Moving Forward /
10 -11 December 2015
Hawthorn Hotel & Suites, Hawally, Kuwait
The World Squash Federation, in conjunction with the Kuwait Squash Federationis holding the 13thWorld Squash Refereeing Conference on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 December 2015 in Hawally, Kuwait.
Kuwait, in the cradle of one of the most ancient corners of the world, is best described as a city state. For centuries Kuwait City has been like a magnet attracting people from the interior (Sea/Desert), in search of a sea breeze and to escape from recurring drought. Today the metropolis is still an oasis in a land of desert plains, but rather more the cultural and culinary kind. Excellent museums, elaborate and opulent mosques and palaces, combed beaches, lively restaurants, shopping malls and souks mark the Kuwait City experience.
Kuwait City is a bustling metropolis of high-rise office buildings, luxury hotels, wide boulevards and well-tended parks and gardens. Its most dominant landmark is Kuwait Towers and its oldest is Seif Palace, built in 1896, the interior of which features original Islamic mosaic tile-work. The huge Grand Mosque in the centre is also worth visiting. Liberation Tower, the symbol of Kuwaiti liberation, is one of the tallest telecommunications towers in the world. Visitors can travel 150m (492ft) up to the revolving observation tower and restaurant.
The theme of the Conference is Moving Forwardand it is aimed at the ever changing environment of both developmental and practical refereeing.
Focus will primarily be centred on:
- How the WSF can support both Regional Federations and established/emerging Member Nations with their own refereeing programmes
- The journey of a keen aspiring Refereeand the various interventions required in order to attain refereeing competence at the highest Level.
As such there will be:
- A series of Workshops and Seminars aimed at member Nations inviting them to review and revise their current referee programme to see where the WSF can provide support in key areas such as Referee Recruitment, Training, Deployment, Retraining and Sustainability
- A series of Workshops and Seminars aimed at developing Referees in the modern game – discussing the various innovative and practical methods now available to analyse and improve performance at all levels.
This is an excellent opportunity for Regional and National Federations to recognise and share best/good practice.
HawthornHotel & Suites Hawally
Zarka’s Al-Yamama St.
Tel:+965 226 62187
- 3 Nights Hotel with breakfast (arrival 9 December departure 12 December 2015)
- Lunch on 10 and 11 December
- Dinner on 10 December
- Conference Participation Fee for 10 and 11 December
- Morning and Afternoon tea/coffee breaks on 10 and 11 December
- Transfer from/toKuwait International Airport and the hotel
- Conference memento
Conference participants will stay at the HawthornHotel & Suites. The hotel is located just a few minutes from the business district and the shopping centres and approximately 15 minutes from Kuwait International Airport. The Hotel offers room service, a fitness centre and free Wi-Fi.
Conference package:
Single room:US$700see complete registration form package
Shared twin room:US$500per person- see complete registration form package
These prices include the Participation Fee for the Conference on the 10 and 11December.
If a twin room is stipulated, participants should specify on the Registration Form the person with whom they wish to share; otherwise pairing will be done by the organisers. The sharing option cannot be guaranteed in the case of uneven numbers.
The fee for attending the Conference without accommodation and airport transfers is US$ 250
Please complete the Registration Form and send it to:
Jasmine Pascoe, WSF, 25 Russell Street, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 1QU, United Kingdom
Tel:+44 1424 447440Email:
All fees MUST be paid by 12 October 2015. A place at the Conference can only be reserved on receipt of payment. Places will be allocated on a first come/first served basis. Demand is expected to be high and there are only a limited number of places, so please book early to guarantee your place.
The Kuwait Squash Federation will provide a 50% reduction in accommodation costs for a limited number of appropriately qualified referees who wish to stay on to referee at the Men’s World Team Championship. The selection of these referees will be made by the WSF in collaboration with the Kuwait Squash Federation, so early application is strongly advised. The Championship Referee is Ebrahim Kamal.
ToenterKuwait,apassportvalidforatleastsixmonthsisrequired. Please note, youmayberefusedentryintoKuwaitifyouhaveanIsraelivisaorIsraeliborderstampinyourpassport.
Visasarerequired to enter Kuwait. However,nationalsfromAustralia,Canada,theUSAandtheEU(exceptCroatia)canobtainaone-monthvisaonarrival(businessortourist).Allvisitorsmusthaveanonwardticket.Nationalsnotreferredto above are advised to contact the embassytocheckvisarequirements.
The cost of Visasonarrival (single- or multiple-entry) depends ontheapplicant'snationality; it is free for UK nationals.
Please direct all enquiries to Jasmine Pascoe
State of Kuwait
Hawally, Kuwait10-11 December 2015
First name: Family name: Sex: M F
Tel (Work):(Home):
Mobile No.:E-mail:
I wish to apply for refereeing duties at the Men’s World Team ChampionshipYes No
Only National level and above referees will be selected.
National Regional WSF level referee (please tick the appropriate box)
If I am selected, I am available to Referee on the following dates:
If you are selected to referee at the Men’s World Team Championship, 50% of your accommodation for the night of the 11 December 2015 will be paid by Kuwait Squash Federation. Therefore please deduct US$70 (for a single room) or US$35 (sharing a twin room) from the total package fee to be paid.
Conference Costs:(please tick the appropriate box)
Single room (3 nights 9, 10 and 11 December) (Package) US$ 700US$
Twin room shared (3 nights 9, 10 and 11 December) (Package)US$ 500US$
I wish to share a room with:
Without AccommodationUS$ 250US$
Additional Nights’ Accommodation:
HawthornHotel & Suites, including breakfast - single roomUS$ 140US$
Hawthorn Hotel & Suites, including breakfast - sharing twin room US$ 70US$
Please specify date(s) of any additional nights’ accommodation:
Total amount payableUS$
Payment, which is required before 10th November 2015 must be net of bank charges, should be made in US Dollars by direct bank transfer only to:
Bank:National Bank of Kuwait – Hawally Branch
Address:Tunis Str. Hawally Governorate – State of Kuwait
Account Name:Kuwait Squash Federation
Account Number:KW49NBOK000 000 000 000 100063 1688
Swift Code:NBOK KWKW
Arrival/Departure Details:
You will be met at Kuwait International Airportand transported to your hotel
Date & Time of ARRIVAL: Date & Time of DEPARTURE:
Arrival Flight No.: Departure Flight No.: