

John Adams Academy

English Language Arts

Kindergarten students will demonstrate an understanding and a working knowledge in the following areas:

  • Print Concept
  • Phonological Awareness
  • Phonics and Word Recognition
  • Fluency
  • Key Ideas and Concepts in Literature
  • Craft and Structure
  • Integration Knowledge and Ideas
  • Use combination of drawing, dictating and writing text
  • Comprehension and Collaboration of Class Projects
  • Oral Presentations
  • Conventions of Standard English
  • Develop Vocabulary


With prompting and support:

  • Ask and answer questions about a reading selection
  • Identify characters, setting, and main events in a story
  • Retell stories, including details

Reading: Foundational Skills

  • Understand basic print features
  • Left to right
  • Top to bottom
  • Page by page
  • Cover, spine, title page
  • Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Recognize that spoken words are made up of syllables and sounds
  • Recognize and produce rhyming words
  • Blend two or three sounds together to make a recognizable word
  • Use phonics when reading words
  • Say the most frequent sounds for each consonant and vowel
  • Read common high-frequency words by sight
  • the, of, to, you, is, etc.


  • Draw, tell, or write about a book
  • Draw, tell, or write about events in the order they happened

Speaking and Listening

  • Participate in discussions
  • Listen to others
  • Take turns speaking
  • Follow oral directions
  • Ask and answer questions
  • Describe people, places, things, and events, providing detail


  • Print many uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Use capitalization, punctuation, and spelling strategies
  • Identify new meanings for familiar words
  • Sort common objects into categories
  • Shapes, food

Our daily language arts curriculum includes direct instruction, small group work and collaborative activities. Instruction is given through songs, rhymes, chants, guided and shared reading and writing activities. Monthly we focus onClassic literature that involves writing, art, and dramatizations to extend and enhance the meaning of the stories.


Kindergarten students will demonstrate an understanding and a working knowledge in the following topic areas:

  1. Counting and Cardinality
  2. Operations and Algebraic Thinking
  3. Number and Operations in Base Ten
  4. Measurement and Data
  5. Geometry
  • Know number names and be able to count to 100
  • Write numbers 0 – 30
  • Learn about numbers with tens and ones
  • Count objects to tell the number of things in a group up to 30
  • Compare and contrast numbers and groups
  • Understand that addition is putting together groups and adding to groups
  • Understand that subtraction is taking apart groups and taking from groups
  • Fluently add and subtract within 5
  • Understand concepts of time (morning, afternoon, evening, etc.)
  • Know about the tools that measure time (clock, calendar, etc.)
  • Sort objects into groups
  • Identify and describe shapes
  • Make patterns
  • Count by 5’s and 10’s to 100

Our daily math curriculum involves whole group calendar activities that give students practice in the above content areas. We use a very “hands on” approach that creates a strong foundation for number sense.


Students will demonstrate an understanding of the following topics:

Earth Sciences

  • Students will develop an understanding of how they influence the environment and how it influences them.

Physical Sciences

  • Students will develop an understanding of what materials are made of and their physical properties along with the 3 states of water (solid, liquid, and gas).

Life Sciences

  • Students will learn about different types of plants and animals and can identify the major structures of both.

Earth Sciences

  • Students will develop an understanding of earth’s features, resources, and changes in the weather.

Social Studies

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the following topics:

  • Students will understand what it means to be a good citizen
(following rules, taking turns, being honest, showing courage,
being responsible and taking pride in our country).
  • Students will recognize national and state symbols, icons
and songs.
  • Students will learn about jobs at home, school, in our
community and around our country.
  • Students will understand locations of people and places in
our neighborhoods (using maps, globes, traffic signs and
symbols, etc).
  • Students will learn about important people and events in history and how they affect our world today.