THE COMPLETE TITLE SHOULD BE CAPITALIZED, in the Left of the Page in Times New Roman font, 14 Point

B. Smith1, D. Jones1, R. Andrews 1,2

1. Royal Hospital, London, United Kingdom

2. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Please delete the guidance text and insert your text.

Abstract 400 words or 1 page maximumand should include the following information::

Educational Objectives: (50 words or less, at the conclusion of this presentation, the participants should be able to...e.g. demonstrate, recognize, diagnose, treat, etc.)

Purpose: In one sentence, explain the specific purpose of the project.

Methods: Briefly describe methods implemented throughout the project. List key steps carried out, tools used, and timeframe.

Results: Summarise the results from the project and include sufficient evidence to support the results and to identify what changes have emerged. The evidence must support your conclusions in the next section.

Conclusions: Your conclusions should address the following questions:

  • After analysis of results, what is the opinion or judgement of the author(s)?
  • Has the project achieved its objective(s)?
  • What new knowledge was gained from the project and what change(s) happened as a result?
  • What are the implications of the study?

Literature Reference (optional list one or two maximum)

Authors: (times new roman size 10 point, left) Initials and Surnames for every author must be provided. Do not include degrees or titles. The name of the presenting author should be underlined.
Affiliations: The affiliations should be typed under the list of authors' names. Each author should be listed by institution, city, state/province and country. Do not include department, division, laboratory, etc. In abstracts where the authors have different affiliations, please indicate for each author the number of the corresponding affiliation – use a superscript.
Text:Abstract text must be in Times New Roman font, 12 point size, single space and justified..It should not exceed 400 words or 1 page. Abstracts will be reproduced exactly as submitted and will not be edited in any way. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Use of standard abbreviations is acceptable. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full term for the first time it appears. Linguistic accuracy is the responsibility of the authors. Drug products mentioned in the abstract should be identified by their non-proprietary names only. Do not capitalize non-proprietary names.