Supplementary figure legends

Supplementary Figure 1. MCF10A cells were fixed 5 h after wounding and stained for immunofluorescense: E-cadherin (red), F-actin (green), and dapi (blue). The dashed lines show the location of wound edges. Scale bar 10 mm.

Supplementary Figure 2. Proliferation of (a) MDA-MB-231 and MCF10A cells, and (B) MCF10A cells transfected with a scrambled (siScr) or vimentin (siVim) siRNA. Cells were grown on cell culture plates and the confluency of the wells was measured by the live-cell imaging system IncuCyteTM (Essen Instruments). Results show relative cell growth rate on a (A) 24-well plate (mean±SEM, 4 parallel wells with 9 images) and (b) 6-well plate (mean of 9 images per well).

Supplementary Figure 3. (a) An immunoblot and (b) representative images of four replicas are shown from the scratch-wound assay with MDA-MB-231 cells presented in Fig. 4A.

Supplementary Figure 4. Proliferation of CMVscript or Axl transfected SW13vim- and SW13vim+ cell lines was measured with a colorimetric assay using WST-1 reagent (Roche) according to the manufacturer’s instructions at time points 6 h and 4 days after plating the cells on 96-well plates. Result shown is a representative of two experiments with 12 parallels (mean±SEM).

Supplementary Figure 5. Adhesion of the stable shLuc or shAxl MDA-MB-231 cells during 30 min incubation on 1 µg/ml fibronectin or collagen I precoated 96 well plates was studied as described in (Vuoriluoto K, Jokinen J, Kallio K, Salmivirta M, Heino J, Ivaska J. Syndecan-1 supports integrin alpha2beta1-mediated adhesion to collagen. Exp Cell Res 2008;314:3369-81). Results shown are mean±SEM, n=2.

Supplementary Figure 6. (a) FACS analysis of Axl surface expression in stable MDA-

MB-231 cell lines expressing the control pIRES-GFP vector (231ctrl) or kinase-dead Axl

mutant in pIRES-GFP (231KDAxl, K567E substitution; Fridell YW, Villa J, Jr., Attar EC, Liu

ET. GAS6 induces Axl-mediated chemotaxis of vascular smooth muscle cells. J Biol Chem

1998;273:7123–6.). (b) 8 h scratch-wound assay with 231ctrl and 231KDAxl cells (mean±

SEM, n=6).

Supplementary Figure 7. Proliferation of shLuc and shAxl MDA-MB-231 cell lines. Cells were grown on a 24-well plate and the well confluency was measured by the live-cell imaging system IncuCyteTM (Essen Instruments). A representative figure of two experiments illustrates relative cell growth rate of four parallel wells (mean±SEM).