Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC).

Held at the Vice Chancellor’s Residence

4 November 2003

1.0  Present

·  Professor Rajesh Chandra Acting Vice Chancellor: Chairperson

·  Mr. Naipote Katonitabua Acting Principal Economic Planning

Officer, MoF&NP

·  Ms. Tupou Raturaga Chief Assistant Secretary, MFA&ET

·  Mr. Josefa Natau Chief Education Officer, MoE

·  Mr. Hideki Tomobe Resident Representative, JICA Fiji Office

·  Mr. Yasumichi Araki Assistant Representative, JICA Fiji Office

·  Mr. Shigeki Takaya First Secretary, Embassy of Japan

·  Mr. James Hawke Project Manager, AusAID DFL Project

·  Professor John Hosack Head of Department, Maths and Computing


·  Ms. Linda Austin Media Centre

·  Fr. John Bonato Acting Director, Centre for Distance

Flexible Learning

·  Mr. Kisione Finau Director, Information Technology Services

·  Dr. Eileen Tui Director, CELT

·  Dr. Arvind Patel SSED

·  Prof. Fujinobu Takahashi Chief Advisor, ICT Capacity Building at USP

·  Mr. Mutsumi Miyagi Project Expert

·  Ms. Maki Kato Project Coordinator

·  Ms. Leigh-Anne Buliruarua Project Assistant

·  Ms. Sela Isimeli Project Assistant

2.0  Apologies

·  Dr. Michael Gregory Director, Planning and Development

·  Ms. Stacey Tennant Second Secretary, AusAID

·  Dr. Esther Williams Librarian, USP library

Meeting commenced at 4pm.

3.0 Welcome

Ms. Kato welcomed members and explained the agenda of the meeting.

Professor Chandra thanked all participants for attending the meeting with a specific acknowledgement to the Fiji government representatives. He stressed the important role of the JCC to interrogate the report and decide on the way ahead in terms of governance of the project.

4.0 Speech by Project Manager, Professor Chandra

Professor Chandra expressed gratitude and appreciation to the jica project experts and the government of Japan for their perseverance and persistence in bringing the project to its current status. He acknowledged that because of staffing turnover USP had not fully delivered in terms of counterparts. He emphasized that ICT is crucial to the future of USP and looked forward to a constructive dialogue that evening.

4.1 Speech by Mr. Tomobe

In his speech, the following points were made by Mr. Tomobe:

·  In nearing the halfway mark of the project, it was time to reflect on the first half of the project and improve on the second half.

·  Jica has taken the lead role in the initial stage of the project with USP expected to take more initiative for the sustainability of the project and in terms of the linkages and longer-term collaboration between the South Pacific and Japan.

·  Project is to be seen as owned by USP and supported by jica and that USP counterparts will fully utilize and learn as much as possible through the project.

·  Jica office will report the discussion of JCC regarding 2004 planning then jica headquarters will review it.

4.2 Overall Progress Report for 2003

4.2.1 Computing science Component

Presentation made by Professor Takahashi on the following pointers:

·  Installation of more than 100 PCs for Computing Science Labs in Laucala campus and computer labs in USP centres in Lautoka and Labasa.

·  The project hosted the Red Hat Certified Engineer’s (RHCE) courses from February 3-14, 2003. The result included 6 participants receiving the RHCE and 2 receiving the RedHat Certified Technician (RHCT).

·  The PALM2003 VIP video conference was held in May and a video conference with the University of Electro Communications (UEC) was held in August, 2003 about e-learning contents. Both meetings used the new Post-Partners system.

·  Two short term experts (Dr. Ohno and Dr. Sugiura) from Communications Research Laboratory, Japan visited Fiji to work on Network Security and IP Based Network. Dr. Ohno and Dr. Sugiura presented lectures/seminars during their stay in Fiji, and received very positive feedback from USP staff/students and government officials. One of the main purposes of Dr. Sugiura’s visit was to provide consultation on the upgrade of the USPNet experiment in which he proposed several ideas. Dr. Sugiura proposed 2 plans using CISCO router. Plan 2 was considered the best option for the upgrade of USPNet. ITS will start the experiment between Suva and Raiwaqa using this configuration. Ms. Kato added that a report would be submitted by Dr. Sugiura to Chairman of Operating Committee, Media Centre and ITS. The report also includes suitable bandwidth for USP in the future.

·  Project is currently working on sending Dr. Jito Vanualailai (MaCS) for short-term training in Shinshu University. A possible candidate is also being assessed for long-term training in Ryukyu University (Doctorate course).

·  JICA will be providing 20 PCs and one server each for Samoa’s Alafua campus and Tonga Centre in December.

4.2.2  Distance and Flexible Learning (DFL) Component

Presentation made by Mr. Mutsumi Miyagi on the following pointers:

·  Counterpart Training on Multimedia included one DFL Support Centre staff member completing 5 months training course on Multimedia Production for Education in Japan. A staff member is also attending 4 months training on digital video production in Japan (OIC).

·  Conducted 9 seminars and workshops on multimedia and distance education including ongoing on the job training.

·  Introduction of new technologies such as streaming media and Multimedia database. These will be a repository of learning materials. Teaching staff and course writers will have access to all the course materials published by USP.

·  Workshops in Planning include conducting lecture with NIME on online copyright via video conference with NIME.

·  Multi-media workshop in Vanuatu Emalus campus is planned for January/ February 2004.

·  Model course development - Mr. Miyagi reported that project was working on CS222. He also reported that CS323 was not approved by DFL Committee. The department’s current plan is to offer this as video broadcast (VBC) which does not require the project’s assistance. A few issues were raised on the above. Fr. Bonato stated that in fact CS323 did not need to get approval from the DFL committee. After some reservations, Professor Chandra then agreed with Fr. Bonato. The option of model course not being restricted to CS courses was also raised. Restrictions have mainly been due to lack of staff and resources. Outcome: Professor Chandra stated that the project has a strong element on strengthening computing science so first preference for model courses would be in computing science courses. Alternative options would be ICT related courses such as e-commerce. Another issue that was raised was that USP staff needed to coordinate USP input into the project. Fr. Bonato stated that the seven positions currently vacant in Distance Flexible Learning Support Centre will all be filled in the next few months. Dr. Arvind Patel suggested that to minimize the constraints dealing with staff shortages, courses already mounted through DFL could be selected as model courses. He further added that the Accounting department would be willing to develop one of Accounting courses such as AF100 as a model course under the project. Professor Hosack commented on the need to improve communications with the USP centres and indeed the capacity of centres to deal with the latest technology. Prof. Chandra assured the meeting that the roundtable includes plans for all centres. A comment was made by Dr. Eileen Tui on the potential of model courses looking at training in multimedia usage, mixing the issues of access and enhancement. A team could be brought together to develop model course, CELT in collaboration with project could look at developing a course to enhance the training component.

4.2.3. ITS Research and Training Component

Presentation made by Ms. Kato on the following pointers:

·  Through the ICT Research Grant, 4 research proposals were approved by the Working Group and have commenced.

·  One model research conducted in early 2003 “Evaluation of Computer Science Curriculum in Fiji Secondary Schools”. Report to be finalized in 2004. A strong demand for curriculum revision by students, teachers and tertiary level educators.

·  A short seminar will be held in early 2004 to demonstrate the outcomes of the Research study on “Economic Impact of e-commerce strategies for marketing small and micro tourism businesses.” This is a study on the impact of Internet as a marketing tool for SME and budget tourism operators.

·  An ICT research lab will be housed in the library from 2004 containing ICT equipment (12 laptops with wireless LAN, 3 digital video cameras, 3 digital voice recorders) for research and training. Researchers will be able to use equipment in the library or in the field. As to the issue raised by Fr. Bonato about the preference for decentralization of laptops, Ms. Kato stated that this was endorsed in the last Operating Committee meeting in September and that usage of equipment would be strictly monitored.

4.3 Review of Project Design Matrix (PDM)

The experts proposed that the current project matrix be reviewed for the following reasons:

·  Middle of the 3 years project period

·  Some indicators are already found to be unachievable with the current progress

·  Need more organization following the progress of the ICT environment.

·  PDM was created by USP and jica feasibility study teams and attached to the Record of Discussions signed in June, 2002.

4.3.1  Distance and Flexible Learning

1) Establishment of operational course development management system


System is established by October, 2002


Course development model for e-learning is created in Feb. 2004.

Course development procedures for e-learning are documented by May 2004.

One e-learning model course is developed implementing the above procedures by Jan. 2005


Delay of schedule management application selection due to little documentation procedure, high turnover rate of staff and restructure of Distance Flexible Learning Support Centre.


There were reservations from committee members about the use or definition of “model” for model course. Fr. Bonato stated that a good selected model can be adopted and adapted, and that authority for this lies within the DFL Committee. Prof. Chandra stated that people can be sent overseas to look at different models, interrogate the system and then examine how the same can be done effectively at USP. Another suggestion from Dr. Patel was to tag a course and explore the how courses are being taught in other universities.

All agreed to change timeline.

2) Improvement of quantity and quality of DFL model course development


Quantity: number of model courses (4 in 2005)


Quantity: number of model courses (2 in 2005)


It is difficult to get cooperation of course writer (lecturers). Either decrease the number of courses or confirm strong support by USP side.


Professor Chandra asked for the possibility to offer 3 courses. It was suggested also that another course that is not computer-based should be offered. Professor Chandra agreed that a course such as Economics that is in large demand. Mr. Miyagi stated that such as decision would be left to the USP side to decide.

All agreed to change from 2 to 3 courses.

3) (Before) Delete

Improvement of the access to the USPNet by external students

Quantity: number of students who will take course through the USPNet (visual usage 618 in 2001:1200 in 2005, WebCT usage 400 in 2001:2000 in 2005), number of courses that could be offered through USPNet (XX in 2002: XX in 2005)

Quality: Operation Hour

(Recommended) Add

Building repository of learning material-Virtual Learning Environment

Quantity: number of multimedia learning objects indexed to MDB (100 by Jan 2005)

Quantity: number of items index to MDB (2200 by Jan. 2005)


USPNet could be used for ICT capacity tool for USP lecturers and engineers as well as DFL delivery tool. Considering the weight of our Project, this activity is to be moved to CS component. However, instead of deleting, we would like to change it to “Building repository of learning material.” In current PDM, there is only description of course but not materials.


A question was raised about the difference in the numbers of the” multimedia learning objects” and “number of items” to be indexed to MDB. Mr. Miyagi explained that the first referred specifically to the learning materials dealing with multimedia while the number of items refers to all the general learning items to be indexed to MDB.

All agreed to change.

4.3.2 ICT Research and Training

4. (Before)

2) The first 3 research reports are completed by July 2003.


2) The first 3 research reports are completed by July 2004.


The first research started in July 2003 due to intensive review of the proposal. Also there is no small research to be finished within 3 months.

All agreed to the change.


3) The implementation of the first 2 short-term model training courses is started by February 2004.


3) The implementation of the first 2 short-term model training courses is started by: 1 by February 2004 and another by February 2005.


Currently, there is one seminar to be prepared. More seminars could be supported in 2004. However, current situation is tough to achieve the indicators.

All agreed to change

4.3.3  Computing Science

5. (Before)

2) To increase a variety of courses at Suva main campus both in face-to-face mode and through networks via satellite from Japan.

3) To develop model DFL CS courses and research the acquisition of courses with University Extension.


2) To increase a variety of courses at Suva campus both in face-to-face mode and distance mode through the acquisition of courses.

3) To enhance USPNet through experiment


CS online course development is done by DFL expert and CS online course acquisition is done by CS expert. That includes both via internet and satellite. So that delete “satellite” and “develop model DFL CS course”. Then add the activity related to USPNet.

All agreed to change.


2) To conduct research to identify the training needs

3) To implement the short-term model training courses


2) To conduct ICT research

3) To utilize the research result such as implementation of short-term model training courses


PDM description sounds like research is only for training. Also utilization for only training course. These two descriptions could be interpreted in broad sense.