Minutes of NYSFAAA Region VIII Meeting

September 17, 2015

SUNY Canton- Campus Center (WCS) Room 214

In Attendance: Heather Adner-SUNY Canton; Stacey Hawkins-Clarkson; Susan Godreau-SUNY Potsdam; Carolyn Corcoran- SUNY Potsdam; Kerrie Cooper-SUNY Canton; Kathy Parker-SUNY Canton; Kimberly Vice- SUNY Canton; Mary Ellen Chamberlain- Paul Smith’s; Tami Gilbeaux- Inceptia; Vince Scalise- ASA

Attendance By Phone: Carole Jenne- St. Lawrence University; Lisa Simpson- HESC

Meeting was called to order at 10:08 am by Carolyn Corcoran.

Carole Jenne has asked if anyone is interested in participating in Higher Ed Night at SLU on Tuesday, October 6th. Commitment would be from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm with dinner being served between 5-6:15 pm if interested. She would need to know by Friday, October 6th. Please email her if interested.

Minutes: Stacey Hawkins provided the minutes from the last meeting which was held on February 12th. The meeting minutes were reviewed and a motion was made by Kathy Parker to accept the minutes, seconded by Mary Ellen Chamberlain.

Treasurer’s Report: Susan Godreau reported that as of 9/17/2015 there was an account balance of 4374.59. Since the last meeting expenses were paid out for the 2/12/15 region meeting and we received revenue sharing in the amount of 260.00.

HESC Update: Lisa Simpson from HESC was available by phone to provide the update:

·  Push for participation in the September 24th NYSFAA Webinar

·  Processing update: At the time of the meeting more than 522,000 applications have been processed

·  There was an issue with DocTrac which is a Statewide issue due to the actual software. If individuals have still having issue please send an email to Lisa with the students name and the date the documents were sent so she can follow up.

·  IVP- If IVP couldn’t find a match and either the student and/or parents stated they worked there is a weekly file that is sent to tax & finance and a weekly email to students to get the issue resolved. Typically 90% said they filed but didn’t and they are provided with a link where they can directly update the information.

·  Notice sent to all schools indicating it is now possible to separate rosters. Schools can request to get up to 3 separate rosters which would separate the TAP, AIMS, and STEM Awards. The individuals must reach out and request such break up of rosters to .

·  AIMS award had over 3500 initial applications and follow up paperwork was sent to those that needed follow up. 1800 awards were paid and award winners are shown on the SSL.

·  Get on your feet loan forgiveness is working with lenders on how to set up the initial site with basic application details. Once the application is live they will follow up with those that have put information in.

·  There will be 12 sites across the state for the School Counselor Workshop

Question in regards to if HESC is looking into PPY was asked by Kerrie Cooper. Lisa has indicated that HESC is looking at PPY as NASFAA is encouraging all state agencies’s to look at PPY and no decision has yet been made. It would take a legislative change as it is not statute. Currently there are many questions in regards to what can and maybe done.

Membership Update: Pat was unavailable to provide the update so Carolyn provided the update. Statewide membership committee has not met recently. There should be an update as to the numbers at the next meeting as most member renew at conference time.

Executive Council Update:

Government Relations Update:

Kerrie Cooper reported that Executive Council has met 3 times since our last February region meeting.

·  Both EASFAA and NASFAA are gearing up for their 50th celebration. In May EASFAA will celebrate in Atlantic City and in July NASFAA will celebrate in Washington, DC.

·  Government relations on the Federal Side have been busy in regards to Perkins

·  Louise Slaughter out of Rochester has been a leader in advocating in favor of the Perkins Loan. She was able to get all congress reps to sign except for 2, one being Elise Stefanik.

·  With the Perkins Loan paying for itself the only cost would be to add it back into the budget as it was already counted out

·  NASFAA advocated however didn’t necessarily push for it

·  Reauthorization will not happen by 9/30 at this time. Perkins is in the continuing resolution so it can be a good thing

·  Elections for Executive Council were determined and only 1 returning regional rep. All other 7 regions will have new representation.

·  Policy & Procedures updated on who was the EASFAA rep in regards to the transfer from the old president to the new one.

·  A lot of NYSFAA committees didn’t have goals and/or objectives set so they have been reviewed in order to ensure the organizational goals and objectives fit in line with the committee objectives.

·  Membership still doing okay. Affiliate membership allows those who are marginally related and would benefit from organization to obtain membership at no cost and gain access to webinars.

·  Budget has been set. It has been a difficult process as in past years there was some messy budgeting however the audit is up to 2012-13 and it has been cleaned up.

·  We are now using freeconferencecall.com

·  NYSFAA Conference is Oct 27-29th with the next Executive Council meeting the 25-26 of October

Break for lunch from 11:34-12:02

New Roles Within Region:

·  Carolyn Corcoran replaced Mary Ellen Chamberlain as Chair

·  We do have openings in several committees at the region level that need to be filled:

o  Mentoring- after NOVICE will be sent a listing of new members of your region if attended. Expectation is that you would reach out and provide a contact if the new member has questions, etc.

o  Technology & Innovation (TICC)

o  Development- look for grants for NYSFAA as a whole

o  Professional Development/ Statewide Training

·  Question in regards to who within the region contact NYSFAA to make changes

o  TICC rep should be provide access to the Secretary

·  Stacey as region secretary will check to see what access she has currently

·  Carolyn will send updates of regional committee members to the state rep to update

Old Business:

·  School Counselor Workshop Update: Stacey Hawkins and Kathy Parker stated the workshops would again be held at 2 sites this year. They are looking for volunteers. It will be posted on the listserv as the region is looking for new faces to step up and participate.

·  Support Staff workshop: Discussion as to if other regions are still doing a support staff workshop and Tami G noted there are regions that are still doing it but have pushed the date to be more towards April/ May. Will add to the November Meeting agenda.

New Business:

·  Clarkson University will again hold College Goal NY. Kathy Parker will get the information in regards to SUNY FA Day so that they do not conflict.

·  Regional Gift Basket is needed for the Conference- It would be asked that something is provided for the basket or a financial contribution be made to purchase items. Carolyn will go out to the Listserv seeking donations. Items are requested to be provided to Kerrie Cooper or Heather Adner by October 21st so that it can be put together.

·  Region needs to use the calendar for events

·  Scholarship Committee has placed an order for cookbooks to be ready for conference. 500 will be ordered and sell for between 10 and 15.

·  Heather noted that the conference rate for the hotel is cheaper if you go through the hotel itself. Someone is looking into the discrepancy. The hotel and conference center are 2 separate buildings attached with a walkway.

Training Wishes for upcoming region meetings:

o  TAP certification issues

o  Discussion on findings at SUNY Stony Brook and how schools monitor students taking coursework not applicable to their degree.

o  Possibility of having a HESC auditor coming to present

o  UEH- Unusual Enrollment History.

o  Military related issues- possibly a federal person

Next Meeting: will be November 20th at SUNY Potsdam to include the statewide training.

Meeting Dates for future meetings and sites:

Late February (25th or 26th) 2016- Possibly Clarkson

Early April (14th or 15th) 2016- Possibly SLU

Meeting was adjourned at 12:29

Minutes respectfully submitted by Stacey Hawkins.