JULY 8, 2014
4:00 p.m.
A. William Kiehl, Chairman called the Workshop Meeting of the Chartiers Township Board of Supervisors to order at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 8, 2014, at which time Mr. Kiehl asked all present to stand for the pledge of allegiance.
Attending this afternoons meeting were Supervisors: John M. Marcischak and Mr. Kiehl. Additionally in attendance were: James Liekar-Solicitor; Jodi L. Noble-Township Manager; Daniel Slagle-Township Engineer; Edward Jeffries-Public Works Director; Samuel R. Stockon-Community Development Coordinator; Samantha Keller-Community Center Manager and Wendy Williams-Recording Secretary. Richard Metzler-Supervisor was absent.
Mr. Kiehl announced that the Board of Supervisors met in Executive Session on July 1, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. until 9:10 a.m. and prior to tonight’s meeting from 3:00 p.m. to 3:55 p.m. to discuss litigation.
Mrs. Miriam Miller of 255 Washington Trails Road, Washington, PA approached the Board requesting their consideration in reviewing the current fence ordinance in particular requesting that the ordinance be amended to require a survey for fence permits.
Mr. Jeff Simpson of 30 South Johnson Road, Houston, PA and President of the Chartiers Township Volunteer Fire Department thanked the Board for their continued support of the Fire Department. The Department is planning another open house at the Fire Department again this year on Sunday September 7, 2014. On July 22nd he and the Assistance Chief will travel to Iowa to inspect our new fire truck which should be ready for delivery by the end of August. The Department has applied for a Federal Grant to be able to replace breathing apprentices. The Department received a State Grant of $11,000, which will be spent for a fire extinguisher training simulator.
1. A motion was made by Mr. Marcischak and seconded by Mr. Kiehl to approve the McMillen Preliminary/Final Site Plan for as recommended by the Chartiers Township Planning Commission at their meeting of May21, 2014 and contingent on satisfying the outstanding items in the Engineer’s Letter dated July 3, 2014. All Supervisors voted yes. The motion was carried.
Township Manager – Mrs. Noble provided an extensive written report to the Board.
Planning/Zoning Officer – Mr. Stockton provided a written report to the Board and summarized for the Board the current items before the Planning Commission at their July 15th meeting:
· The Planning Commission will be reviewing the Washington County Fairgrounds Land Development to construct a 20,000 square foot horse barn.
· Piatt Estates Chartiers LP intends to convey .56 acres to abutting property owners Michael and Pamela Hazlet.
Community Center Manager – Mrs. Keller provided a written report to the Board.
Public Works Director – Mr. Jeffies advised that the temporary signs at the Community Center will be going up tomorrow.
Township Engineer:
Mr. Slagle updated the Board on the following Development Proposals:
1. McMillen Welding Site Plan – The McMillen Welding Site plan was considered at the May 20, 2014 Planning Commission Meeting, submitted a Consolidation Plan which was rescinded, resubmitted on June 17, 2014 and resubmitted again on July 1, 2014. A new Access R/W was prepared. The Plan basically consists of constructing a warehouse on a 1.72 Acre tract along West Pike Street.
2. MarkWest Update Site Plan – The MarkWest Site Plan was submitted on June 4, 2014 and considered at the last Planning Commission Meeting on June 20, 2014. The Site Plan proposes to construct another Cryo Gas Processing Plant on the existing site.
3. Hazlett Subdivision – The Hazlett Subdivision was submitted on June 26, 2014 for consideration at the next Planning Commission Meeting on July 15, 2014. The Plan basically consists of the subdivision of a 10.55 Acre Tract along Arthur Road.
4. Washington Fairgrounds Site Plan – The Site Plan was submitted on June 19, 2014 for consideration at the next Planning Commission Meeting on July 15, 2014. The plan basically consists of major grading on a 98.58 Acre Tract for the construction of a Horse Barn.
5. Pending SALDO Plans – The SALDO Plans on the Horizon for possible consideration at upcoming Planning Commission Meetings include: Horizon Warehouse Site Plan, Quarture Site Plan, Diesel Subdivision Plan, Paxton Grove Subdivision Plan ph2, SBA Tower Stormwater Plan, Woods Edge Subdivision Plan and Marcellus Access Roads.
Mr. Slagle updated the Board on the following Capital Improvement Projects:
1. Midland Sewer Project – Construction started on March 17, 2014. We are currently redesigning selected sections on sewer as needed based on field conditions and Township resident requests. The project is approximately 32 percent complete. We are preparing for the Township’s review/approval Estimate No.5 for W.A.Petrakis Company, for consideration at the 7/22/2014 Township meeting. We are actively contacting the Township residents and responding to restoration concerns.
2. PennVEST Draw Down Request – We are currently preparing the Fifth PennVEST Drawdown request consideration at the 7/22/14 Township meeting.
3. LSA Drawdown Request – The Township received the Second LSA Drawdown in the amount of $313,418.35. We are currently preparing the Fourth LSA Drawdown request for consideration at the 7/22/14 Township meeting. This drawdown will exhaust the remaining LSA Grant of $1.0M.
4. Piatt Off-Site Sewer Project – Construction of the Off-Street Sewer started 3/17/2014 and was completed on 4/22/2014. The Township should formally adopt this sewer. Consideration needs to be given to mandatory connections. The Developer may request that a sewer district be established.
5. McClane Farm Road Sewer Project-We are currently updating the McClane Farm Road based on PaDEP’s comments dated 1/21/2014.
Mr. Slagle updated the Board on the following On-Going Developer Projects:
1. Piatt Estates PL PH I – Construction started on October 22, 2013 and was completed on Jube 20, 2014. We are currently preparing the Seventh Partial Financial Security Reduction for consideration at the 7/22/14 Township meeting.
2. Arden Mills Revised PRD PH-4 – The revised Tentative Master Plan was approved on April22, 2014 which consists of 6 lots and 27 dwelling units on 4.91 Acre Tract. The Developers Agreement and Bonding requirement is currently being prepared. All third party approvals have been obtained.
3. Piatt Estates Plan PH 2A- Phase 2A of the Piatt Estates Plan was approved on April 22, 2014 which consists of 15 lots on a 32.55 Acres Tract. The Developers Agreement and Bonding requirement is currently being prepared.
4. Sunoco/Mariner Pipeline Grading Plan – The roadway safety repairs were completed on 6/24/14. We will perform a follow-up roadway inspection prior to releasing the bonds.
5. Arden Mills PRD Plan Phase III – The Developer provide Final construction drawing of the McClane Farm Road repairs on 7/3/2014 for review. The Developer plans to start work in July 2014.
6. Kingston Estates PH I – The Developer has requested that the Township take over this phase of the plan. We requested As-Built drawings.
Mr. Slagle updated the Board on the following On-Going Township Projects:
1. 2014 Paving Project – The paving project was completed on 6/12/2014 by Russell Standard Paving. We are currently preparing Close-Out Documents and final estimate for consideration at the 7/22/2014 Township meeting.
2. 2014 Sewer Rehabilitation Project – Construction started 6/2/2014. We are preparing for the Township’s review/approval Estimate No. 1 for Slusarczyk Excavating for consideration at the 7/22/2014 Township meeting.
3. Arnold Park Field Project – We have obtained updated quotes reducing the overall project cost for consideration for Sunoco/Mariner’s ($100K).
4. Detention Basin Ownership/Maintenance Fund - We prepared Detention Basin Ownership/Maintenance options/recommendations for the Township’s consideration.
5. CHJA Hydraulic Overload – PaDEP has released 600 additional taps of which 55 taps go to the Township.
6. Teahan Access Points – The R/W was prepared for signature by the Teahan’s. We provided 4 possible access points for the Township to construct the drainage swale. We have prepared a cost estimate to construct a storm sewer.
Solicitor – Mr. Liekar had no report
Mr. Kiehl asked Mrs. Keller to pass on to the Parks and Recreation Committee on the fine work they did for Community Day and reminded everyone Sunday July 13, 2014
Mr. Marcischak – N0 report
1. A motion was made by Mr. Marcischak and seconded by Mr. Kiehl to approve contractor payment request No. 13 (Final) from Schultz Electric, Inc. for the Chartiers Township Community Center in the amount of $6,815.28 as recommended by the project architect in the application and certificate for payment dated June 30, 2014. All Supervisors voted yes. The motion was carried.
1. A motion was made by Mr. Marcischak and seconded by Mr. Kiehl to enter into an Agreement with Houston Borough to provide for the Chartiers Township Tax Collector to collect Houston Borough’s real estate taxes on a temporary basis until a new Tax Collector is appointed by the Borough. All Supervisors voted yes. The motion was carried.
2. A motion was made by Mr. Marcischak and seconded by Mr. Kiehl to retain the firm of Campbell, Durrant, Beatty, Palombo and Miller, P.C. as Special Labor Counsel. All Supervisors voted yes. The motion was carried.
3. A motion was made by Mr. Marcischak and seconded by Mr. Kiehl to authorize payment of invoices (General Fund: Check #29265-#29318: $114,405.77; Light/Fire Hydrant Fund: Check #1484-#1486: $8,772.06; Sewer Fund: Check #2743: $1,386.53; Act 13 Impact Fee Fund: Check #1035, #1036: $22,930.46; Local Services Tax Fund: Check #1007: $319.00; RT. L8 SLE Fund: Check #1189-#1192: $464,325.00; Operating Reserve Fund: Check #1342: $6,815.28; Community Center Operating Fund: Check #1015-#1018: $660.00; P&R Growing Greener Fund: check #1128-#1129: $1,952.70; Grand Total All Funds: $621,566.80). All Supervisors voted yes. The motion was carried.
1. Teahan Stormwater issue – Mrs. Noble advised that the swale is not acceptable to the Teahans’. They want water piped to the stream. The cost of 18” pipe is $33.00/ft. Piping would require DEP Permits. Mr. Kiehl advised that the Township Engineer recommends the swale in order to capture water from the entire area not just what is coming from the current end wall. . Mr. Liekar is to contact the property owner.
2. MCS Alternative Fee proposal calls for a flat rate fee. A motion was made by Mr. Marcischak and seconded by Mr. Kiehl to approve MCS proposal. All Supervisors voted yes. The motion was carried.
3. Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with Canonsburg Borough for Flood Mitigation. As of this date, the Township has not received a proposal from the Borough.
4. McClane Farm Road 537 Plan and LSA grant for 2015.
5. Basketball Hoop – Hoop is to be delivered from the state of Utah mid next week.
6. State Champion signage – Mr. Jeffries presented the Board with a mock up of a 4x5 silhouettes 18x24 sign with the Buccaneer LOGO on it. There will room on the sign to add additional names. Sign would be placed next to the Welcome to Chartiers Township sign.
7. Range’s Portion of Allison Hollow Road – Mrs. Noble has requested their specifications and design. The Township received the permit for the culvert on Kings Road today. Tentative starting date is July 23rd.
8. DEP Wastewater Operator requirement – Sanitary Sewer lines are considered a utility and the Township is required to designate trained personnel to watch over and control wastewater facilities. Training is made available twice a year. Mr. Slagle is to provide the Township with a schedule of classes, times and locations.
Jeff Simpson of 30 South Jonson Rd., Houston, PA thanked the Board for taking action on the abandon property on South Johnson Road. There is still debris in the driveway and the swimming pool is in very poor condition.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
John M. Marcischak
Wendy Williams – Recording Secretary