CEPH Youth Award in Population Health and Statistics
Application Form
IMPORTANT! Before completing this application, please check that you meet the required criteria (ask your Head of Year or a teacher for details) and that your school is willing to provide you with a reference.
Please return all applications and any attachments to the following address:
Dr. Gemma Knowles.
Postdoctoral Research Coordinator
Health Service and Population Research, IOPPN
David Goldberg Centre, King's College London
16 De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill
London SE5 8AF
King’s Centre for Epidemiology and Public Healthhas created this award for Young People interested in Population Health and Statistics. This is an excellent and exciting opportunity to gain practical experience and make valuable contacts. The award aims to encourage young people from the local area to stay in education and develop a career in science or maths.
The award includes:
•Shadowing a health researcher, epidemiologist or statistician for 2 days for the purpose of learning what we do in population health research, why and how, and performing some of the tasks that we do in our work;
•Ongoing mentoring for the awardee (for a year); meeting approximately 3 times a year to discuss career advice, opportunities and general support plus more frequent online mentoring when required
•A £50 book token
Personal detailsName
Date of birth / Male □ Female □
Name of school
GCSE Subject / GCSE grade / predicted grade / AS / A level Subject / AS / A level grade / predicted grade
Educational background
We would like to know about the education and employment background of your parent(s) / guardian(s):
Parent / guardian one:
Current employment status: Employed □
Self employed □
Unemployed □
Current / most recent occupation:
Highest level of qualification: School □
Further (college / sixth form) □
Higher (university/polytechnic) □
Parent / guardian two:
Current employment status: Employed □
Self employed □
Unemployed □
Current / most recent occupation:
Highest level of qualification: School □
Further (college / sixth form) □
Higher (university/polytechnic) □
About You
Why have you applied for the King’s Population Health and Statistics Award? (75 words max)
What are your career aspirations for the future and how do your family view your aspirations? (75 words max)
Why do you think mental health problems more common in cities than in rural areas? (100 words max)
Supporting referee
All applications should be supported by a teacher, tutor or career advisor
Name of referee
Capacity in which you know the applicant
Supporting statement
Educational aspirations
This is just for informational purposes, the application is not chosen based on these sections.
Strongly agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly disagreeSchooling
Finishing school is important to achieve my career choice
If I work I can succeed in life
Doing well at school is important to me
I always attend school unless I'm ill
I work hard at school
Academic self-concept
If I get stuck, I can usually work things out
I am good at solving problems
I feel good about myself
I know how to be a good learner
I am good at most subjects at school
I am good at working with others
Teacher support
Teachers do their best to make lessons interesting
I am praised by teachers when I do well
Teachers show an interest in me
I can choose interesting work at school
Home- support for learning
Family members/carers help me with homework
Family members/carers reward me if I do well at school
Family members/carers often ask me how I'm doing at school
I have a quiet place in which to do school work
Family members/carers usually come to open evenings/reviews
Peer support
My friends think doing well at school is important
My friends help me with school work
Most of my friends intend to stay at school/college after year 11
I want to leave school as soon as possible and get a job
I often get bored in class
My friends distract me from paying attention in school
My friends laugh at those who do well at school
Laissez faire
I think it's OK not to know what to do with my future
How well I do at school won't make much difference to my life
Home- educational aspirations
People from my family go to college after they leave school
Family members/carers do not think that school is very important
Taken from Strand and Winston (2008). Educational aspirations in inner city schools.
Educational attainment
Do you intended to remain in full-time education (either school or college) after the age of 18? (please tick)
What is the highest level of qualifications you expect to achieve by the end of your education? (please tick)
BTECNVQ level 1 / City & Guilds level 1
GCSE / NVQ level 2 / City & Guilds level 2
A level / AS level / NVQ level 3 / City & Guilds level 3
Professional diploma
Higher national diploma / higher national certificate
Master’s degree / other post graduate qualification
Taken from Strand and Winston (2008). Educational aspirations in inner city schools.
Rosenberg questionnaire
Strongly disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly agreeI feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.
I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.
I am able to do things as well as most other people.
I feel I do not have much to be proud of.
I take a positive attitude toward myself.
On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.
I wish I could have more respect for myself.
I certainly feel useless at times.
At times I think I am no good at all.
Rosenberg self-esteem scale