Province VIII Synod
July 3, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
President’s Report
I am happy to welcome you to the 71st Synod of Province VIII. As we gather in Indianapolis, we will hear various reports, hold elections of officers and others, discuss the budget, and make some resolutions. This is also a time to greet old friends and make new acquaintances, and to give thanks once again for our common life.
As I look back over the years that I have served with you in the Province, I am aware of the changes in our common life. Budgets have grown and diminished, programs have been maintained or let go, new ventures in mission have come forth. Despite the changes the one thing that remains constant is our mission. The words of our mission statement acknowledge how far reaching our province is in many ways - in geography, in culture, in economy. We have over 900 congregations, numerous campus ministries, and specialized ministries, in 18 diocesan and area mission jurisdictions. The diverse nature of this Province always brings joy when we gather together.
We have a great task always, one of coordinating through our networks of ministries – in education, peace and justice, multicultural, women’s ministries - the concerns that we identify in our congregations and on our campuses and throughout the province. Getting leaders coming from different points of view, and from great distance, to come together to work together can be daunting. That’s no surprise. But we have all seen it work, with God’s grace, and that gives us reason to be thankful. The provincial structure and budget supports and coordinates fifteen network ministries and going forward, foremost, is communicating to all that great work. I hope at this Synod, you will have a better understanding of how we carry out our mission.
As I am coming to the conclusion of my time as your President, I want to take this time to offer my thanks to those who have been a part of our leadership in the task of coordination to which I refer. Our network leadership has been a joy to work with; I admire and respect the time and effort they give voluntarily to the life of the province. Our Executive Committee meets monthly and I deeply appreciate their devotion to the provincial work and thank each of you for the stewardship of your time and talents. And our coordinator Patricia Erskine, has served us faithfully and well these last five years, doing the work of coordination, communication, and arranging, our meetings, website, emails, support for networks, and so on, all on a half time basis. I have appreciated very much her contribution to support our work together. I want to say that we all share in a vital and great history and I am glad to have been associated with you in this ministry.
The words of our mission statement also give us a special role, which is, and I quote those familiar words, “to do together in faith what we cannot do alone.” Tonight you will hear reports from our coordinator and the cluster conveners of our networks detailing something of how we have been carrying out that role these last three years.
It is unusual for the gathering to take place outside the neighborhood that is Province VIII - gathering in Province V. Budgets are tight these days, regretfully. People attend fewer conferences. More conversation happens by electronic means. And so, as the plan for our synod was discussed in our Executive Committee, it was felt that this location and date made most sense given our economic times and to conform our ordinances, that we meet during the triennium.
Finally, my word of thanks to you. I have been privileged to serve the province in various ways for seventeen years. I have lots of memories of exciting and fulfilling moments. I celebrate them as I will pass the gavel to the next president; I am grateful for the good work we have done together.