September 16, 2018

Dear Early Childhood Family,

Welcome to the 2017-18 school year! I am writing to share some exciting news and provide important information for the upcoming school year.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Misty Kinsey (Miss Misty), and I am the Early Childhood Center Director. I have worked in the Republic School District for 22 years, 17 in the field of Early Childhood. I oversee the Preschool (tuition-based and MPP), Early Childhood Special Education, and Parents as Teachers programs.

Miss Laura will be providing the warm welcome to EC each day! She can assist you with any need you might have regarding payments, paperwork, events, or anything else related to our three programs. Our custodians have been working all summer to have a clean and safe environment for all of us. A special thank you to Mr. Mike for preparing EC for our families!

Preschool Staff:

Miss Alysia is the teacher for our Monday through Friday morning and Monday through Thursday afternoon program. She will be assisted by Miss Julie.

Miss Amanda is the teacher for our Monday/Wednesday morning, Tuesday/Thursday morning and Monday through Thursday afternoon program. She will be assisted by Miss Melissa.

Important Dates:

We know summer is busy and soon everyone will begin planning for August and the new school year. Here are some important dates that you will want to place on your calendar:

  • August 7th EC Open House:

Morning Classes 5:00-6:00pm; Afternoon Classes 6:15-7:15pm

  • August 10th First Day of School (Mon-Fri, Mon-Thurs, Tues/Thurs)
  • August 14th First Day of School (Mon/Wed)
  • August 29thGrandparent’s Day

Morning Classes: 5:00-6:00pm; Afternoon Classes: 6:15-7:15pm

  • September 4th No School-Labor Day
  • September 11th & 12th School Picture Day (more information will be sent closer to date)
  • September 22ndSchool Improvement Day-No School

Along with dates for your calendar, the following information will also be helpful as your family prepares for the 2017-2018 school year:

Weekly Release:

The Republic School District implements a weekly Friday early release during the school year. The Early Childhood Center will be implementing this in a different format than the elementary schoolbuildings. The preschool teachers will be having collaboration time Friday afternoons but our afternoon classes will still be in session until 3:25pm. Our afternoon sessions will have a teacher assistant cover for the teacher so to minimize any disruptions to student learning. We are excited to have the ability for our teachers to collaborate together to continually improve our teaching and learning here at EC.


We ask that you update all contact information and keep it updated throughout the school year. You can contact our office at any time to do this. Communication between home and school is very important to ensure your child has a successful school year. You can stay up to date with both district and EC events in the following ways:

  • Classroom Newsletter (weekly for Mon-Fri & Mon-Thurs and every other week for Mon/Wed & Tues/Thurs)
  • Building Newsletter sent via email monthly
  • Website:
  • District Facebook: Republic School District
  • Building Facebook: Republic Early Childhood Center
  • District Twitter: @republicschools
  • Voice calls and text messages at the building and district level

For any family that has not yet received text messages from the district:In order to receive texts sent to numbers submitted to the district, parents/guardians must opt-in. To do so, simply text “Y” to code 67587 at any time. If you are unable to use this code please first contact the building in which your child attends to make sure we have the correct phone number on file. If we have your number on file correctly, but you are still unable to receive messages it is most likely a wireless carrier issue. Please contact your wireless provider and ask them to enable SMS messaging on your device

  • Email/phone
  • Peachjar E-Flyer Service: Weekly optional email with school related and approved e-flyers to keep parents informed of district and community information.
  • Tiger Talk e-newsletter: Sent on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month during the school year. Parents who have provided an email account are automatically signed up. Others can sign up on our website (

Traffic Map and Parking:

Please refer to the Traffic Flow Map on the Early Childhood Center website for drop-off and pick-up procedures. Enter the EC parking lot from Main Avenue and exit on to Highway 174. Please do not deviate from the traffic flow map to assist in providing a safe parking lot for our families.

Sign In/Sign Out Procedures:

Due to licensing and safety issues, all students will be walked in, signed in, and walked to class by their caregiver. Caregivers must sign students out at dismissal time and provide a picture ID before getting the student from the classroom. They must be over the age of 16 and be on the approved pick up list provided by parent/guardian. No student will be released without parent permission and verification of ID.

Classroom Hours:

The front doors will automatically open at 8:25am for AM drop off, 11:25am for AM pick up, 12:25pm for PM drop off, and 3:25pm for PM pick up.

For PM class options--If you have other children attending an elementary building, we ask that you arrive at EC first to pick up your child before going to the elementary schools. This ensures that your child is picked up on time and you will not incur a late pick up charge.


Your child only needs to bring a backpack daily and a full change of clothes to leave at school. Teachers will provide a wish list of items if you choose to donate. We will also have a snack calendar for each student to bring in snack for the classroom. We follow the Eat Smart program and take into consideration any food allergies when creating the snack calendar. If you are unable to send the specific snack assigned, please contact your child’s teacher and we can make adjustments.


Any medications that are to be administered at school must be brought in to the EC nurse. Medications cannot be brought in by students.

Parent/Teacher Committee:

EC has our own parent/teacher committee called FLIP (Families Loving Interactive Preschoolers). Please sign up at open house to volunteer to be a room chair, plan/assist at parties, volunteer to help the teachers with cutting, laminating, etc., and to be more informed of the events at EC.


If you are planning on volunteering in the classroom, be a mystery reader, attend parties or field trips, or attend any event at EC, you must have an approved Missouri State Highway Patrol/ Missouri Department of Social Services background screening on file. The form can be found on the Early Childhood Center website. If you completed this form last year, a new one is required for the 2017-18 school year. This is for any adult, including parents, in order to participate in events or volunteer at EC.


The EC handbook can be found on the Early Childhood Center website for further information.

Curriculum and Programming:

Our preschool classrooms use the High Scope Curriculum, Conscious Discipline program, and Handwriting without Tears program. More information about each of these programs will be sent home in our building and classroom newsletters.

I am excited to begin the new school year. Please let me know if I can be of assistance. I look forward to working with you and your child. See you soon!


Misty Kinsey

Director of Early Childhood
