TMS Newsletter |November 2015 | Written by Miss Kleather's Advanced Language Arts Class
Thank You to STEAM!We would like to give a BIG thank you to our local STEAM organization for their generous grant of $2,400 that is going towards a purchase of 30 new chromebooks and a charging tower!
Helping the Community
Emma Moore, a sixth grader at TMS, was nominated and has thus far received a top 10 recognition for the National Youth Activist Award! She will be going to Nashville, TN in March to receive an award and find out who won from the top 10. It is for their Social Justice Award and her work with Tipp Schools on funding/building and installing Buddy Benches at Nevin, Broadway, and L.T. Ball. This is her way to contribute to anti bullying efforts.
1960’s Research Projects
Ms. Armentrout’s and Miss Kleather’s classes are working on 1960’s research projects, which is based off the setting for the novel, The Outsiders. Students are currently reading The Outsiders in their 7th grade Reading class. Students may choose to research a variety of topics that include 1960’s music, fashion, fads, television, and iconic figures. They are learning about the 1960’s and how to cite sources from books and websites, while having lots of fun!
Jokes for November
Answers from October Questions for November
Because they arrr What happens to a frog’s car when it crashes?
Because she will Let It Go What did the duck say when he bought lipstick?
Because it had a virus Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?
A bulldozer Where do snowmen keep their money?
Pepper makes them sneeze What do you call a pig that does karate?
A rainbow What do computers eat for a snack?
Guess your best. The answers will be in the next TiMeS!
Interesting and Important November Dates
November 1- All Saints Day and Daylight Savings
November 2- All Souls Day
November 3- Election Day
November 10- National Young Reader’s Day
November 11- Veterans’ Day
November 16-19-8th grade CTC Trip
November 17- World Peace Day
November 19-Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 20- Universal Children’s Day
November 23-27- No School (Thanksgiving Break)
November 26- Thanksgiving Day
November 27- Black Friday
November 29- Advent begins
November Random Facts
Ø Facebook, Skype and Twitter are all banned in China.
Ø The average person walks the equivalent of twice around the world in a lifetime.
Ø Every year more than 2,500 left-handed people are killed from using right-handed products.
Ø The directors of the film Despicable Me actually wrote their own language for the Minions, called Minionese.
Ø Surgeons who play video games at least 3 hours a week perform 27% faster and make 37% fewer errors.
Mrs. Fetters
Q: How long have you been teaching at TMS?
A: 18 years.
Q: Have you taught at any other schools than TMS?
A: I was at L.T. Ball when it was a 7th and 8th grade junior high school.
Q: Have you always taught math?
A: Yes!
Q: Do you have any pets? If not why? If so what are their names?
A: Yes, my dog is Jeffery James Fetters.
Q: Where did you attend college?
A: Miami University, Masters at Wright State, and additional work at Ohio State.
Q: What is your favorite football team?
Mr. Gillenwater
Q: When you were a child what did you aspire to become?
A: A Jedi Knight, or a Ninja. Stormshadow was cool.
Q: How long have you been teaching?
A: 15 years.
Q: If you could change one thing about the school what would it be?
A: I think it would pretty great if we had an entrance and exit song play over the intercom. Maybe “Eye of the Tiger” to start and “The Overture of 1812” to end it.
Q: Where did you attend college?
A: Wright State and University of Dayton.
Q: What is your favorite sport?
A: Quidditch.
Q: What is something that most people don’t know about you?
A: Horror movies give me bad dreams. I hate them. Hate them.
Teacher of the Month: Miss Finfrock deserves to be “Teacher of the Month” because she doesn’t just teach you P.E., she jumps in and does it with you, too!
Q: There is so much food at Thanksgiving! How do I stay healthy?
-Food lover
A: Dear Food Lover,
Not everything at Thanksgiving is bad for you! There is usually salad, green beans and other veggie options. If you do eat something unhealthy just remember to eat small portions, but it’s okay to treat yourself every once in a while.
Q: Thanksgiving is coming and I’m excited for all the yummy food, but I’m gluten free. What should I do?
-Allergic to gluten
A: Dear Allergic to gluten,
I’m sure your family or whoever you're spending Thanksgiving with will understand, so there should be plenty of things that you can eat. My sister is also gluten free, so I understand your problem. You can buy many gluten free substitutions at a grocery store. Many stores have a whole section devoted to gluten free foods. I have even seen a gluten free pumpkin pie! Also, turkey is traditionally the main course at a Thanksgiving dinner, so enjoy that!
Movie-A Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving
Book-Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Song- Hello by Adele
Food- Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream
App- Billionaire
Congratulations to the cross country, football, and volleyball teams for a great season! All teams performed well throughout the whole season!
There is a cheerleading competition on Saturday, November 14th at 10:30 at Springfield-Shawnee. We wish good luck to all of the participating cheerleaders!
Basketball tryouts have started for both 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. If you want to be on the basketball team, come to all the tryouts so that you may have a chance to represent your school playing basketball!
The Winter Athletics Parent Orientation Meeting is on Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00 at the high school for the parents of students participating in winter sports. Please be sure to come to the meeting so you may find out more about the upcoming events that include your student’s sport.
November Birthdays
Kailey Longo
Ashley Aselage
Luke Anticole
Carson C. Robbins
Chloe Thompson
Emilio Lozano
Kara Landis
Joseph Sojda
Kennedy Kleather
Manjot Kaur
Brooke Borton
Olivia Wilson
Madalyn Nelson
Isabel Haley
Emma Patzek
Grant Willoughby
Clayton Snider
Nicholas Hartman
Hunter Freels
Aaron Davis
Owen Tucker
Nathaniel Harshbarger / Gavin Darner
Benjamin Stueve
Devon Lester
Diana Meador
Symon Hunter
Tyler Carlson
McKenzie Mullins
Carson Nagel
Ethan Dysinger
Jacob L. Smith
Cooper Calk
Pierce Patterson
Zackary Gudorf
Troy Snouffer
Nolan Haas
Jackson Blaul-Green
Ty Powell
Natalie Gratz
Nicholas Hartman
Hunter Freels
Aaron Davis
Gavin Nordquist / Jacob Bogart
Kailey Longo
Scotlyn Hoskins
Ashley Aselage
Luke Anticole
Carson C. Robbins
Bryanna Cullen
Chloe Thompson
Emilio Lozano
Kara Landis
John Rogers
Elizabeth Rogers
Emma McCormick
Joseph Sojda
Manjot Kaur
Brooke Borton
Olivia Wilson
Madalyn Nelson
Isabel Haley
Emma Patzek
Grant Willoughby
Lillian McDowell
Comics and Art
Last month’s contest winner is Madeline Staub!
The theme for this month’s contest is Thanksgiving!
★ Your picture must be hand drawn/no stencils or tracing
★ Make sure you include your name on your drawing
★ You must color your picture
★ You must turn in your paper to Miss Kleather’s room (212) by Thursday, November 19th
★ Contest results will be in next month’s newsletter
The band is working on their music for the Christmas Concert. The concert is on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the high school CPA. This will be their first concert of the year. The 8th graders are playing Jingle Bell Jazz, Entrance of the Tall Ships, and Celebrate the Season. The 7th graders are playing Echoes of the Civil War, Carol of the Bells, and The Night Before Christmas. Lastly, the 6th graders are playing St.Nick’s on the Housetop, Little Drummer Dudes, and Windsor Overture.
The fall concert was a success! The Winter concert for the choir is Tuesday, December 15, at 8 p.m. at the Center for Performing Arts at the high school. The 8th graders are singing Winter’s Walking, Jing-a-Bells, Heri Za Krismas, O’ Little Town with the 7th grade girls. The 7th graders are singing Banuwa Sing Noel, Follow the Star, and Rockin’ Down the Chimney Tonight. The 6th graders are singing Deck The Halls With Holly, Falling Snow, Dulci Jublic, and Reindeer Rap.
Power of the Pen
Q: Describe what happens in Power of the Pen.
Ms. Armentrout: Students are judged on their ability to write in a creative way. They are given 40 minutes to write their best story on that given prompt.
Q: Why should people join Power of the Pen?
Ms. Armentrout: If students have a passion for writing in a creative way then they should join.
Q: How long have you been coaching Power of the Pen?
Ms. Armentrout: The past eight years.
Q: What would you say is the best part about coaching Power of the Pen?
Ms. Armentrout: I enjoy bonding with the kids outside of the classroom and seeing their growth in writing.
Destination Imagination Opportunities for 2015-2016
Tipp City School District
Dear Parents:
Destination Imagination teams will soon be forming in Tipp City Schools for all interested students grades kindergarten–high school. We are looking for students who are interested in a program that focuses on creativity, creative problem solving, teamwork, fine arts, and STEM. The teams will be competing in a regional meet at Jackson Center Schools on March 19, 2016.
Destination ImagiNation® is a program that teaching the creative problem solving process. Team members engage in activities that develop Acting and Artistic skills, Creativity, Problem Solving, Teamwork, and STEM skills through DI Challenges. Participants will develop life-long skills that carry over into everyday life – but most of all, they will have fun, discover talents they never knew they had, become friends with kids they might not have ever met, and reap the rewards of teamwork and friendship as they grow and learn.
There are six competitive Team Challenges from which teams may choose, each with its own educational focus. Each Team Challenge is designed to be open-ended and solvable in many ways and on many levels. There is also one non-competitive Team Challenge, called the Rising Stars Team Challenge, for K-2 elementary children.
This packet includes a brief description of the program. On the last 2 pages you will find a student registration form. Please complete one for each child that is interested in the program. For more info you can visit and watch a video at www.idodi.org to see how much fun DI can be.
Please also consider working with a Destination Imagination team this year, or helping us find volunteers to manage a team. We need volunteers to make the program successful!
Thanks for your interest in the program,
Pam Staub