User Manual (UM)

Diabetes Health Platform


Team No.6










30 NOVEMBER 2017

Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes Made / Rationale
11/28/2017 / VN, SS / 1.0 / Start Document / Initial Draft, Preparation for TRR ARB

Table of Contents

User Manual

Version History

Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table of Figures

1.  General Information

1.1.  System Overview

1.2.  Authorized Use Permission

1.3.  Point of Contact

1.4.  Organization of the Manual

1.5.  Technical Requirements

2.  Installation Procedure

3.  Getting Started - Operational Procedures

3.1.  Registration System - User Authentication

3.1.1.  Survey Questions

3.1.2.  Personalized Screening Questions

3.2.  Glycemic Tracking

3.3.  Nutrition and Exercise Tracking

3.4.  User Log Entry

3.5.  USDA Food API

3.6.  Navigation Bar


1.1 System Overview

Harexi is a client side native android mobile application that allows people with Diabetes to track and manage their condition better by allowing them to see trends in their blood sugar levels throughout the day, the past week, past 2 weeks and the past 1, 2, and 3 months. Also provides insulin suggestions, for a user that uses external insulin, based on the type of food he/she has eaten and their blood sugar levels at that time.

Overview / Description
Major functions performed by system / Client Server Mobile application that allows a user to track their diabetes
User access mode / Graphical user interface
Responsible organization /
System Name / Harexi
System Code / Android | JAVA
System category: Major application / Performs clearly defined functions for tracking calories, blood sugar levels and insulin. Allows user to see trends in their blood sugar based on their nutrition, exercise, and insulin.
Operational Status: / Product out for final overview
System environment or special conditions

1.2 Authorized Use Permission

Product copyrights owned by , any unauthorized use of product design and unauthorized copies data,software and reports will be subject to questions from the organization and development personnel.

1.3 Point of Contact

Contact / Contact Name / Phone / Email
Product Manager / Jasmine Berry /

1.4 Organization of the Manual

The mobile application mainly comprises of 10 main sections to satisfy the end user requirements of which 6 are already developed and the remaining 4 are in development.

1. User Authentication System

2. Glycemic Tracking

3. User blood sugar and insulin log entry

4. USDA Food API search and select to add to log entry

5. Nutrition and Exercise

6. Navigation Bar

Complete usage of each section can be understood by walking through this tutorial

Harexi Youtube Video

1.5 Technical Requirements

Hardware​ - Android mobile (screen size 4” and above- recommended for best use)

Software​ - Android APK 19 - Ice cream Sandwich or above for best performance

2. Installation Procedure

The user can download the application from the android market and start using as soon as it is installed in the mobile device. User is required to create an account or login with a gmail account and answer some preliminary survey question once he/she installs the application to begin using the app.

3. Getting Started - operational procedures

3.1 Registration System - User Authentication

The initial setup comprises the user to create a user account with Google Firebase in order to access the functionality of the app. This can be done through regular email and password combination or through a personal or work google account. Once logged in the application will automatically take you to homepage of the app.

3.1.1 Survey Questions

When a user first registers with the application, be it google sign in or email and password, he/she is required to answer some questions in regards to their age, sex, condition, how long they have had the condition, current treatment, goals, and any devices that they currently use to help monitor their condition.

Here are a few examples of the questions.

3.1.2 Personalized Screening Questions

Once a user has finished registering and completed the survey questions they taken to the main menu page shown above. At the bottom of this page is a toggle button that allows to decide whether or not to customize the recommendations they will receive from the application, in regards to managing their diabetic condition, to be more specific to themselves.

3.2 Glycemic Tracking

The Glycemic tracking page shows the user their average blood sugar values, average carbs, insulin, percent range that you are within your threshold, number of measurements, and ratio of times that you were either above or below the threshold that the user sets. This is done for six time frames, current day, past 7 days, past 14 days, and the past 1, 2, and 3 months. To see these time frames, swipe left or right on the glycemic tracking page. This page also holds a graphical representation of the user’s glucose numbers for the corresponding time frame. At the bottom of the page are 3 buttons that allow you to add a new log entry or look at his/her log entries for the past week.

3.3 Nutrition and Exercise Tracking

The nutrition and exercise section allows you to see a list of all foods that you have eaten for the past week based on the meal that you entered them in for and in reverse chronological order. At this page you can also delete a food from the database. Be warned however, deleting a food from this page will not affect the log entry that the food was added in for and thus, the amount of carbs that are counted for the deleted food will not be subtracted from the log entry. This causes the number of carbs that are reported by the glycemic tracking page will not match up with what is in the database. In the end the user might be reporting more carbs than he/she has actually eaten.

3.4 User Log Entry

There are three options in User Log Entry:

1.  Add log:

a.  A user clicks on the “plus” button in the glycemic tracking page to add new log entry. In the log entry page, the user adds the log entry by specifying various details.

b.  The user can also add a memo to the log entry by clicking on the Add Memo button. The discard button clears the log entry page of any values that the user may have entered and the date is set to the current time and the save button saves the values and any food that the user has entered into the database.

2.  Display log:

a.  Once the user adds the log entry, the entered information can be seen in Log Book page.

b.  The log book has details displayed section wise.

3.5 USDA Food API

When adding a log entry a user has the option to add any food they have eaten or will eat. To do this a user must first search for the food they want. The application will take their search query and use the USDA Food API to look for food that match the query. The top 25 results get returned and are shown to the user in a list. The user then selects the food they want by clicking on it to see the nutritional facts of that food. If the user wants to add the food to his/her log entry, he/she clicks on the Add Food button which opens a popup that asks for quantity. After typing the quantity in, clicking on the popup’s Add button will add take the user back to the log entry page with the chosen food added to the food list at the bottom of the page.

3.6 Navigation Bar

The side-menu bar which can be dragged from the left side of the app or screen, from any page/activity of the Android application.

It acts as a quick way to get the main screens of the app such as:

1.  Home - which is the main screen of the app.

2.  Settings - which lets you to modify or update the user profile.

3.  Notifications - which gives you a quick summary or view of all the new notifications.

4.  Sign Out - allows you to quickly quit or exit the Android application.

It you can click on any one of the above options and get the corresponding page through that.

Here is the screenshot of how the side Navigation Bar looks like.
