International Student Program Quality Standards for Schools February 2009

International Education Division

International Student Program - Quality Standards for Schools

Component / Outcome / Performance Indicators / Resources
Standard 1
Management of education agents / Schools have effective monitoring processes that use a range of strategies to provide information to the International Education Division regarding the integrity of agents. / Schools only deal with International Education Division accredited agents and do not enter into any financial arrangements with agents.
Where applicable schools are invited to provide feedback to the International Education Division using the Agent Performance and Conduct Feedback Form, and the Accredited agents and School Overseas Visits Feedback Form regarding:
  • Level of quality and services agents provide
  • Feedback received from parents, students or other sources related to agents’ performance.
/ SRK Chapter 3
List of accredited agents:

Feedback Form – Agent Performance and Conduct
Feedback Form – Accredited agents and School Overseas Visits
Standard 2
Marketing information / School marketing information is school specific, accurate, current, timely, of high quality and easily accessed by students, parents and agents. / Schools have a website that:
  • Demonstrates commitment to the International Student Program and to cultural awareness
  • Contains key contact details; as a minimum, the name and email contact of ISC and school administration email and telephone number
  • Describes support services available to international students
  • Outlines school facilities and local area information
  • States the provider name (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) and the CRICOS Provider Code: 00861K
  • Provides a link to the International Education Division website.
Other marketing materials will promote the excellence of the Victorian education system in addition to individual school performance and include the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development as the provider name and CRICOS Provider Code: 00861K. / SRK Chapter 3
*School website
*School marketing material
International Education Division website:
Standard 3
pre-arrival and arrival / Schools assist in assessing the academic suitability of applicants and notify the International Education Division of their recommendation.
Schools have appropriate
pre-arrival and arrival arrangements for students. / Schools assist the International Education Division in assessing the academic suitability of the applicant and proposed study plan.
Schools are contactable year round to respond to requests to place prospective international students, consider change requests and provide homestay and airport reception details.
  • Support students by providing the International Education Division with two school mobile numbers dedicated to the International Student Program for the International Education Division, homestay host and student to contact as required. This can be determined by the Principal in accordance with school capabilities.
  • Notify the International Education Division of any changes in Principal Class Officers, International Student Coordinators and other school staff relevant to the International Student Program
  • Notify the International Education Division when holiday contact details change.
Schools who accept welfare responsibility for students:
  • Are prepared to greet and settle potential arrivals up to 7 days prior to scheduled course commencement dates
  • Provide homestay details directly to the representative education agent or direct to the parent and student no later than 3 weeks prior to scheduled course commencement dates
  • Provide a completed Homestay Profile to the International Education Division no later than 3 weeks prior to scheduled course commencement dates
  • Provide details regarding airport reception or transfer to school arranged homestay including local transfers from a homestay arranged by a private English language provider
  • Have a pool of registered staff members available to perform airport reception or transfer to school arranged homestay as part of their contingency arrangements
/ SRK Chapter 7
AEI-NOOSR Country Education Profiles online:
TIS (Translating and Interpreting Service):
Homestay Profile
Airport Reception and Transfer Information Sheet
*School Emergency Contact Card
Standard 3
pre-arrival and arrival
(continued) /
  • Must not use private transport service providers unless in an emergency and with the knowledge of the International Education Division.
When undertaking airport reception, schools:
  • Complete the Airport Reception and Transfer Information Sheet and provide this to the International Education Division prior to the student’s arrival.
  • Ensure that a school representative is contactable at all times by the International Education Division
  • Use a sign featuring the school logo and student's name upon arrival
  • Check passports to confirm student identity and provide identification of self
  • Provide a phone card, or arrange a supervised call, for student to ring home and advise parents of their arrival
  • Provide the student with an emergency card listing the mobile phone number of the Principal Class Officer and International Student Coordinator
  • If applicable, provide the homestay host with an emergency card listing the mobile phone number of the Principal Class Officer and International Student Coordinator
  • Assist with luggage and transport to school and/or homestay.
  • Contact the ELS/C to confirm that the student has arrived. (including contacting private ELS/Cs.)
Schools enter student details on CASES21, including visa and homestaydetails within 5 working days from the commencement of study.
Schools must inform the International Education Division if student has not arrived as scheduled.
Standard 4
Orientation / Schools deliver an ongoing orientation program that provides students with information to help them adjust to living and studying in Victoria.
. / As part of the orientation process students receive comprehensive documentation which is easily understood and includes information regarding:
  • The school and its academic programs
  • General support services and special programs
  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Visa conditions (translated)
  • Accommodation arrangements
  • Homestay guidelines, where applicable
  • General health care and personal safety
  • Local area including shops and services
  • Transport between school and homestay
  • Dispute resolution procedures
  • Legal rights and responsibilities
  • Key policies (translated)
Schools use the orientation program checklist to ensure they complete all of their respective responsibilities.
Schools also use the orientation program checklist as evidence that visa conditions, school rules and key policies have been read and understood by the student. / SRK Chapter 7
*School diary (school rules)
Key Policies Document (translated)
Visa Conditions (translated)
Orientation Program Checklist
ISANA – ESOS Rights and Responsibilities animations:

ISANA Rainbow Guide

Standard 5
Student involvement in EnglishLanguageSchool/ Centre (ELS/C) programs / Schools provide students with appropriate support during their 20-week intensive English language program. / Schools support students whilst they are in the Victorian Government ELS/C. This includes:
  • Translating and communicating ELS/C reports to the student’s parents.
  • Participation of students in the host school orientation program
  • Assistance by the host school with enrolment and orientation at the ELS/C
  • Contact with students once per term to ascertain academic progress and personal acclimatisation
  • The host school contacting the ELS/C monthly to ascertain the students’ academic progress and personal acclimatisation
  • Inviting students to participate in host school events (where applicable)
Schools establish contact with the student prior to the commencement of study at the host school (including contacting students who are attending private ELS/Cs.) / SRK Chapter 8
Orientation Program Checklist
Standard 6
Record keeping
Standard 6
Record keeping
(continued) / Accurate information is kept about the student. / Schools use the International Student File Coversheet to record current contact details (telephone numbers, addresses and email addresses) of the:
  • Student
  • Homestay host
  • Relative (where student is living with them), and
  • Parents (including home address in students native language)
In order to be compliant with ESOS legislation, schools use the International Student File Checklist to ensure international student files contain the following information:
  • Student’s personal details
  • Copies of student’s current visa and passport
  • Student’s current residential address.
  • School reports/records of academic performance (may be held electronically)
  • Attendance records (may be held electronically)
  • Application form
  • Requests for transfer and requests for deferment of study
  • Records of variations to student enrolment
  • Proof of current student health cover policy
  • Copies of invoices provided to the school
To monitor student progress, schools use the International Student Attendance Summary report and the International Student Welfare & Compliance Record to:
  • Review student attendance every fortnight
  • Review students’ course progress and course duration (at a minimum) at the end of each term
  • Take appropriate action when student is at risk of not meeting course requirements
  • Record incidents of misbehaviour that are in breach of the School Code of Conduct
  • Have a staged strategy to escalate student review when attendance:
falls to 90% (individual counselling with reference to school contract, parents informed)
falls below 90% (Principal counselling, involvement of homestay hosts and parents, school contract and notification to PPSSU)
falls to 85% (International Education Division counselling and contract) / SRK Chapter 8
International Student Attendance Summary Report
International Student Welfare & Compliance Record
School Based Contract Template
Application to Transfer Form
Student Non-Compliance Coversheet and Checklist
Critical Incident Report
Orientation Program Checklist
International Student Survey
International Student File Coversheet
International Student Exit Survey
International Student File Checklist
Homestay Site Visit Checklist
Homestay Responsibility Agreement
Homestay Profile
Standard 7
Reporting to parents / Schools regularly report student progress and welfare to parents. / Host schools:
  • Provide translated school reports in parents' preferred language each semester
  • Keep parents informed of any significant or serious events involving their child
  • Provide periodic feedback on student welfare, achievements and extracurricular activities.
/ SRK Chapter 8
Homestay Profile
School Based Contract Template
Translated fact sheets on VELS report cards:

All Graduates:

NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters):

TIS (Translating and Interpreting Service):
Standard 8
Accommodation arrangements
Standard 8
Accommodation arrangements
(continued) / Schools demonstrate due diligence in the selection and monitoring of homestay arrangements (including all accommodation arrangements that do not include a parent).
Schools maintain an adequate number of high quality homestay hosts with reference to the number of proposed students each year.
Schools select homestay hosts with reference to a set of clear criteria and student needs, expectations and preferences.
Schools have capacity to provide alternative / emergency accommodation arrangements if required. / Schools actively seek host families to ensure there are sufficient homestay providers on the school register to support the proposed number of students.
To select and approve the homestay host, schools:
  • Use the Homestay Site Visit Checklist to help with the site visit before approval of the homestay host
  • Have a set of structured interview questions to ask the homestay host
  • Have proof of Working With Children Checks for all persons over 18 years of age living in the house
  • Ensure all relevant parties sign the Homestay Responsibility Agreement
  • Include host in the homestay register with the documentation from the site visit
  • Provide details of the homestay to parents/agent and the International Education Division as soon as placement is confirmed using the Homestay Profile
To monitor the homestay hosts, schools:
  • Visit the student at the homestay each semester
  • Invite the homestay host to school events and activities
  • Involve the homestay host in monitoring the student’s attendance and academic performance
  • Undertake an annual appraisal of homestay hosts, including a confidential discussion with the student.
To keep records of homestay arrangements, schools keep confidential records on:
  • Number of students in each homestay (schools must not place more than three students in the one homestay, regardless of provider.)
  • Number of students changing homestay
  • Issues and problems with homestay
Schools have a registered pool of staff that can provide temporary accommodation to students in the event of an emergency. Working with Children Checks are also required for all adults residing in any such emergency homestay accommodation.
The school develops and has the school council endorse a homestay policy that is consistent with International Education Division guidelines and the Homestay Policy Template. / SRK Chapter 5
SRK Chapter 6
Department of Justice WWCC

Homestay Responsibility Agreement
Homestay Profile
Homestay Site Visit Checklist
Homestay Policy Template
Information for Homestay Providers and Third Parties
Standard 9
Care and welfare arrangements / Schools have adequate care and welfare arrangements for international students to ensure their physical safety and emotional wellbeing. / Schools appoint a Principal Class Officer, as the person responsible for welfare related issues and care arrangements and also the management of critical incidents and student emergencies, and provide relevant details to the International Education Division and school community.
Schools ensure care arrangements are ongoing for students who stay in Victoria during school holidays.
Schools provide:
  • A school emergency contact card which contains the name and current mobile phone number of school staff to contact after hours in cases of emergency
  • Access to careers counselling
  • Year 10 and 11 students with advice on VCE course selection
  • Year 12 students with advice on tertiary and other educational pathways.
Schools provide ongoing support relating to:
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Health related issues
  • Cultural awareness programs
  • Counselling
  • Legal rights and responsibilities
  • Personal safety.
/ SRK Chapter 5
Key Policies Document (translated)
Critical Incident Report
International Student Holiday Plan
*School Emergency Contact Card
International Student Welfare & Compliance Record
Standard 10
Program provision and school level reporting
Standard 10
Program provision and school level reporting
(continued) / The school’s International Program adopts the ISP Quality Assurance Framework’s guiding principles which demonstrate:
High ethical standards – by ensuring all parties commit to accuracy, honesty and timeliness, accept their responsibilities and operate with a view to the best interest of students at all times
Excellent client services – by showing cultural sensitivity and efficient procedures and systems
Commitment to accountability – by providing high quality information to demonstrate the quality of Victoria’s international student program
High level of care – by ensuring that all students enjoy a safe and supportive international experience for the duration of their time in Victoria
Building relationships – by implementing regular and open communication across all levels of the program and sustaining contact with students beyond the initial experience
Strengthening capacity – by implementing strategies across all levels of the program to ensure that the program delivers high quality outcomes and continues to improve.
Schools meet the performance monitoring and reporting arrangements of the Quality Assurance Framework, which aligns with the School Accountability and Improvement Framework. / Schools use the International Student Annual Survey and the International Student Exit Survey to attain student feedback on the level and quality of:
  • Care and welfare arrangements
  • School services and support
  • Accommodation and homestay arrangements
  • Orientation program
  • Academic and school program.
This information is used to inform schools of areas for improvement.
The International Program is an integral feature of the school Strategic Plan.
Schools actively monitor and plan the future of the program by:
  • Undertaking an annual self-assessment of their program informed by the school’s own internal performance measures such as surveys, focus groups, meetings with students, SRC feedback, etc.
  • Publishing an Annual Implementation Plan as part of the School Accountability and Improvement Framework, outlining how it will meet the guiding principles of the Quality Assurance Framework
  • Reporting to the school council on the program, including feedback on survey results and future direction of the program.
Schools adequately resource and support the program by:
  • Employing an equivalent full time International Student Coordinator once the number of international student enrolments reaches 15 students (pro rata up to 15)
  • Providing a separate and discreet budget for the international program based on the number of international student enrolments.
  • Schools support International Student Coordinators to undertake the ISC Professional Learning Program.
  • Schools provide the International Student Coordinator name and contact details to members of the school community and to other persons / organisations involved in the International Student Program, to assist in building productive working relationships and networks.
/ International Student Annual Survey
International Student Exit Survey
*School Accountability
and Improvement Framework
*Annual Implementation Plan
*Strategic Plan
Standard 11
Departure and post placement / Schools provide program completion and transition support and advice to students.
. / Schools provide support, information and material that meets the needs of students exiting the program including information on:
  • Education and career pathways
  • Returning home strategies.
Schools ensure that they have evidence of counselling students who choose to undertake further study in Australia or return home. / SRK Chapter 8
International Student Exit Survey

* (Refers to Resources provided and completed by schools)