Scavenger Hunt p. 1 of 2
Mathematics Homework Assignment #1
Mr. B’s Scavenger Hunt
September, 2013
1. Go to the Haverford Middle School Web page (
2. Click on “e-faculty” at the top.
3. Find my e-faculty page.
4. Find and read the following documents on the site. You may need to look around a little to find each of them. You are encouraged to download, save, and/or print any file that you feel is worthwhile.
Scavenger Hunt p. 1 of 2
How To Help Your Child with Mathematics
Notebook FAQ
What is Mathematics?
Homework Policy
About that homework…
Calculator Policy
A Curious Letter.doc
Robby’s Letter
How Do I Study for a Math Test
Teach Kids Online Safety
Online Safety Guide
Supply list
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5. Find Mr. B’s Math Link page. Click on three different-colored links from the bottom section of the page (not the table of contents) on that page. Which links did you click? Write a brief (1 sentence) description of what you found at each site.
6. Find the HMS Grade 7 tutorial page. Select a tutorial that seems interesting to you (MS PowerPoint is required to view it) and view it. Describe the tutorial. If you do not have Power Point, follow and describe at least one of the links to another help site.
7. Find and read Mr. B’s biography. [The link IS there, on the yellow bar. Click different pages until it appears]. Which sentence contains a lie? What is the most interesting “true” item you found?
8. Click on “Class Notes, Homework, and other related stuff.” What are the sub-headings under that heading? What do you expect to find there?
9. Find the Assignments Calendar. Click on the “List” tab at the top. What homework assignment is due on Friday? When is your summer packet due?
10. Go to the Peregrine Falcons’ Academic Team Page (from the direct link or from the HMS Page, go to e-faculty, then 7th Peregrine Falcons). Click around to see the pages on the website. Find and read “Letter to Parents”. What are the three most important responsibilities of each student?
11. Click on the HMS 7th Grade Math Page. Why might you visit websites from some of the other teachers?
12. Please subscribe to my webpage by going to the HMS Homepage, scrolling to the bottom, and following the directions to sign up for e-alerts.
13. List three pages of the website that you saw today that you think you might use during the course of the school year.
14. Please list any comments or suggestions you have about my website here.
15. Complete and sign:
I, ______(period ____ ) have completed the Scavenger Hunt.
Name printed (first and last)
Signature Date
16. Have at least one parent complete this scavenger hunt assignment. Staple his/her assignment AFTER yours for additional credit.