Mr. Fox, Rm.E208 Syllabus, Summer 2007

Welcome to Summer School English. I hope we can accomplish many things with our short time together. We will be focusing on basic skills such as vocabulary acquisition and grammar rules in creative ways. Also, we will spend a significant amount of time reading and writing independently. Additionally, we will focus on texts as a class exploring themes around the transition to adulthood explored in Stephen King’s novella, The Body.


The Body (featured in the book Different Seasons) by Stephen King

…we will also watch Stand by Me based on the book and is part of the San Dieguito curriculum

…we will also watch an episode of Malcolm in the Middle and Will and Grace, as well as clips

from Sister Wendy’s PBS Art History series.

BE PREPARED – bring your gear every day

Binder or spiral bound notebook with dividers

Independent Reading Book

Pencils, pens, etc.


Students will not receive credit for the class if:

- they are absent for more than eight hours

- have more than three tardies (tardies will be assessed at the bell if students are not in their assigned seat and engaged in Bellwork posted on the board, usually Independent Reading)

No food, gum, or drink in class. No grooming either (Mr. Fox will tell you if you need to gussy up).

LISTEN to others – listening silently is not just a virtue, it is an educational standard.

Follow directions the first time. If you have problems with my directions, we can discuss them after class.

Students can expect the following consequences if they violate school or class rules:

a)  a reminder of the rule (that does not mean they are entitled to a warning every day)

b)  a call home

c)  a visit to the office (office staff will determine consequences – students can expect to be dismissed at the first or second offence)


Reading 30% (read silently every day, complete a 350 page book, share a book report with the class, etc.) Classwork - Vocab/Grammar/Journals 30% (I will periodically to a notebook check)

Class Projects 30% (essays, homework, etc.)

Citizenship 10% (following directions the first time, being on time, helping in class)

CONTACT INFO: - school ph# (858) 350-0253 x4168 (call ½ hr. before/after class)

CHECK HOMEWORK @ - (Parents! Please don’t ask your child if they’ve done their homework! They’ll say, ‘Yea…” Ask to see the assignments you find at this website! If you lose the address, I’ll have a link at my website at the official Canyon Crest Academy site. Updated every p.m.)

PARENTS!!! Please write me any notes you would like on the back of this form. I would be happy to meet with you in person, email, or talk on the phone. Please sign at the bottom and have your child return the form Monday. Thank you and have a great summer!!!

Student: (print name)______Parent: (print name) ______

Student(sign) ______Date:______Parent: (sign) ______Date:______

Student phone#: ______Parent phone#: ______