
Procedures and Purposes

The purpose of this study will be to increase participation in homework and related behavior with positive reinforcement. In this study the subject will be given a piece of pie every time a home-work, or reading assignment, is completed. The pie must be eaten with a 4 hour period of the completion of the assignment, or the pie will be forfeited. Another piece of pie may be earned upon the next completed assignment. It is hoped that the anticipation of the reward will encourage the subject to complete projects in a timely manner. [WHAT WILL YOU BE MEASURING? HOW LONG WILL THIS STUDY LAST? ARE THERE NO INTERVENTION PERIODS WHERE MEASUREMENT WILL BE CONDUCTED? THE PROCEDURES MUST BE DESCRIBED SPECIFICALLY.]

Discomfort and Risks

It is very possible, however unlikely, that the subject may gain weight as a result of this study. To prevent this possibility, the subject will be encouraged to continue a daily exercise routine.


Positive outcomes of this research project will be improvement in grades and / or time management. With an increase in completed reading assignments the subject will have a better understanding of the reading material. With the completion of reading and homework assignments in a timely manner, the subject will not have to “cram” hours before an assignment is due and will be better able to manage time.

Alternate Procedures

In the event that there is no pie available for the subject to devour after the completion of a homework assignment, an alternate “goodie” will be provided such as cookies or ice cream. [ARE THERE REALLY NO OTHER WAYS TO INCREASE RATE APPROPRIATE COMPLETION OF HOMEWORK THAN GIVING FOOD?]

Answer Questions

If the subject desires any questions to be answered about the procedure or wishes to have additional rationale for this study, this social work researcher may be contacted at 475-5096 by phone, or at 116 Carlson Rd, Negaunee Michigan 49866 by mail or personal contact.

Freedom to Withdraw

As subject of this research project, you will be permitted to withdraw from this study at any time, for any reason that you choose. There will be no negative consequences for no longer being a part of this study nor will you be pursued or encouraged to remain part of this project by this researcher, or any of my colleagues.

Affirmation of Understanding

I, ______, understand the subject of the research and agree to the conditions and requirements of this research project. I further understand that at any time that I feel uncomfortable, or choose for any other reason to no longer take part in this study, I will be free to discontinue my participation as a research subject with no negative consequences for this decision.