Important Supreme Court Cases

Give the date and then summarize the facts, issues, decision and rationale for each of the following:

  1. Marbury v Madison
  2. McCulloch v Maryland
  3. Gibbons v Ogden
  4. Dred Scott
  5. Plessy v Ferguson
  6. Barron v Baltimore - Bill of Rights applies only to federal courts (1833)
  7. Gitlow v New York – applies Bof R to states with 1st amendment free speech
  8. Engle v Vitale – school prayer
  9. Near v Minnesota 1931 – freedom of press applied to states
  10. Abington School District v Schempp school prayer
  11. Epperson v Arkansas – 1968 establishment clause, teaching creationism
  12. Lemon v Kurtzman – lemon - religion test 3 parts
  13. Lee v Weisman 1992 – clergy men may not offer prayer at school functions
  14. Schenck v United States – free speech can be limited
  15. Chaplinsky v New Hampshire – fighting words
  16. Roth v United States – obscenity not protected speech
  17. New York Times v Sullivan free speech is protected except when with malice
  18. Tinker v DesMoines free speech - armbands
  19. New York Times v United States – freedom of press
  20. Texas v Johnson – flag burning
  21. Dejonge v Oregon – 1937 – freedom of assembly – rt to form communist party
  22. Coates v Cincininati – 3 or more assembling on the sidewalk law – unconstitutional 1971
  23. Collins v Smith – Skokie case 1977
  24. United States v Miller – gun control, 1939 - unclear
  25. Mapp v Ohio, Wolf v Colorado – exclusionary rule
  26. Griswald v Conneticut – privacy rts
  27. Katz v United States – wiretapping not allowed w/o warrant
  28. Roe v Wade
  29. Ex Parte Milligan - =1866 – military tribunals cannot be used when civilian cts are operating
  30. Escobedo v Illinois
  31. Gideon v Wainright
  32. Miranda v Arizona
  33. Richmond Newspapers, Inc v Virginia – can’t close trials to papers, etc
  34. Stack v Boyle – bail can’t be excessive
  35. Gregg v Georgia
  36. Furman v Georgia
  37. Cruzan v Missouri Department of Health

38.  Reynolds v US – can’t break law because of religion

39.  Weeks v US – exclusionary rule

40.  Powell v Alabama 1932 – rt to atty in capital cases

41.  Endo v US, Korematsu v US

42.  Baker v Carr – one man one vote – federal congressional districts

43.  Reynolds v Sims - state legislative districts have to be equal

44.  Wesberry v Sander - s state congressional districts 1964

45.  Heart of Atlanta Motel v US

46.  Sheppard V Maxwell – fair trial

47.  Regents of Univ of CA v Bakke

48.  New Jersey v TLO

49.  Hazelwood School District v Kuhlmeier

50.  Shaw v Reno 1993 – redistricting for racial equality must be w/strict scrutiny