

News from the 58th Southport, Holy Family, Sea Scout Group

June 2014email:


We have a number of events coming up in the next few weeks so I thought it would be worthwhile sending out a Masthead to keep you all up to date. I also need to know numbers for some of these events either to let people know or to assess their viability. So here is a blow by blow account!

June 25th – Water Activity Night

June 26th – Troop Meeting

July 2nd – Water Activity Night

July 3rd – Troop Meeting

I will be away that week, celebrating my wife’s significant birthday. Hugh will take the meeting.

July 9th – Water Activity Night

July 10th – Troop Night

July 11th – Dragon Boat Night. We have been asked to provide paddlers to assist with the training of adults to become Dragon Boat Helms. During the evening the boys will fulfil all the requirements to earn themselves the Scout Dragon Boat Badge. Easy way to get a badge!

Venue: Waterside Lodge

Time: 6:15 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Cost: This is the best bit: FREE

July 13th – Church Parade

July 16th – Water Activity Night

July 17th – Group Water Activity Night

This is our traditional end-of-term activity for the whole group.

July 27th–District Regatta Fun Day

Venue: Waterside Lodge

Cost: £5:00

3rd August -Summer Camp

There is a possibility that we may be able to go away on a summer camp sometime in the

period 3rd-8th August for four nights. Whether or not it can happen depends on a number of factors, not the least of which is how many boys are available. Can you let me know numbers please?

15th-17th August – District Weekend Camp

Another opportunity to learn new things and brush up on camping skills

Cycle Helmets

Just to clarify!

One of the scouts arrived on Thursday on his bike, not wearing a helmet. I asked him about his lack of helmet. The Scout Association insist that Scouts wear a helmet on organised activities within Scouting but I cannot insist that boys wear a helmet to commute back and forth to scouts, that’s down to parental choice.

Weekend Camp

The weekend camp was a great success. The boys learnt a lot and all had a good time and managed not to give me food poisoning. All the boys who came earned the Outdoor Challenge Badge, one step towards the Chief Scout Gold Award.

One or two people still owe me the £20 for that camp. I would be grateful for that to enable me to close the account.


I have been asked by a couple of parents about scouts and knives. The Scout Association’s view is that a knife is a tool, like any other and should only be used for specific purposes. Like any other tool a scout should be taught its safe use. For further guidance see: