Open/Global Tender Notice No: 41
Director, IMTECH invites tenders from reputed Indian/foreign manufacturers and authorized dealers for the supply of the following item(s) under two bid systems:
One / 4,65,000/-
2. / PUR/2010-11/IND 14754 / DYNAMIC LASER SCATTERING (DLS) System / One / 60,000/-
The detailed Tender Documents with complete terms & conditions with technical specifications are available on our website
Date of Pre- Bid Conference: On 20.01.2011 at 11.00 a.m..(IST) at 1ST Floor, Committee Room, Main Building, IMTECH.
Change in the technical specifications and terms & conditions if any, for the above item after pre-bid, will be posted on the IMTECH website after pre-bid conference. All venders are requested to quote accordingly.
Last date of receipt of complete tenders is 08.02.2011 up to 5.00 PM. (IST).
The date of opening of technical bids is 09.02.2011 at 11.00 AM. (IST) onwards.
Stores & Purchase Officer
Sector 39-A, Chandigarh
Tele Fax: 91-172-2690056 Email:
Open Tender Notice No.41
Director, IMTECH invites tenders in closed/sealed covers with wax/cello tape/ company seal from the reputed Indian/foreign manufacturers or sole authorized dealers/distributors for the supply of the following item(s):
SN. / TENDER NO. / ITEM / QTY / EMD(In Rs.) / Date of receiving / opening of tender
One / 4,65,000/- / 08.02.2011 / 09.02.2011
2 / PUR/2010-11/IND 14754 / DYNAMIC LASER SCATTERING (DLS) SYSTEM / One / 60,000/- / 08.02.2011 / 09.02.2011
Interested parties may download the tender documents directly from the website free of cost & submit them without depositing any tender fee. Both the bids i.e. the Technical & Price bids must be submitted on or before the dates as mentioned above up to 5.00 P.M along with EMD.
All the bids except the price bids of two bid system will be opened on dates as mentioned above at 11.00 AM. onwards in the presence of the bidders, who wish to be present. The Director, IMTECH, reserves the right to accept/reject any offer in part or full without assigning any reason.
*TB – Two Bid Tender System,
SB – Single Bid Tender System
(1) Pur/2010-11/IND 15281
S.No. / Parameters / Description1. / Deep tissue imaging / Whole body imager is required for true quantification of deep tissue analysis of fluorescence, disease progression, pharmacokinetic of small molecules, etc., in small animals like mouse and rat.
2. / Tomogarphy / Quantitative tomography with fluorescence calculated all over the selected area.
True quantification in animals must be possible at any depth with accuracy and without the requirement of artificial images.
3. / Fluorochrome range / Instrument should cover maximum number of fluorochromes that can help in deep tissue analysis, 3D real imaging and volumetric analysis, with 4D analysis.
4. / Light source / Excitation light should be able to penetrate tissue for exciting fluorochrome at deeper locations ( 5 cm) of body. Laser excited light source (4 Nos) in range of 550-800 nm with laser source >50 mw each.
5. / Animal restrainer / Animal cassette with clear ventral & dorsal view.
6. / Anesthesia / Equipped with device to anesthetize animals.
7. / Heated stage / Light proof chamber with heater option to provide ambient temperature (37oC) to the animals.
8. / Resolution / High resolution image (1mm)
9. / Sensitivity / Real quantification of fluorochrome at picomole concentration at ≥ 5mm depth of tissues
10. / Volumetric information / Quantify fluorescence with volumetric information at picomoles
11. / Spectral unmixing / Can use more than one fluorochrome simultaneously
12. / Multimodality imaging / Compatible with other imaging systems like CT, MRI, PET and SPECT.
13. / Detector / Cooled CCD camera (2048X2048 pixels or better), ambient to
-25oC or better, resolution 20μm or less, with optical zoom. Pixel size of CCD Camera should be able hold larger amount of data i.e. fill volume should be higher.
14. / Operation voltage / 230V
15. / Image software / Imaging software should be user friendly and supported by commonly available software like Windows XP, vista and windows 7. 3D software with movie making capability.
16. / Computer / One online and one offline compatible branded computers with latest configuration, LAN connectivity and data analysis, graphics card, ethernet card and DVD writer, one color laser printers.
17. / UPS / 1. Suitable branded online UPS of sufficient capacity with preferably 1 hr backup for uninterrupted running of the full equipment during power interruption.
18. / Site preparation and installation / 2. by vendor
19. / Furniture / 3. Appropriate furniture (tables for instrument, anesthesia, computer and 3 chairs) should be provided.
20. / Training / 4. The company should provide free training at the installation site for the machine and various applications to the users and technical staff.
21. / Starter kit / 6. The company should provide starter kits and anesthesia for hundred mice.
22. / Warranty / 7. Comprehensive warranty for 2 years and all other essential spares/accessories should be provided for three years. Operation manuals should be provided for smooth functioning of the instrument.
23. / User certificate / 9. The vendor should have adequate number of installations of the imager at various premium research institutions. Addresses with name nodal persons should be provided. It should be supported by user certificate.
24. / Technical support / 10. Complete details of service and application support should be given. Also company should have some facility for technical support, trouble shooting and training on the system.
25. / Optional / 1. Extra animal holder and selected fluorochromes.
2. Fully compatible bioluminescence module. The system should be capable of detecting very low photonic signal in mice.
3. Company should provide day-to-day operation and maintenance of the machine by trained technician.
S.No. / Parameters / Description1 / Imaging / The system should be capable of detecting very low photonic signal both Bio-luminescence & Fluorescence Reflectance from small animal like mouse and rat.
Reflectance-cum-transmittance imaging mode (bright field and fluorescence). System capable of 3D imaging facility.
2 / Light Source / Full spectrum imaging capability from blue to infrared regions. Minimum four excitation and four emissions (band pass 20nm) filters, including two in far red and near infrared regions/ infrared regions. 150W minimum.
3 / Cabinet / Light proof cabinet with heating system.
4 / Detector / Cooled CCD camera (2048X2048 pixels), ambient to -25oC or better, resolution 20μm or less, with optical zoom. CCD Camera should be deep cooled with extremely low background and high Quantum Efficiency and able to detect very low signal from the animal body.
5 / Computer / One online and one offline compatible branded computers with latest configuration, LAN connectivity and data analysis, graphics card, ethernet card and DVD writer, one color laser printers. Software capable of spectral unmixing and 3D reconstruction on whole animal.
6 / Anesthesia / Online Gas anesthesia unit.
7 / Operation voltage / 230V
8 / UPS / 12. Suitable branded online UPS of sufficient capacity with preferably 1 hr backup for uninterrupted running of the full equipment during power interruption.
9 / Site preparation and installation / 13. by vendor
10 / Furniture / 14. Appropriate furniture (tables for instrument, anesthesia, computer and 3 chairs) should be provided.
11 / Training / 15. The company should provide free training at the installation site for the machine and various applications to the users and technical staff.
12 / Starter kit / 17. The company should provide starter kits and anesthesia for hundred mice.
13 / Warranty / 18. Comprehensive warranty for 2 years and all other essential spares/accessories should be provided for three years. Operation manuals should be provided for smooth functioning of the instrument.
14 / User certificate / The vendor should have adequate number of installations of the imager at various premium research institutions. Addresses with name nodal persons should be provided. It should be supported by user certificate.
15 / Technical support / 20. Complete details of service and application support should be given. Also company should have some facility for technical support, trouble shooting and training on the system.
16 / Optional / § Extra animal holder.
§ Selected fluorochromes.
§ Anesthesia.
§ Company should provide day-to-day operation and maintenance of the machine by trained technician.
NOTE: Please quote for Module-1 & Module-II separately and also quote the package deal for both Modules. Institute will have full liberty to procure anyone or both modules.
(2) Pur/2010-11/IND 14754
Dynamic laser Scattering system (220 V, 50 Hz) capable of measurement of
1. Particle size
2. Molecular weight and
3. Zeta potential
Size range : 0.5 nm to 1000 nm or better
Minimum Concentration: 0.1mg/ml or better (for a standard ~15kDa protein or lysozyme)
Conductivity range: 0 to 300 mS/cm
Molecular weight range: 350 to 106 Da or better
Temperature range: 4ºC to 70ºC or better with 0.1ºC accuracy controlled with peltier device
Scattering angle : Single ( ~1750 ) or multi-angles
Laser source: solid state or He-Ne laser of wavelength app 600 nm or higher with automatic attenuator.
System should have
1. flow mode operation for systems with manual injection valve (~ 100 uL) with flow cell
2. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC or GPC) system attached with
a. solvent/sample delivery module with degasser unit
b. column (suitable for proteins separation ranging between approximately 104 to 107 daltons
c. suitable modular diff. referential refractive index detector
d. Suitable software for operation and calibration of SEC system
Computer system and Application software
Fully compatible state-of-art computer system with i-3 or core 2 duo or higher version CPU, 2 GB or more RAM, ~360 GB HDD, 19” LCD/LED monitor, a suitable LASER printer. System software should be a windows based user-friendly graphics interface for analysis and data functions. Compatible with Windows XP or Window 7 operating systems. Software should have an in-built security system for parallel storage of password protected data files for individual groups.
Consumables kits:
1. cells for aqueous & non aqueous zeta potential measurement for low and high concentration measurements: 2 nos. each
2. glass and quartz cuvettes with stopper : 2 Nos. each
3. Low volume (~ 10 uL) quartz cuvette for size and mol weight measurements: 2 Nos.
4. square disposable polystyrene cuvettes : 500 nos
5. standards of different sizes with calibration certificate for size and zeta.
Warranty: 2 years comprehensive for complete system
General conditions:
The supplier must supply following along with quotation:
a. Compliance statement in tabular form giving details as per specifications given in the tender document
b. Literature in support of compliance statement
c. Details of AMC charges after warranty period
d. List and price of minimum recommended spares for 5 years.
e. List of users
Sector 39-A, Chandigarh
Tele-: 91-172-2690056
Fax No.91-172-2636683
Open/Global Tender Notice No.-41 Dated: …………………
1. GENERAL: Quotations in closed cover are invited on behalf of the Director, INSTITUTE OF MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY, Chandigarh from the reputed Indian and foreign manufacturer. The offer/ quotation must be strictly as per required specifications and the tender terms & conditions.
a. Quotation should be submitted directly by the original manufacturer/supplier or its sole authorized distributor/dealer. In case of bid by authorized dealer/distributor, the manufacturer authorization should be attached with the technical bid as per Annexure-‘G’.
b. In case a bidder is not doing business within India, it shall furnish the certificate to the effect that the bidder is or will be represented by an agent in India equipped and able to carry out the supply, maintenance, repair obligations etc. during the warranty and post-warranty period or ensure a mechanism at place for carrying out the supply, maintenance, repair obligations etc. during the warranty and post-warranty period.
c. The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid irrespective of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
d. The bidder should not indulge in any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive practices during the entire process of procurement and execution of contract/order.
e. Before the deadline for submission of the bid, IMTECH reserves the right to modify the bidding document and to extend or not to extend the date of submission. Such amendment/modification will be notified to bidders receiving the bidding document in writing or by cable/fax/ email and will also be hosted on IMTECH website.
f. Conditional tenders will be summarily rejected.
g. A bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its bid after it has been submitted by sending a written notice signed by the authorized signatory before the date of submission of the bid. Any re-submission or modification in the bid should be submitted before the date & time of submission of bid as originally conveyed in the invitation of bid.
h. No bid may be withdrawn, substituted or modified in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form or any extension thereof.
i. First envelope marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall not be opened, but returned to the Bidder subject to submission of valid authorization to request the withdrawal. In case of substituted and modified bid, only the substituted bids and modified bids will be opened subject to production of authorization from the bidders.
j. The quotation should be addressed to the Director, INSTITUTE OF MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY, Chandigarh and sent to the Stores & Purchase Officer.