Intermediate Rock Climbing

Spring 2013, PEX134, 1 Credit

(Wednesdays)3/20/2013 – 5/15/2013 6:00p.m. – 8:00p.m.

Instructor:Brandon Hicks (Annie Hicks)

Office:Great Basin College Fitness Center

Phone:(775) 340-4191


Course Description:

Intermediate rock climbing is advanced instruction for climbers who already demonstrate basic climbing and rope management skills. Students learn the fundamentals of sport climbing, rappelling and multi-pitch climbing.


No equipment or text is required for this class. The GBC Fitness Center provides climbing harnesses and belay devices, but you may bring your own as long as they meet all safety qualifications.

The following items are suggested for the course:

Climbing shoes, chalk and chalk bag

Personal Anchor System

Lamoille Canyon Climbing Guidebook (Wise, HirstHicken)

Freedom of the Hills, ISBN #:0898868289

How To Rock Climb, by John Long, ISBN #:1575401142

Climbing Magazine (

Rock & Ice (

Expected Student Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate safe and proper sport climbing techniques and commands.

2. Demonstrate safe and proper rappelling skills

3. Demonstrate safe and proper multi-pitch commands and anchor set-ups

3. Regularly attend and participate in the class.

Student Outcome Measurement/Grading Policy:

If you do not demonstrate safe and proper techniques for sport climbing, rappelling and/or multi-pitch climbing by the final class, or, do not attend on a regular basis (if you have not attended 60% of the scheduled class time) you will not receive credit for the class.The ultimate goal is to enjoy climbing in a safe atmosphere.

This class is a pass/fail class. A lack of demonstrating one or more of the above mentioned required outcomes for the class will result in a failing grade. Credits will only be earned for a passing grade. Students who have withdrawn from the class will receive a (W) on their grade report and will not receive credit.

Class Conduct:

Each student must maintain an appropriate attitude and act in a mature manner during this class. There is a high amount of trust that each individual must demonstrate and earn while in this class due to the level of risk involved with rock climbing.

** Rock climbing is a dangerous activity and should not be done without the proper knowledge and equipment, nor should one climb alone. It is always best to go climbing with a partner who has a firm knowledge of anchor set-up, belay skills and basic climbing knowledge. Have fun, but please be safe! **