Developing Skills in Couple WorkInternational Summer School

9-12 July 2018

This course is open to those interested in learning more about couple relationships and about working with couples from a psychodynamic perspective. It will be useful to individual counsellors and individual, child, family, group, psychotherapists, and those in the helping professions, such as clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers. The course aims to:

  • Introduce the central concepts used in understanding unconscious processes in couple interaction
  • Offer a framework for understanding conscious and unconscious communication in couples that is grounded in theory, clinical case examples and seminar discussion
  • Enable you to begin to make use of psychodynamic concepts in formulating and understanding the relationship aspect of your work with couples or individuals
  • Give each participant the opportunity to present some work and learn from the work of others

Fees: £699

Venue: TavistockRelationships, 70 Warren Street, London W1T 5PB

Developing Skills in Couple Work International Summer School (SC5) Developing Skills in Couple Work International Summer School 9-12 July 2018


*These questions are mandatory

Full Name*:this will appearonyourcertificate

Address*: ______

___ Postcode*: ____

Email*: ______Phone*:

Agency/Institution*: ______

Job title*:______

What is the weeklyaverage numberofclientsyou see inyourpractice as*:




Professional Qualifications*:

Couple Training/Qualification (if any)*:

Current Professional Position(s)*:

Previous Professional Positions*:

Relevant past and present clinical practice*: (Please include how you work, the type of clinical contact and no. of hours per week in direct clinical contact and/or supervisory contact)

Have you undertaken any other teaching events with TavistockRelationships?*If yes, please give details


Are you working with couples?*If yes, please describe your work. Please include information such as your experience of working with couples, the number you work with and the length they are seen for, the theoretical basis of your work, and the context (e.g. family, parenting).

What hopes/expectations do you have of this course?*If appropriate include your reason for choosing this course now


Fees: £699 (includes £50 non refundable deposit to be paid with application form)

 I enclose a fee of£ 50 [Please make cheques payable to “TavistockRelationships”]

 I will pay by credit/debit card [Please call the Training team on 020 7380 8288 to make payment]

Terms and Conditions:

  • Ifyou need to cancelyourplace forany reason,you will remain liable forthe fees in full.
  • TavistockRelationshipsreserves the right to cancel anycourse and in such event undertakes to refund the fees in full.

Delegates will be offered an alternative date ora full refund of the course fee.

I agree to these terms and conditions*:  / Signed: ______
Where didyou see this course advertised? /
TR WebsiteTR Email / TR Social Media / Colleague

OtherWebsite(please specify) _ Publication(please specify) Other (please specify) _

Doyou wish to join ourmailing list to receive updates on ourcourses?

Yes No

Please return this form with the signed confidentiality agreement cheque (or payment method) to:

Training Team


70 Warren Street London W1T 5PB



Developing Skills in Couple Work International Summer School

9th – 12th July 2018

I recognise the importance of protecting the confidentiality of case material contributed by presenters or participants, as well as other material used for teaching purposes. I therefore agree to:

1Withdraw from training sessions in which material is used that I think may be identifiable by me

2Refrain from discussing illustrative material outside the teaching session

Name: ……………………………………………………………

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………………………..

E: T: 020 7380 8288

Formore info and to applyonlinevisit