Washington Parish Council

Open Spaces (Recreation, Allotments, Footpaths and Conservation) Committee

MINUTES of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 20th April 2015 at Washington Village Hall

PRESENT:Cllrs Cook, Doré, Horwood, Milner-Gulland and Whyberd (chairman)

ALSO: Clerk to the Council Petrina Kingham


ABSENT: Cllr Thomas

Cllr Whyberd opened the meeting at 19:03

  1. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Thomas (holiday)

  1. Declarations of interest and Dispensations

There were none

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the last Open Spaces (Recreation, Allotments and Open Spaces),

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the 16th March 2015 wereAGREEDas a correct record and duly signed by the Chairman.

  1. Public Question Time

There were no members of the public present.

  1. Allotments

Water Butts

This Clerk has received 3 water butts. Nine allotment holders have expressed an interest in receiving one. The Committee decided to put all the responses into a hat and draw out the three allotment holders who would receive the water butts. Those chosen were Lisa Mills, Nicola Bilton and Mr and Mrs Stillwell. The Clerk was asked toarrange delivery. Cllr Cook enquired as to the cost of similar water butts to offer out - the Clerk confirmed that they were around £34.00, the Clerk suggested that the Council had sufficient money to purchase these for the six other allotment holders that had expressed an interest.

Allotment Driveway

The Clerk has written to all allotment holders asking that care be taken during wet weather when accessing the allotments in a vehicle.

Provision of Water

There are fourteen allotment holders. The Clerk has written to all plot holders - Out of eleven responses received the Clerk has received one in favour of the provision of water as discussed in the meeting of 16th March. It was agreed that this would therefore not be pursued.

Formation of an Allotment Association

There are fourteen allotment holders. Out of eleven responses interest in the formation of an association was expressed by five holders. It was agreed that this would therefore not be pursued.

Plot 3

This has now been taken as a whole plot and payment and a deposit received. The holder has started working the plot.

Plot 7

This plot has not been worked for some time. The Clerk believes the plot holder is unwell. Their property is also on the market. The Clerk will monitor the situation over the next 4 weeks. There are still two potential plot holders on the waiting list and a further person who is not in the Parish.

Plot 11A

This was a shared plot. Very sadly one of the holders passed away in January. The Clerk has written to the remaining plot holder to express sympathy and to advise her that the Council records will be updated and that she should let the Clerk know if the plot becomes too difficult for her on her own.


To review discuss and formulate a response to the parking problem and access to the allotments

There have been a number of complaints about vehicles obstructing the access area. It appears that they relate on the whole to the Kia garage. One vehicle had been parked on the hardstanding for a number of weeks but had now disappeared. The Committee were of the view that some of the obstruction related to car share and other commuters. The Clerk confirmed that on occasion a significant number of KIA vehicles were parked there. The Committee AGREED that the Clerk should write to the garage and ask them to be mindful of the entrance to the allotments.

Shed on Plot 3

To receive review and respond to a request to erect a 6 x 4 wooden shed on Plot 3

The Committee AGREED that the holder of Plot 3 should have permission to erect a wooden 6x 4 wooden shed

  1. First Extension Graveyard

To receive an update on the faculty licence and proposed works at the 1st Extension Graveyard

The Clerk has started the application but has yet to complete the form. However the PCC also have to supply some information to the Diocese as part of the application. The Clerk has forwarded all the information they need and they will formulate a response in their next PCC meeting in June 2015.

7. Recreation Ground and Parish Property

The Clerk carried out a routine inspection of the area (and the allotments) on 7th April. Frank Hottenbacher was given a number of jobs to complete. Those completed are:

Replacement of basketball nets and addition of a further net to the 3rd basketball stand

Securing the fence around the children’s playarea

Sweeping the MUGA as the surface was identified as mossy and potentially hazardous

Replacement latches to the youth shelter gate and the children’s play area

Outstanding jobs -

Further notice board to mirror the one to the left of the MUGA for further notices to be displayed

Cllr Horwood noted that the wire had been taped over on the MUGA fence. The Clerk confirmed that she had done this as a temporary measure and that the fence and the bent bar were now secure. The MUGA would be subject to a full annual inspection at the end of May by a qualified inspector and the Clerk felt it was appropriate to await this report before starting work on the MUGA as other issues might be identified. The Clerk confirmed that the goal posts would be secured by Frank Hottenbacher and the reason they collapsed was due to a missing securing nut in one side. They did not need to be chained to the fence.

Grounds Maintenance

Dog Fouling - The Clerk has received an email from Nick Wallace Jones (HDC) confirming that they have some dog fouling signs at Horsham. However Mr Jones omitted to state how many and what size they are as whilst HDC appear to be proposing to put these up the Clerk cannot give suggested locations without that information.The Clerk has made a number of attempts to contact Mr Wallace-Jones by email and telephone over the last 3 weeks.

Village Hall

The Clerk has received and circulated a quote from TG Landscapes for the works to the entrance of the recreation ground. Because the quote is over £1000.00 two more quotes are required under the current Parish Council’s own financial regulations. The Clerk was asked to discuss this with Mr George.

Youth Shelter

Nothing to report.

Children’s Play Area

To receive an update on the consultation process and as a result of Cllr Horwoods meeting with the headmistress of St Marys on 15th April.

Cllr Horwood is due to meet with the headmistress on 29th April. Questionnaires have been designed and approved by the Committee previously. These will be circulated to parents and children for a response and the School Council and children will have an opportunity to comment on the equipment and design. Cllr Horwood is happy to report back to the next Committee meeting on 18th May 2015 and the Committee were pleased to accept Cllr Horwood’s offer to continue with the consultation after the elections.

Bus Shelters

The bus shelter on the southbound carriageway of the A24 has been painted.

Parish Notice Boards

The notice board at Spring Gardens has been painted. There is a problem with this notice board in that due to its exposed location agendas are blown off within a matter of hours during bad weather. This has been commented on by a number of residents as there is also a littering issue.

8. Footpaths and bridleways

Faulty Stiles

On path 2699 the first one west of London Road (top of steep ascent)

On path 2701 the stiles at either end of the field immediately north of the A283.

WSCC have confirmed that it is the landowner’s responsibility to maintain these. Cllr Milner- Gulland confirmed that the stiles are on the Wiston estate. The Clerk was asked to write to the estate and remind them of their obligations.

Old London Road and spring Gardens

A member of the public has reported that the paths are muddy and slippery. The Clerk has asked HDC to run street sweepers over the area and has advised the member of the public accordingly.

9. Conservation issues

Protecting the Washington Anglo Saxon Boundaries and the Greensand Way

The Committee NOTED the following update.

The Neighbourhood Plan steering group rejected the inclusion of the above in the Green Spaces List as they did not fit the criteria required for inclusion.

Below is an extract from the draft minutes of the NP meeting of 24th March:

135. To discuss suggestions for inclusion on the list of Local Green Spaces.

Policy 77 of the National Planning Policy Framework specifies the criteria for Local Green Space designation as follows:

  1. Where the green space is in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves;
  2. Where the green area is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wildlife; and
  3. Where the green area concerned is local in character and is not an extensive tract of land.

All the criteria must apply.

Proposed sites were:

Washington Saxon Boundaries

These were rejected by the Group as not being supported by 1 or 3 of the criteria

Greensand Way

This was rejected by the Group as not being supported by 1 or 3 of the criteria

Land Opposite Thakeham Copse

This was rejected by the Group as the land was fenced off, not for the use of the public in private ownership and was not supported by 1 or 2 of the criteria.

Cllr Milner-Gulland agreed to investigate alternative methods of protection.

WSCC archaeological Services

To receive, discuss and recommend a response to the HDAG letter date 1st April 2015 on the loss of the archaeological services within WSCC

The letter and email was circulated on 12th April. The Committee AGREED that a letter should be drafted and sent to HDC and WSCC expressing the Committee’s concern over proposed changes. Cllr Whyberd was to draft a letter and email it to the Clerk to forward to both Authorities.

K6 Telephone Boxes

The Sussex Heritage Trust have requested details of all K6 boxes in the Parish, these have now been identified and sent to the SHT with a request to put pressure on BT to remedy the defects on the box in the Street Washington.

10. Any other Open Space, Recreation & Allotment and Footpaths & Conservation issues that may arise OR items for the next Agenda

To Review the extent of the Delegated Authority of the Committee and Recommend a form of word for Terms of Reference and/or amendments to the Washington Parish Council Standing Orders

Cllr Whyberd explained that he wanted the Committee to have greater delegated powers. At present the only action the Committee could take without the approval of Council was in respect of allotments as provided for in the current Standing Orders. The Clerk advised that changes would have to be approved by Council and that the best way to look at what powers the Committee would like would be to draft Terms of Reference, this could include a provision for the Committee to request the power to spend so long as the Financial Regulations and Standing Orders were not breached. These could also be reviewed.

The Clerk confirmed she would email the Terms of Reference for the Finance and Personnel Committees and the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations so the Committee could start a provisional draft.

The Meeting Closed at 19:42

Date of next OSRA Committee meeting 18th May2015 (cancelled)

Signed……………………………. Date………………………..

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