MCEC Expansion

MCEC was established almost 20 years ago with a core team of dedicated individuals. However as stated in the recent past, we are looking to expand our gamut of services and need people with various skills to help define and lead the delivery of these services.

Currently we offer classes, religious ceremonies and the beginnings of a Youth programme, but we want ask you to help define and expand the future activities and direction of this centre.

Your role will be one dedicated to driving a particular aspect of this centre forward (depending on your skills and interests) and help it offer the right services as befits the diverse community it serves.

The key areas where we require people to assist are:

·  Finance/Legal/Regulatory

o  Helping with accounts and any legal/regulatory issues

·  Mosque & Religious

o  Providing advice on religious issues and helping with funerals, weddings and other religious ceremonies and events such as Eid, Tarawih, Jumma etc

·  Education

o  Helping to define the sorts of courses needed as well as running the Evening and Saturday schools for children

·  Events/Festival Management

o  Helping our team of Events staff and assisting in planning other events

·  External Relations

o  Building relationships with key external stakeholders as well as other faiths

·  Facilities/Property management

o  Helping to maintain the premises as well as advising on ensuring the upkeep of the centre is efficient

·  IT & Communication

o  Managing communications with external facing channels, i.e. website, social networks as well as multimedia editing of lectures and classes

·  Youth Development

o  Helping our team of dedicated volunteers in managing programmes specific for our youth.

The Process

Once you have submitted your application form with a copy of your CV, we will look to see where you can best help and discuss how we see the different areas moving forward. If you feel you have the right skills and knowledge, as well as the essential dedication and commitment, please apply using the attached form.

Volunteer Application form CONFIDENTIAL

Tel and mobile numbers
Date of birth
Please circle the most relevant:
If employed, please state profession / Employed
Other (please state)
Summary of work experience and skills
Please give details of previous volunteer work. What can you contribute to the MCEC?
Which of the following areas do you feel you can help with? / Finance/Legal/Regulatory
Mosque & Religious
Events/Festival Mgmt / o
o / External Relations
Facilities/Property mgmt
IT & Communication
Youth Development / o
What times / days of the week can you commit to?
Any other relevant information
Referee details (not family) / Referee 1
Email: / Referee 2


Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or been the subject of a Caution?

Yes / No

If yes, please state below the nature and date(s) of the offence(s)

Signed / Date / Print name

This post is an “exempted office/employment” under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (exemptions) order 1975. This means you must provide details about any and all convictions, cautions and bind-overs regardless of their status or date. This includes all which could otherwise be considered as “spent”. Failure to disclose may result in the withdrawal of the application or dismissal from any job offer or voluntary post.

Please return completed form to: MCEC, 30 Oakthorpe Road, Palmers Green. London, N13 5JL or email completed form to .

Volunteer Agreement

The MCEC's main purpose is to provide a place of worship, educational and social facilities for the local Muslim community in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The Trust also aims to provide a range of culturally sensitive services for the wider communities of North London, drawing upon our Islamic values, with a view to improving quality of life and enhancing community cohesion. The MCEC encourages and welcomes volunteers. This agreement sets out the relationship between a volunteer and the MCEC.

This agreement is binding in honour only. It is not intended by the parties to be a legally binding agreement nor is it intended to create an employment relationship.


We require you to provide two referees. We may also require you to be checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

Your role as a volunteer

The task that you will be asked to undertake as a volunteer will be outlined to you by the supervisor in the activity that you are volunteering for.

What you can expect from us

The MCEC will provide you with:

• An introduction to the MCEC and your volunteering role within it.

• Training related to your responsibilities as a volunteer. We hope that you will take advantage of this to improve and maintain your skills.

• A supervisor who will oversee your volunteering and with whom you can discuss your work.

• A review of your volunteering role after six months. This will normally be carried out by your supervisor.

• Personal liability insurance to cover you while you are fulfilling authorised volunteer work.

• Injury insurance for injuries incurred while fulfilling your authorised volunteer work.

• Reimbursement of your expenses (if applicable) and agreed in advance. All expenses must be submitted, with receipts where possible, to the MCEC office within one week.

What we expect from you

We will discuss with you the amount of time that you are willing to commit to volunteering, when you will be available each week, and how your availability will fit in with our needs. If, for any reason, you will not be attending as we have agreed, we would be grateful if you could let us know

as soon as possible so that a substitute can be found or different arrangements can be made. If we have no work for you we will let you know as soon as possible.


In the course of your volunteering you will come across confidential information about the MCEC, its staff, its visitors, its clients and third parties. You must respect this confidentiality and not use the information for your own benefit or disclose the information, except where required or permitted to do so by law.


You will abide by the MCEC's health and safety and equal opportunities policies. These can be found in the documents that have been given to you.

Ideas and problems

You may have ideas for the better performance of your duties or of ways in which we can meet our objectives as an MCEC. Please discuss these with your supervisor.

You may run into problems when performing your duties. You should discuss any complaint or problems with your supervisor.

Your supervisor will discuss with you any issues that he/she may have with your work.

If you would like to change the arrangements for your volunteering or move to a different kind of volunteering, that too should be raised with your supervisor.


Either you or the MCEC can terminate this agreement with or without notice at any time.

Saturday School

The following is applicable for the MCEC Saturday and Evening school:

·  On Saturdays, Individuals will be expected to be in the Centre for the Staff briefing 15 minutes before the Assembly begins and stay until after Salat-ul Zuhr.

·  Individuals will be expected to sign the attendance sheet; otherwise payment for services rendered cannot be made.

·  Individuals will be expected, at all times to behave in an Islamic manner.

·  Should problems arise, it is essential that difficulties/issues are resolved between only those concerned.

·  It is not acceptable for people to backbite or to elicit support over matters which should otherwise be dealt with in a professional manner.

·  Subject matters will be dealt with by the subject leader and their decision will be final.

·  Subject leaders should seek the help/support of the Head to adjudicate in such matters if necessary. Any decision made will be final and will be to be respected.

·  Individuals will behave appropriately with children at all times. No physical contact or physical discipline will be tolerated. Children will be treated with respect and staff and volunteers will be entitled to be treated with respect in return.

·  If absences are known in advance, it is the responsibility of the individuals to negotiate and make suitable arrangements for their services to be covered in their absence.

·  Individuals who are absent for unexpected reasons should notify the Centre as soon as possible, preferably 30 minutes before assembly begins.

·  Should Individuals wish to terminate their services to the Centre, then a minimum of ½ a terms notice should preferably be given, so that suitable replacements can be made.

Please sign below as acceptance of this policy

I have read and understood this policy and its contents and I agree to abide by the rules at all times.


Received by:


Please return completed form to: MCEC, 30 Oakthorpe Road, Palmers Green. London, N13 5JL or email completed form to .

MCEC Volunteer Policy

A volunteer is a person who gives freely of his/her time, skills and experience without expectation of financial reward. Volunteering can take many forms. Some tasks require particular skills whereas others require none. Volunteering may be for a limited time to complete a particular project or may be on an ongoing basis.

The Trust recognises the immense benefits that volunteers bring to the MCEC, and the bridges that they build between the MCEC and the local community. In return the MCEC hopes to give its volunteers an opportunity to exercise their skills in a different environment and to undertake new experiences.

The MCEC tries to offer a range of volunteering opportunities and, in accordance with its equal opportunities and diversity policies, to ensure that the opportunity to volunteer is widely available.

Status of volunteers

A volunteer is not an employee and will not have a contract of employment with the MCEC. The MCEC will agree a role with the volunteer and there will be an expectation that the volunteer will meet the role's requirements and that the MCEC will provide work for the volunteer. However, the volunteer is free to refuse to fulfil the role and the MCEC is not bound to provide the work. It is also expected that both the MCEC and the volunteer will give as much notice as possible if unable to meet these expectations.

Volunteering roles

Roles suitable for volunteers are identified by the Management Committees and Board of Trustees, who will draw up a volunteer outline. This will set out the requirements of the role and the skills or experience needed, as well as any training that is required before the volunteering work is undertaken. Volunteers will not be used as substitutes for employees.


A person wishing to become a volunteer will be asked to complete an application form. The applicant will be asked to identify areas in which he/she would like to volunteer. If the MCEC is able to match the applicant to a suitable role, references will be required and, depending on the nature of the role, the prospective volunteer may be required to undergo a health and/or criminal records check.

Volunteering agreement

The volunteer will be invited to enter into a volunteering agreement with the MCEC. This agreement will identify:

• the volunteer's role;

• the training that the volunteer is expected to undertake;

• the expenses that the MCEC will pay to the volunteer;

• the insurance cover that will be provided for the volunteer;

• who will supervise the volunteer; and

• the notice that will be given to a volunteer if his/her role is to come to an end.


The MCEC will provide any training required for the role, including health and safety training.

Health and safety

The MCEC has a responsibility for the health and safety of volunteers. Volunteers should at all times follow the MCEC's health and safety policies and procedures. Volunteers have a duty to take care of themselves and others who might be affected by their actions. Volunteers should not act outside their authorised area or work. Volunteers should report all accidents to their supervisor.

The MCEC will provide volunteers with appropriate guidance on any health and safety issues that arise.


Volunteers are unpaid. However, the MCEC may reimburse volunteers for travel and subsistence expenses. This will entail reimbursement against receipts or take the form of an allowance. [Reimbursement will be in accordance with the MCEC's expenses policy.]

Policies and procedures

Volunteers are expected to comply with all the MCEC's policies while they are on its premises or undertaking any of their volunteering duties. Their induction will include an explanation of these policies and procedures.


The MCEC will ensure that volunteers are covered for insurance purposes in respect of personal injury. The MCEC will also ensure that volunteers are provided with professional and public liability insurance. The insurance will not cover unauthorised actions or actions outside the volunteering agreement.


Volunteers are likely to become aware of confidential information about the MCEC, its staff, customers and suppliers. Volunteers should not disclose this information or use it for their own or another's benefit without the consent of the party concerned. This does not prevent disclosure once the information is in the public domain (unless it has been made public as a result of the volunteer's breach of confidentiality) or where the law permits or requires disclosure.


A supervisor will be appointed to support and manage the volunteer. The supervisor will review the arrangements after [three months] and thereafter on a regular basis. If the volunteer has any queries or would like to change his/her role this should be discussed with the supervisor.

Dealing with problems