DECEMBER15, 2011

A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on December15, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.

Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;Devore,Gustafson,Moos,Thomas, Truax and Mayor Moser. Absent: Trustee Heaton. Attorney Anson was also present.

Item 2-Review of the Minutes of the November 17thmeeting. TrusteeGustafson moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Motion carried 5 -0.

Item 3–Resolutions: 2011-08 Adjusting Water Rates; 2011-09 Amending 2011 Budget; 2011-10 Adopting 2012 Budget; 2011-11 Appropriations. Gary reported the water rates are being increased as required by the loan agreement. Resolution 2011-08 Adjusting Water Rates sets the charges at $25.30 for the first four thousand gallons of water, and then an additional $2.84 per 1,000 gallons thereafter. Trustee Gustafson moved to adopt Resolution 2011-08, seconded by Trustee Moos. Motion carried 5 – 0. Gary stated Resolution 2011-09 amends the budget for the year to show the state we are balanced and the reserves are there. Trustee Thomas moved to adopt Resolution 2011-09, seconded by Trustee Devore. Motion carried 5 – 0. Trustee Gustafson moved that the $7,500 be given to the Great Western Trail Authority as long as it’s spent within the city limits, seconded by Trustee Devore. After further discussion, Trustee Devore moved to amend the motion with the addition of the area to include up to Weld County Road 35 and east into town, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 5 – 0. The call for the vote on the main motion with the amended motion carried 5 – 0. Trustee Gustafson questioned the need for setting up a new line item in the budget called Parks Development and doesn’t want money for the Town Square to come out of this fund. Concluding a lengthy discussion on other budget questions, Trustee Gustafson moved to adopt Resolution 2011-10: Summarizing Expenditures and Revenues, seconded by Trustee Moos. Motion carried 5 – 0. Trustee Thomas moved to adopt Resolution 2011-11: Appropriations for 2012, which adopts the actual budget, seconded by Trustee Devore. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 4 –Oil and Gas Lease - Hawkstone. Attorney Anson brought the board up to date on discussions that have taken place regarding the oil and gas lease for the Hawkstone Subdivision. The current rate is set at 17%. Concluding discussion and questions, Trustee Moos moved to authorize Attorney Anson to continue negotiations for the upfront money on the oil and gas lease, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 5 –Bulk water station. Gary submitted information to the board obtained from research done regarding the feasibility of having a bulk water station. The advantages are easier access for haulers, gets big trucks off of residential streets and better accounting system for the town. The cost to build a bulk station is about $40,000 and possible placement will be on Weld County Road 35 on the school district property. Due to increase in oil fracking in the area we are selling lots of water. Trustee Truax moved to raise the current rate for bulk water from $5.00 to $7.50 per 1,000 gallons effective January 2012, seconded by Trustee Devore. Motion carried 5 – 0. Concluding further discussion on the bulk water station, Trustee Truax moved to allow Gary to continue working on the completion of a station, seconded by Trustee Moos. Motion carried5 - 0.

Item 6 –Citizen comments/questions. None.

Item 7–– Reports. Gary gave an update on progress at the Sugar Factory. The yearly agreement on the NISP Project needs to be signed and returned with approval of the board.

Item 8 –Adjourn to Eaton Housing Authority meeting. Asthere was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. and convened to Eaton Housing Authority meeting. Gary discussed and reviewed the 2012 Budget with the Board. Trustee Thomas moved to approve the 2012 Budget, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 5 -0.

Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk