TancadaLagoon, Spain / April 1986 to April 1987 / R. cirrhosa / 728,933333 / 0,13
Menéndez 2002 AquaticBotany 73: 107-113 / TancadaLagoon, Spain / 1989? / R. cirrhosa / 896 / 0,26315789
Menéndez et al 2002 ECSS 55: 403-413 / Buda Lagoon, Ebro river delta, Spain / 1995, May, July, October / R. cirrhosa / 456,6 / 0,20920502
Obrador & Pretus 2010 ECSS 87: 145-155 / Albufera des Grau, Menorca, Spain / 2002 to 2007 / R. cirrhosa
Obrador & Pretus 2010 ECSS 87: 145-155 / Albufera des Grau, Menorca, Spain / 2002 to 2007 / R. cirrhosa
Obrador et al 2007 Scientia Marina 71: 57-64 / Albufera des Grau, Menorca, Spain / 2000, Jan to Sept / R. cirrhosa / 2024 / 0,15
Pasqualini et al 2006 AQCMFE 16: 43-60 / BigugliaLagoon, Corsica, France / 1998, 1999 / R. cirrhosa / 0,28430049
Pérez & Camp 1986 Investigacion Pesquera 50(4): 519-530 / Fangarbay, Ebro delta, Spain / 1983, monthly / R. cirrhosa / 276 / 0,57798165
Pergent et al 2006 Botanica Marina 49: 103-110 / Santa GiuliaLagoon, Corsica, France / July 1997 to July 1999 / R. cirrhosa / 429 / 0,43959732
Pergent et al 2006 Botanica Marina 49: 103-110 / BigugliaLagoon, Corsica, France / July 1997 to July 1999 / R. cirrhosa / 392 / 0,18075802
Prado et al 2013 EstuariesCoasts 36: 414-429 / Encanyissadalagoon, Spain / 2010, Feb and August / R. cirrhosa / 151
Prado et al 2013 EstuariesCoasts 36: 414-429 / TancadaLagoon, Spain / 2010, Feb and August / R. cirrhosa / 49
Prado et al 2013 EstuariesCoasts 36: 414-429 / ClotLagoon, Spain / 2010, Feb and August / R. cirrhosa / 8
Ribera et al 1997 Botanica Marina 40: 523-532 / AddaiaBay, Menorca, Spain / Sept. 1995, Aug 1996 / R. cirrhosa / 314 / 0,6972973
Signorini et al 2008 AQCMFE 18: S27-S44 / FoglianoLagoon / July,October 2004, April 2005 / R. cirrhosa / 132 / 0,2
Signorini et al 2008 AQCMFE 18: S27-S44 / FoglianoLagoon / July,October 2004, April 2005 / R. cirrhosa / 100 / 0,11111111
Signorini et al 2008 AQCMFE 18: S27-S44 / FoglianoLagoon / July,October 2004, April 2005 / R. cirrhosa / 164 / 0,28125
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Etang de la Dame, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. cirrhosa / 64
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Etang de Gelabert, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. cirrhosa / 118,666667
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Etang des Imperiaux, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. cirrhosa / 144
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Beach pond, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. cirrhosa / 180
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Etang de Galere, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. cirrhosa / 204
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Grau de Piemanson, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. cirrhosa / 212
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Baisse sale de Badon, Camargue, France / 1977 / R. cirrhosa / 36
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Pool Oostkap T, Netherlands / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 76
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / DitchNeuweNaters, Netherlands / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 104
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / PondEllewoustdijk, Netherlands / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 104
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / DitchDijkwater / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 108
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / BroadWaal en Burg / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 112
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Isolatedpond De Bol, Texel, Netherlands / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 176
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / DicthDijkmanshuizen / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 226,666667
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / InlageEllewoustdijk / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 253,333333
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Dijkwater, dicth, Schouwen,Netherlands / 1977 / R. cirrhosa / 42,6666667
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Henriksberg 0.4, Tvärminne, Finland / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 122,933333
Verhoeven 1980 AquaticBotany 8: 209-253 / Henriksberg 1.2, Tvärminne, Finland / 1976 / R. cirrhosa / 187,866667
Viaroli et al 1996 Hydrobiologia 329: 105-119 / Certesfishponds, Arcachon, France / 1994, August / R. cirrhosa / 132
Vromans et al 2013 Aquatic Botany 110: 1-5 / East Kleinemonde Estuary, South Africa / Feb 2009 to June 2010 / R. cirrhosa / 2248
Brock 1983 Journal of Ecology 71(3): 811-818 / Little Dip Lake, South Australia / Nov 1977 to December 1978 / R. megacarpa / 383 / 0,42857143
Carruthers et al 1999 ECSS 48: 497-509 / Wilson Inlet, Western Australia / bimonthly, August 1995 to December 1996 / R. megacarpa / 25,1 / 0,61311054
Carruthers et al 1999 ECSS 48: 497-509 / Wilson Inlet, Western Australia / bimonthly, August 1995 to December 1996 / R. megacarpa / 81,19 / 0,12327061
Carruthers et al 1999 ECSS 48: 497-509 / Wilson Inlet, Western Australia / bimonthly, August 1995 to December 1996 / R. megacarpa / 107,19 / 0,47259239
Carruthers et al 1999 ECSS 48: 497-509 / Wilson Inlet, Western Australia / bimonthly, August 1995 to December 1996 / R. megacarpa / 115,63 / 0,13052405
Carruthers et al 1999 ECSS 48: 497-509 / Wilson Inlet, Western Australia / bimonthly, August 1995 to December 1996 / R. megacarpa / 224,65 / 0,10030857
Carruthers et al 1999 ECSS 48: 497-509 / Wilson Inlet, Western Australia / bimonthly, August 1995 to December 1996 / R. megacarpa / 91,39 / 0,21513097
Gerbeux 1993 J Aquat Plant Management 31: 122-128 / Lake Ellesmere, South Island, New Zealand / Feb 1986 and 1987 / R. megacarpa / 496 / 0,06437768
Humphries et al 1992 ECSS34:325-346 / Wilson Inlet, Western Australia / monthly from February 1988 to March 1989 / R. megacarpa / 239
Humphries et al 1992 ECSS34:325-346 / Wilson Inlet, Western Australia / monthly from February 1988 to March 1989 / R. megacarpa / 1235
Brock 1983 Journal of Ecology 71(3): 811-818 / Blue Green Algal Pond, South Australia / Nov 1977 to December 1978 / R. polycarpa / 95 / 0,85185185
Gerbeux 1993 J Aquat Plant Management 31: 122-128 / Lake Ellesmere, South Island, New Zealand / Feb 1986 and 1987 / R. polycarpa / 107
VolleberghCongdom 1986 AquaticBotany 26: 165-179 / WesternportBay, Victoria, Australia / 1983, March to November / R. polycarpa / 69,3333333 / 0,75438596
Brock 1983 Journal of Ecology 71(3): 811-818 / Little Dip Lake, South Australia / Nov 1977 to December 1978 / R. tuberosa / 55 / 1,7027027
Comín et al 1993 Hydrobiologia 267: 169-178 / Gallocantalake, Spain / 1990 May to August / R. drepanensis / 1236
Thisstudy / SkyringSound / 2011-2012 / R. filifolia / 292,7 / 1,43106312
Thisstudy / SkyringSound / 2011-2012 / R. filifolia / 146,4 / 1,37277147
Thisstudy / SkyringSound / 2011-2012 / R. filifolia / 247,2 / 1,67532468