Appendix 1 – Stages 1 & 2

Personal Development Review(PDR)



The process for NHS Halton CCG is very straightforward and divided into the following elements:

Stage 1a & 1b: Pre-appraisal

Section 1a to be completed by employee, section 1b to be completed by reviewer.

Stage 2: Setting Performance Objectives

Joint process to establish individual level work priorities

Stage 3a & 3b: Complete documents to be shared with HR

Joint process to complete Learning and Development plan and PDR completion pro-forma.

Stage 4: Quarterly Review

Joint process updating on overall progress, progress against individual objectives can also be updated against each objective.

Our Vision

“Involving everybody in improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Halton.”

Our Values

We will work in a collaborative manner across our member practices, with local people and communities and with organisations with whom we share a common purpose.
We will undertake to deliver all business within the public domain unless there is a legitimate reason for us not to do so.
We will place the people of Halton and their communities at the heart of everything that we do.
We will be clear in what we are and are not able to do as a commissioning organisation.
We will be role models and champions for health in the local community.
We will commission the services we ourselves would wish to access.
We will work to deliver improvement and real change in care.

Our Strategic Objectives

To achieve our vision, we not only need to create the organisational culture and ethos that our values represent, we also need to deliver some clear objectives that, in combination with our values, will ensure we achieve our goals. Our Strategic Objectives are to:

Number / Objective
1 / To commission services which continually improve the health and wellbeing of Halton residents
2 / To engage with local people and communities about our work and plans
3 / To develop plans which will deliver improvements in local health services whilst making efficiency savings
4 / To deliver all of our statutory duties and commissioning responsibilities effectively, whilst ensuring there are robust constitutional, governance and financial control arrangements in place
5 / To develop into a high-performing organisation, working with our partners to deliver a joined-up approach to commissioning wherever possible.

Stage 1a (Employee to complete prior to meeting)

My Details

Job Title
Date of review

My Annual PDR

To be completed by reviewee prior to review

Performance against last year’s objectives – summary
What do you consider to have been your key personal achievements during the year?
What have you not achieved which you would like to have achieved and what challenges did you face which may have impeded progress?
Please provide any example of how you have upheld the CCG’s Vision and Values

My future objectives – objectives or tasks for the next 12 months

What do you consider to be your most important aims and tasks in the next year? (These will feed into the personal objectives to be agreed during the PDR).

What / How / When
How does your current role fit with your career aspirations/what new opportunities would you like to experience?

Stage 1b(Reviewer to complete prior to meeting)

Line manager (Reviewer) self-assessment againstlast year’s objectives - summary

Stage 2 (to complete together during meeting)

During the PDR meeting only the first section of each objective needs to be completed.

During subsequent quarterly reviews the relevant review section should be updated.

Guide to RAG rating colours:

Green: On track/Achieved

Amber: Off plan – external factors

Red: Off plan –personal development need

Blue: Objective no longer required

Individual objective/task
Measures (outcome of objective)
Target date (on-going or time limited)
Q1 review (Apr – Jun) / Narrative / evidence:
Q2 review (Jul – Sep) / Narrative / evidence:
Q3 review (Oct – Dec) / Narrative / evidence:
Q4 review (Jan – Mar) / Narrative / evidence:
Individual objective/task
Measures (outcome of objective)
Target date (on-going or time limited)
Q1 review (Apr – Jun) / Narrative / evidence:
Q2 review (Jul – Sep) / Narrative / evidence:
Q3 review (Oct – Dec) / Narrative / evidence:
Q4 review (Jan – Mar) / Narrative / evidence:
Individual objective/task
Measures (outcome of objective)
Target date (on-going or time limited)
Q1 review (Apr – Jun) / Narrative / evidence:
Q2 review (Jul – Sep) / Narrative / evidence:
Q3 review (Oct – Dec) / Narrative / evidence:
Q4 review (Jan – Mar) / Narrative / evidence:
Individual objective/task
Measures (outcome of objective)
Target date (on-going or time limited)
Q1 review (Apr – Jun) / Narrative / evidence:
Q2 review (Jul – Sep) / Narrative / evidence:
Q3 review (Oct – Dec) / Narrative / evidence:
Q4 review (Jan – Mar) / Narrative / evidence:
Individual objective/task
Measures (outcome of objective)
Target date (on-going or time limited)
Q1 review (Apr – Jun) / Narrative / evidence:
Q2 review (Jul – Sep) / Narrative / evidence:
Q3 review (Oct – Dec) / Narrative / evidence:
Q4 review (Jan – Mar) / Narrative / evidence: