Copyright 2016 AIA Tremco, Inc. VR HydraMax: Extensive – Dual Waterproofing System 07/16

Tremco, Inc. Commercial Sealants and Waterproofing


Specifier: This guide specification section specifies Tremco VR HydraMax extensive vegetated roof assembly with a Tremco Dual Waterproofing System TREMproof TRA sheeting embedded in TREMproof 250GC.

This pre-edited MasterFormat specification section is created for limited distribution by Tremco, Inc. for use on a single project. Tremco modifications are Copyright 2005 – 2016 by Tremco, Inc. Review and accept changes according to project requirements and specifier's practice.

Revise this Section by deleting and inserting text to meet Project-specific requirements.

Use this section in combination with a properly formatted Division 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection section and, where required, a membrane leak detection system and irrigation system.

We highly recommend you edit this section in consultation with a Tremco Vegetated Roof Specialist. Verify that Section titles referenced in this Section are correct for this Project's Specifications; Section titles may have changed.

This Section uses the term "Architect." Change this term to match that used to identify the design professional as defined in the General and Supplementary Conditions.

For more information about Tremco waterproofing products, contact Tremco Commercial Sealants and Waterproofing Division, Beachwood, OH 44122, (800)3217906, email: ;




A.  Section Includes:

1.  Dual Waterproofing system.

2.  Extensive vegetated roof assembly components.

a.  Extensive vegetated roof growing media

b.  Extensive vegetated roof planting material.

3.  Vegetation-free zone material.

If retaining this Related Sections paragraph, edit list below to suit Project requirements. Include items that Contractor may normally anticipate would be specified in this Section. Sections cross-referenced within the Section text are not included here.


1.  Section 01 81 13 "Sustainable Design Requirements" for additional LEED requirements.

2.  Section 03 31 00 “Structural Concrete” for coordination with waterproofing membrane.

3.  Section 03 30 00 “Cast-in-Place Concrete” for moisture curing of concrete waterproofing substrate.

4.  Division 07 "Thermal and Moisture Protection."

5.  Section 07 27 00 “Air Barriers.”

6.  Section 07 72 00 “Roof Accessories: Manufactured Vents, Hatches, and Walkways.”

7.  Section 07 72 73 "Membrane Leak Detection System."

8.  Section 11 24 29 "Facility Fall Protection" for fall protection devices at roof openings and perimeter.

9.  Section 22 00 00 “Plumbing.”

10.  Section 32 84 00 "Planting Irrigation for Vegetated Roofs."


1.  American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

a.  ASTMC836–Standard Specification for High-Solids Content, Cold Liquid-Applied Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane for Use with Separate Wearing Course

b.  ASTMC920-Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants

c.  ASTM D4258-Standard Practice for Surface Cleaning Concrete for Coating

d.  ASTM D4263-Standard Test Method for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet Method

e.  ASTMD4716-Standard Test Method for Determining the (In-plane) Flow Rate per Unit Width and Hydraulic Transmissivity of a Geosynthetic Using a Constant Head

f.  ASTM E 2397 - Standard Practice for Determination of Dead Loads and Live Loads Associated with Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems

g.  ASTM E 2398 - Standard Test Method for Water Capture and Media Retention of Geocomposite Drain Layers for Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems

h.  ASTM E 2399 - Standard Test Method for Maximum Media Density for Dead Load Analysis of Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems

i.  ASTM E 2400 - Standard Guide for Selection, Installation, and Maintenance of Plants for Green Roof Systems

j.  ASTME84-Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials

k.  ASTME96/E 96M-Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials

2.  Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Class A.


A.  Vegetated Roof; Green Roof; Roof Garden: An area of planting/landscaping, built up on a waterproofed substrate at any level that is separated from the natural ground by a man-made structure.

1.  Extensive Vegetated Roof: Shallow landscape built using an assembly consisting of less than 6 inches (152.4 mm) of engineered growing media, with hardy, drought-tolerant plant species.

B.  Vegetated Roof Assembly; Green Roof Assembly; Roof Garden Assembly: Multi-layered landscaped assembly composed of single-media system, designed to grow plants and to retain and retard rainwater runoff from the roof.

1.  Extensive Vegetated Roof Assemblies consist of the following fully integrated living and manufactured components:

a.  Waterproofing membrane.

b.  Electronic leak detection.

c.  Root barrier protection.

d.  Technical seam tapes.

e.  [Prefabricated drainage course].

f.  Horizontal insulation.

g.  [Air layer].

h.  [Moisture retention mat].

i.  Drain inspection box.

j.  Drainage/water retention component.

k.  Filter fabric.

l.  Engineered growing media.

m.  Vegetation.

n.  Edging restraint.

o.  [Pre-cast concrete pavers] [Loose aggregate].

p.  Erosion control netting.

q.  Irrigation.

C.  Captured Water: Water that is retained in the drainage layer of a vegetated roof assembly after new water additions have ceased and that cannot escape the roof except through evaporation or plant transpiration.

D.  Steep Slope Green Roof: Defined as a slope exceeding 3:12 pitch.

E.  “C” Factor: The runoff coefficient used in the Rational Method, where “C” is the ratio of runoff to precipitation received over a given area.

F.  Curve Number (CN): A number used to predict direct runoff or infiltration from rainfall, developed by USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, taking into account a site’s soil type, land use, site conditions, drainage patterns, and pervious and impervious coverage.

G.  Planted Area; Vegetated Area: Areas to be planted.

H.  Vegetation-Free Zone: Areas without plantings.

I.  Plant; Plants; Plant Material: Vegetation in general, including trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers, ornamental grasses, bulbs, corms, tubers, or herbaceous vegetation.

J.  Alive: Displaying horticultural viability consisting of vigorous, hardy, and sustainable growth characteristics.

K.  Retained Water: Water that is held for a period of hours or days but would eventually drain out given enough time in the absence of evaporation or plant transpiration.


A.  Submittals in accordance with Section [01 33 00 “Submittal Procedures”].

B.  Coordinate submittal requirements and provide submittals required by Section [01 81 13 “Sustainable Requirements: Construction”].

C.  Product Data: For each of the components of vegetated roof assembly indicated, including the following:

1.  Waterproofing membrane

2.  Root barrier.

3.  [Prefabricated drainage course].

4.  Horizontal insulation.

5.  [Air layer].

6.  [Moisture retention mat].

7.  Drain inspection box.

8.  Drainage/water retention component.

9.  Filter fabric.

10.  Engineered growing media.

11.  Vegetation: Include quantities, sizes, quality, and sources for plant materials.

12.  Edging restraint.

13.  [Pre-cast concrete pavers] [Loose aggregate].

14.  Erosion control netting.

15.  Technical seam tapes.

16.  Irrigation.

D.  US Occupational Health and Safety Administration’s (OHSA) Hazard Communications Standard (HCS): Safety Data Sheets (SDS): For each of the following components of vegetated roof assembly:

1.  Waterproofing membrane

2.  Root barrier.

3.  [Prefabricated drainage course].

4.  [Air layer].

5.  [Moisture retention mat].

6.  Drainage/water retention component.

7.  Filter fabric.

8.  Edging restraint.

9.  Drain inspection box.

10.  Erosion control netting.

11.  Technical seam tapes.

Specifier: Retain and edit "LEED Submittals" Paragraph for projects pursuing LEED certification; modify provisions if sustainable design submittals are required for non-LEED projects or for Federal projects.

E.  LEED Submittals:

1.  Product Test Reports for CreditSS7.2: For paver and aggregate surfacing materials, indicating that materials comply with Solar Reflectance Index requirement.

2.  Product Data for Credit MR4: For products having recycled content, documentation indicating percentages by weight of postconsumer and pre-consumer recycled content. Include statement indicating cost for each product having recycled content.

F.  Shop Drawings: For vegetated roof assemblies. Include roof plans, slopes, and drain locations; details of vegetated roof assemblies and accessories [,walkway pavers][, and aggregate surfacing].

1.  Indicate planted areas correlated with planting schedule.

2.  Coordinate with requirements for membrane leak detection system.

G.  Samples for Verification: Two (2) samples for each of the following components of vegetated roof assembly:

1.  Root barrier: 12 inch x 12 inch.

2.  [ Prefabricated drainage course: 12 inch x 12 inch ].

3.  [ Air layer: 12 inch x 12 inch ].

4.  [ Moisture retention mat: 12 inch x 12 inch ].

5.  Drainage/water retention component: 12 inch x 12 inch.

6.  Filter fabric: 12 inch x 12 inch.

7.  Growing media: 1-quart volume of each growing media, in sealed plastic bags labeled with content and source. Each Sample shall be typical of the lots of growing media to be furnished. Provide an accurate representation of texture and composition.


A.  Installer’s Certificate: For vegetated roof assembly Installer and irrigation system Installer, verifying qualifications on company letterhead.

B.  Manufacturer’s Certificate: For specified products of vegetated roof assembly, signed by Manufacturer, verifying approval of Installer.

C.  Certifications for Waterproofing:

1.  Certification from an approved independent testing laboratory experienced in testing waterproofing membrane for all applicable ASTM methods.

2.  Certification showing full time quality control of production facilities responsible for the manufacture of the waterproofing membrane and that each batch of material is tested to ensure conformance with the manufacturer’s published physical properties.

3.  The plant manufacturing the waterproofing membrane shall have ISO 9001-2000 approval as evidenced by a copy of the official certificate.

4.  Evidence that the waterproofing membrane assembly is currently ClassA listed with Underwriters Laboratories.

D.  Product Testing Data: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests conducted on specified products by the following independent testing agencies:

1.  Test reports from a certified laboratory for ASTM E 2399: For growing media, tested within current twelve (12) month period.

E.  Stormwater Performance Data: Predicted performance of the specific green roof assembly for the project shall be provided and include:

1.  Composite Curve Number (CN)

2.  Composite C-factor

3.  Calculations shall be based on actual testing of suppliers green roof components to be used for the project including but not limited to the regionally specific growing media formulation and water retention/drainage materials.

4.  Calculations shall account for vegetated and un-vegetated portions of the roof as well as local climatic conditions including rainfall depth, intensity, duration, and timing.

F.  Manufacturer Field Inspection Reports: Manufacturer’s written reports and acceptance of vegetated roof assembly Installer based on regular inspections. Include weather conditions, description of work performed, tests performed, defective work observed, and corrective actions taken to correct defective work.

G.  Evidence indicating that water is available at the roof level to ensure that the vegetation can receive sufficient moisture through proper maintenance of the green roof.

H.  Warranty: Sample of special warranty.


A.  Maintenance Data: Recommended maintenance plan including procedures for inspection and care of vegetated roof assembly and plants during a calendar year. Submit before start of required warranty and maintenance periods.

B.  Maintenance Reports: Reports of vegetated roof assembly Inspector submitted quarterly. Must be signed by approved representation of vegetated roof assembly Installer, must outline actions carried out as per Maintenance Requirements.


A.  Waterproofing Installer Qualifications: A qualified Installer, certified by waterproofing system manufacturer as a locally based, authorized applicator of the product the installer intends to use.

1.  Experience: [Five] years' proven experience in application of membrane product.

2.  Experience: List of at least three projects, satisfactorily completed within the last five years, of similar scope and complexity to this project. Previous experience submittal shall correspond to specific membrane system proposed for use by applicator.

B.  Vegetated Roof Assembly Installer Qualifications: A qualified Installer, certified by vegetated roof assembly Manufacturer, whose work has resulted in successful establishment of plants.

1.  Experience: [Five] years' proven experience in application of growing media on elevated roof decks with a blower truck.

2.  Experience: [Five] years' proven experience in vegetated roof assembly installation in addition to requirements in Section01 40 00 "Quality Requirements."

3.  Experience: List of at least three projects, satisfactorily completed within the past five years, of similar scope and complexity to this project.

4.  Training: Staff trained to facilitate maintenance of vegetated roof assembly.

5.  Fall Protection: Fall Arrest Certificates maintained by all employees of Installer when working on roof top.

6.  Installer's Field Supervision: Maintain experienced full-time supervisor on Project site when work is in progress.

C.  Waterproofing Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified company, that shall demonstrate qualifications to supply materials of this section by certifying the following:

1.  Experience: [Five] years' experience in supplying waterproofing membrane on projects of similar scope and complexity.

D.  Vegetated Roof Assembly Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified company, specialized in supplying vegetated roof assembly systems.

1.  Experience: [Five] years' experience in supplying vegetated roof assemblies on projects of similar complexity.

E.  Source Limitations: Obtain certification showing that all components of vegetated roof assembly and roof membrane are being supplied and warranted by a single-source manufacturer.

F.  The product should be resistant to acids (fertilizers, building washes and acid rain) and maintain membrane thickness during application respectively.

G.  Waterproofing Manufacturer shall have available an in-house technical staff to assist the contractor, when necessary, in application of the products and final inspection of the assembly.

H.  Mock-Up: Build mock-ups to set quality standards for materials and executions.

1.  Build mock-up of vegetated roof assembly and associated components and accessories.

2.  Size: 100 sq. ft. (9.25 sq. m.), 10 ft. x 10 ft. (3.048 m x 3.048 m) to demonstrate assembly installation and standard of workmanship.

3.  Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mock-ups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion.

I.  Electronic Testing: Perform leak testing by installation of Electro Field Vector Mapping (EFVM) system administered by a qualified testing agency. Flood testing is unacceptable as a testing procedure.

J.  Health and safety: Perform in accordance to Health and Safety Requirements.