For the sick: Roberta, Roger Giacomini, Teresa Santiago, Bill Hinton, Irena, Geralynn Marchesi, Philip Wulfken, Christine Bushnell, Jean Giacomini, Cheryl Hairr, Anna Felter, Martha Kee, Marta Dovi, Mark Bellissimo, Brain A., Frank Elliot, Kathy, Tom, Karin, Bill Wesp, Louise Spach, William Murphy, Pat, Fred Hansen, RJ Sumner, Milton Dove, Allison Ruddick, Josephine Anne Ferreri, Angela Fede, Julie, Patricia Schultze, Judd Tennant, Barbara Aasheim, Eric Malm, Elizabeth, Bill Cahoy, Elizabeth Wagner, Marie Cagna, Thalia Joan Tosetti, Shannon, Lori Berwick, Maria Pappas, Fern, Gary, Nickholas, Emoni, Sylvia, Mary, MaryKate, Laurie Ann Murphy, Joanne Kelly, Kathryn, Steve Lazar, Patti

The Altar Flowers are given this week In Loving Memory of Frank Lasek, the gift of David & Nelly Lasek; In Loving Memory of James Hannah, the gift of the Hannah Family; and In Thanksgiving for their 34th Wedding Anniversary, the gift of Mary Ann & Peter Hurd.

The Perpetual Light is given this week In Loving Memory of Frank Lasek, the gift of David & Nelly Lasek; In Loving Memory of Nina & Francesco Noto, the gift of the Post Family and In Thanksgiving for their 34th Wedding Anniversary, the gift of Mary Ann & Peter Hurd.

To have someone entered onto our Prayer List for 4 weeks, please e-mail the church office with the person’s name as well as the requester’s name. The e-mail address is: .

Last Sunday attendance: 195

Server Schedule

May 24 -10 am Service May 31 – 10 am Service

MC - Earl Matchett MC - Al Szigethy

LEM - Rob Wheeler LEM - Linda Ehrenshaft

Acolytes – Reiko Matrisciano Acolytes – Greg West

Akiko Matrisciano Colby Tracy

Emma Smith Carleigh Tracy

Luke Cahill Cameron Tracy

Pete Minichello Anna Wickey

Colby Tracy Jennie Low

Lectors - Cameron Tracy Lectors - Emma Cahill

Janice Burnett Anna Wickey

Deacon - Anthony Jones Deacon - Anthony Jones


The weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church

May 17, 2015

I love the second verse of Hymn 460, Alleluia! Sing to Jesus:

Alleluia! Not as orphans are we left in sorrow now. Alleluia! He is near us, faith believes, nor questions how: though the cloud from sight received him, when the forty days were o’er, shall our hearts forget his promise, “I am with you ever more?”

I suspect that many people in this country are leaving the church because they do not experience Christ in their worship or in their daily life. If you attended St. John’s last week, you probably experienced a little tickle in your belly, maybe a few tears of joy in your eyes, and certainly a pride in your heart for our children and youth. It was obvious that God “was in the house.” Cindy did such a nice job preparing our Sunday school class and the kids put forth such a great program and music that you just had to feel good about being in church. We have such great teachers, musicians, children, youth, and parents that the Holy Spirit flooded our hearts with joy. God is truly awesome and our congregation has unlimited potential when we align ourselves with God’s transforming love.

Herbert O’Driscoll, renowned Anglican theologian and preacher, believes that God offers all of us this transforming love, but the heartbreaking paradox is that even though we desire meaning, purpose and fulfillment more than ever in our age, the many demands for our time and sheer busyness in our lives often push God’s transforming grace to the periphery of our thoughts.

Our rational, linear world-view can squeeze out the possibility of seeing the breaking in of God into our world and the gift of God’s love. Without signs and windows, we slide back to a darkened world where we blame sin for our afflictions, where we search for meaning that we cannot find, and where we attempt to earn grace that cannot be bought.

The Good News of the Gospel is not just that Jesus died for our sins, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven. The life changing, transforming love that God offers us unconditionally is offered readily through the Holy Spirit in the real presence of Jesus Christ. I felt that presence last week and I know that many of you felt it also. We have a fabulous opportunity through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring the transforming love of God to our friends, neighbors, and family. Please join our worship at St. John’s as often as your busy lives allow and invite others to join you. Jesus Christ has something very special to offer us and will be with us, “ever more.”

In Christ’s love,

Fr. Duncan


We welcome you to St. John’s Episcopal Church. Established in 1745, this historic church opens its doors to all who seek to deepen their faith and provides warm hospitality to all. We are blessed by your presence and invite you to fill out a Visitor’s Card on the back table of church. Visit the Greeters’ Kiosk in the rear of church, where Greeters are available to answer questions and provide you with a packet of additional information about church services and activities.


Please join us in welcoming to St. John’s our guest organist William Margiotta, who will be here several weeks in Alex’s absence.



Our old friends from Germany are coming back to New York in August and hope to spend the last few days of their trip in Huntington. Following their musical tour at Concordia College in the Bronx, Pastor Johannes Hulser's Youth Choir will be with us from Thursday, August 13 (or possibly Wednesday, August 12) through Friday, August 14, returning home on Friday evening. They are a group of 23, 18 girls and 5 boys, from age 14 to 21 and 2 adult chaperones. So we are looking for several volunteers to host members of the group in your home. With both Fr. Duncan and Ford Spilsbury out of town that week, we really need your help. For more information, or to offer your hospitality, please call Heather Kress at 631-549-5186 (or email her at ) as soon as possible. We thank you in advance for your help!



Come in...take a look!! We have many new items that would appeal to young adults as well. Prayer and wrap bracelets, bangles and more!!! It's time to buy something special for the graduate in your life! ______


Our Rector will be leading a mission trip to the Navajo reservation in Bluff, Utah on July 10-18. We will teach guitar, lead Vacation Bible School, and complete a work project. Payment is due - $400 for plane ticket and $100 for food on the trip. If you have a balance please be sure to send in your check to the church office.



Remember your Loved Ones and Special Thanksgivings by making a donation for the weekly Altar Flowers and/or Sanctuary Light. The forms can be found in the back of the church for memorials -birthdays - thanksgivings -etc. They may be placed in either in the offering plate or handed into the office

Thank you for your support - Nancy Feustel & Barbara Hinton



The Annual ECW Dinner is Wednesday, June 3rd starting at 5:30 pm. We have a lovely evening of fellowship planned. The guest speakers will be “Students for 60,000”, a Northport High School club that is dedicated to providing aid, care, and support for the needy locally, nationally, and internationally. Invitation letters to all the women of the parish have been seen out. If you have not received an invite please call Fran Gorman at: 631-754-2772. We look forward to you joining us!



We will be accepting weekly food donations, in the baskets provided in the rear of church, to support a local food pantry Helping Hands Rescue Mission located in Huntington Station. Donations needed are unexpired, non-perishable products such as: Peanut butter & Jelly, Rice & Pasta Sides, Canned Vegetables, Canned Corn, Cereal, Instant Potatoes, Pancake Mixes & Syrup, Canned Soups, Canned Fruit & Juice. Fred Hansen will be delivering these collected items to their food pantry weekly. Please bring them to church with you. Please do not drop off in the church lobby. Thank you for your generosity.



Choir practice is now being held on Sundays from 9:00 – 9:45 am and 11:30 am – 12:30 pm. Prayerfully consider joining the St. John’s Choir.
