SOS Section #2: Satisfaction with College Services and Programs–Satisfaction with Services Used
Scale: 5 Very Satisfied, 4 Satisfied, 3 Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, 2 Dissatisfied, 1 Very Dissatisfied

Avg / 2016 SOS Results / College Services & Programs
(Ordered by 2016 Average Score; high-to-low) / 2013 SOS Results / 2010 SOS Results
Internal Rank / N / Avg / Internal Rank / Internal Rank / Internal Rank / Avg / SD / Internal Rank / N / Avg / SD
0.09 / 1 / 555 / 4.31 / 0.78 / Library resources and services / 1 / 611 / 4.22 / 0.81 / 4 / 690 / 4.14 / 0.80
0.28 / 2 / 560 / 4.29 / 0.8 / Availability of computers when you need them / 9 / 634 / 4.01 / 0.99 / 10 / 742 / 4.02 / 1.00
0.30 / 3 / 564 / 4.21 / 0.85 / Study areas (not including studios) / 11 / 570 / 3.91 / 0.95 / 25 / 657 / 3.73 / 0.94
0.07 / 4 / 571 / 4.13 / 0.81 / General condition of buildings and grounds / 6 / 631 / 4.06 / 0.78 / 7 / 969 / 4.09 / 0.77
0.01 / 5 / 576 / 4.13 / 0.83 / Course registration process / 3 / 648 / 4.12 / 0.78 / 8 / 971 / 4.06 / 0.82
0.09 / 6 / 545 / 4.11 / 0.91 / Availability of academic advisor(s) / 8 / 590 / 4.02 / 0.88 / 12 / 741 / 3.94 / 0.89
n/a / 7 / 490 / 4.07 / 0.87 / Availability of advising tools (e.g. DegreeWorks) (New in 2016) / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.02 / 8 / 565 / 4.04 / 0.8 / Classroom facilities / 7 / 640 / 4.02 / 0.77 / 9 / 770 / 4.04 / 0.80
0.18 / 9 / 423 / 4.02 / 0.85 / Learning center facilities / 18 / 402 / 3.84 / 0.76 / 17 / 438 / 3.79 / 0.80
0.09 / 10 / 551 / 3.99 / 0.94 / Information provided by academic advisor(s) / 13 / 601 / 3.90 / 0.94 / 15 / 739 / 3.85 / 0.94
(0.14) / 11 / 444 / 3.96 / 0.92 / Computer/technology support services / 5 / 535 / 4.10 / 0.84 / 11 / 643 / 3.95 / 0.85
(0.02) / 12 / 574 / 3.95 / 1.0 / Internet access -including wireless / 10 / 641 / 3.97 / 1.03 / 1 / 745 / 4.19 / 0.96
0.06 / 13 / 425 / 3.93 / 0.85 / Campus center/student union / 16 / 447 / 3.87 / 0.88 / 13 / 635 / 3.92 / 0.84
0.06 / 14 / 490 / 3.91 / 1.0 / Financial aid services (not the amount of aid) / 17 / 560 / 3.85 / 0.96 / 23 / 846 / 3.76 / 1.03
0.07 / 15 / 501 / 3.91 / 0.92 / Availability of power sources for my technology / 19 / 570 / 3.84 / 0.92 / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.12 / 16 / 325 / 3.88 / 1.08 / College tutoring services / 23 / 319 / 3.76 / 0.94 / 21 / 425 / 3.76 / 0.95
(0.04) / 17 / 551 / 3.86 / 0.92 / Billing and payment process / 12 / 617 / 3.90 / 0.82 / 14 / 932 / 3.90 / 0.85
0.05 / 18 / 468 / 3.84 / 0.94 / College security services / 21 / 533 / 3.79 / 0.88 / 18 / 775 / 3.78 / 0.84
n/a / 19 / 331 / 3.82 / 0.92 / Ease of transferring credit to this college (New in 2016) / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
n/a / 20 / 419 / 3.80 / 0.95 / Availability of online support services (New in 2016) / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
n/a / 21 / 275 / 3.77 / 0.90 / Availability of international learning opportunities (New 2016) / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
(0.07) / 22 / 562 / 3.73 / 1.08 / College bookstore services / 20 / 626 / 3.80 / 1.04 / 30 / 946 / 3.60 / 1.04
0.09 / 23 / 326 / 3.72 / 1.11 / Athletic facilities / 27 / 314 / 3.63 / 0.99 / 31 / 415 / 3.58 / 1.00
0.15 / 24 / 283 / 3.71 / 0.93 / Transfer planning services / 28 / 295 / 3.56 / 0.94 / 29 / 465 / 3.63 / 0.97
(0.04) / 25 / 285 / 3.66 / 0.91 / Career planning services / 24 / 328 / 3.70 / 0.90 / 27 / 467 / 3.65 / 0.93
(0.02) / 26 / 352 / 3.66 / 1.0 / Student health services / 26 / 426 / 3.68 / 0.85 / 22 / 592 / 3.76 / 0.81
0.14 / 27 / 524 / 3.50 / 1.15 / Parking facilities / 30 / 614 / 3.36 / 1.18 / 34 / 935 / 3.33 / 1.18
0.38 / 28 / 418 / 3.36 / 1.19 / College food services / 31 / 468 / 2.98 / 1.20 / 32 / 672 / 3.43 / 1.09
(0.06) / 29 / 211 / 3.32 / 1.0 / Job search assistance (regardless of whether you found a job) / 29 / 276 / 3.38 / 0.95 / 33 / 359 / 3.41 / 0.96

SOS Section #3: College Environment, Experiences, Outcomes - Satisfaction w/Academic Environment

Scale: 5 Very Satisfied, 4 Satisfied, 3 Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, 2 Dissatisfied, 1 Very Dissatisfied

2016 - 2013 / 2016 SOS Results / Academic Environment
(Ordered by 2016 Average Score; high-to-low) / 2013 SOS Results / 2010 SOS Results
Avg / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD
0.09 / 586 / 4.25 / 0.72 / Class Size / 656 / 4.16 / 0.75 / 974 / 4.10 / 0.80
(0.02) / 583 / 4.10 / 0.79 / Quality of Instruction / 659 / 4.12 / 0.71 / 977 / 4.12 / 0.72
n/a / 453 / 3.93 / 0.88 / Availability of online courses (New 2016) / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.09 / 566 / 3.89 / 0.94 / Availability of Courses for Graduation / 634 / 3.80 / 0.91 / 948 / 3.76 / 0.91
(0.02) / 565 / 3.88 / 0.89 / Availability of Instructor Outside Class / 624 / 3.90 / 0.84 / 922 / 3.87 / 0.88
0.20 / 304 / 3.82 / 0.95 / Availability of Honors Opportunities / 341 / 3.62 / 0.92 / 495 / 3.63 / 0.88
0.21 / 581 / 3.76 / 1.02 / Courses at Convenient Times / 646 / 3.55 / 1.04 / 967 / 3.59 / 1.04
0.07 / 304 / 3.67 / 0.98 / Availability of Internships / 376 / 3.60 / 0.94 / 443 / 3.47 / 1.04

SOS Section #3: College Environment, Experiences, Outcomes - Satisfaction with Campus Culture

Scale: 5 Very Satisfied, 4 Satisfied, 3 Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, 2 Dissatisfied, 1 Very Dissatisfied

2016 - 2010 / 2016 SOS Results / Campus Culture & Environment
(Ordered by 2016 Average Score; high-to-low) / 2013 SOS Results / 2010 SOS Results
Avg / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD
0.17 / 509 / 4.06 / 0.83 / Campus acceptance of individual differences / 564 / 3.89 / 0.88 / 852 / 3.98 / 0.85
0.06 / 539 / 4.06 / 0.90 / Faculty respect for students / 601 / 4.00 / 0.82 / 902 / 4.00 / 0.84
0.12 / 517 / 4.03 / 0.88 / Non-teaching staff respect for students / 576 / 3.91 / 0.86 / 890 / 3.92 / 0.88
0.13 / 527 / 4.03 / 0.89 / Personal safety/security on campus / 588 / 3.90 / 0.86 / 731 / 3.92 / 0.84
0.10 / 515 / 4.02 / 0.86 / Diversity of student body / 572 / 3.92 / 0.85 / 862 / 3.92 / 0.81
0.18 / 501 / 4.01 / 0.89 / Racial harmony on campus / 563 / 3.83 / 0.92 / 846 / 3.86 / 0.94
0.12 / 544 / 3.97 / 0.86 / Student behavior (“civility” in 2013) in the classroom / 595 / 3.85 / 0.86 / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.10 / 515 / 3.90 / 0.92 / Diversity of faculty and staff / 575 / 3.80 / 0.86 / 869 / 3.87 / 0.84
0.13 / 528 / 3.88 / 0.92 / Your sense of belonging at this campus / 595 / 3.75 / 0.93 / 895 / 3.83 / 0.90
0.09 / 508 / 3.87 / 0.92 / Campus openness to opinions of others / 570 / 3.78 / 0.88 / 859 / 3.83 / 0.83
0.20 / 539 / 3.86 / 0.95 / Student respect for other students / 594 / 3.66 / 1.00 / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.07 / 489 / 3.84 / 0.89 / Your social support network at this college / 533 / 3.77 / 0.86 / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.07 / 526 / 3.71 / 0.98 / Student behavior(“civility” in 2013) outside classroom / 584 / 3.64 / 0.95 / n/a / n/a / n/a

SOS Section #3: College Environment, Experiences, Outcomes - Satisfaction with College Information

Scale: 5 Very Satisfied, 4 Satisfied, 3 Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, 2 Dissatisfied, 1 Very Dissatisfied

2016 - 2013 / 2016 SOS Results / College Information
(Ordered by 2016 Average Score; high-to-low) / 2013 SOS Results / 2010 SOS Results
Avg / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD
0.01 / 573 / 4.03 / 0.84 / Accuracy of information on college website / 639 / 4.02 / 0.75 / 955 / 4.02 / 0.78
0.05 / 583 / 4.03 / 0.87 / College website ease of use / 648 / 3.98 / 0.87 / 965 / 4.07 / 0.83
0.02 / 539 / 3.94 / 0.83 / Communication of student conduct rules and regulations / 623 / 3.92 / 0.79 / n/a / n/a / n/a
(0.02) / 408 / 3.79 / 0.89 / College catalog / 530 / 3.81 / 0.86 / 798 / 3.96 / 0.82
(0.03) / 481 / 3.76 / 0.95 / Communication of college news/information to students / 579 / 3.79 / 0.89 / 866 / 3.82 / 0.85

SOS Section #3: College Environment, Experiences, Outcomes - Satisfaction with Student Life

Scale: 5 Very Satisfied, 4 Satisfied, 3 Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, 2 Dissatisfied, 1 Very Dissatisfied

2016 - 2013 / 2016 SOS Results / Student Life
(Ordered by 2016 Average Score; high-to-low) / 2013 SOS Results / 2010 SOS Results
Avg / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD
(0.02) / 389 / 3.72 / 0.96 / New student orientation / 406 / 3.74 / 0.95 / 632 / 3.77 / 0.89
0.16 / 352 / 3.71 / 0.98 / College social activities / 359 / 3.55 / 0.97 / 468 / 3.65 / 0.92
0.17 / 304 / 3.69 / 0.94 / Cultural programs (art, dance, film, music, theater) / 294 / 3.52 / 0.94 / 365 / 3.58 / 0.96
0.02 / 313 / 3.65 / 0.98 / Campus clubs and activities / 336 / 3.63 / 1.02 / 400 / 3.61 / 0.94
(0.03) / 269 / 3.64 / 1.03 / Health and wellness programs / 340 / 3.67 / 0.88 / 525 / 3.73 / 0.84
0.21 / 313 / 3.63 / 0.99 / Recreational and intramural programs / 326 / 3.42 / 0.96 / 395 / 3.56 / 0.96
(0.04) / 299 / 3.63 / 0.92 / Guest speakers outside of class / 349 / 3.67 / 0.90 / 409 / 3.51 / 0.93
0.07 / 296 / 3.60 / 0.92 / Student media (newspaper, radio station, blogs, etc / 362 / 3.53 / 0.91 / 363 / 3.41 / 0.90
0.03 / 269 / 3.57 / 0.94 / Opportunities for community service / 310 / 3.54 / 0.92 / 364 / 3.48 / 0.90
(0.06) / 289 / 3.55 / 0.99 / Opportunities for leadership development / 338 / 3.61 / 0.93 / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.05 / 305 / 3.36 / 1.03 / Student input in college policies/plans / 344 / 3.31 / 0.98 / 408 / 3.40 / 1.00
0.04 / 221 / 3.26 / 0.95 / Student government / 267 / 3.22 / 0.90 / 322 / 3.40 / 0.97

SOS Section #3: College Environment, Experiences, Outcomes - Impediments to Success

Scale: 4 Major Problem, 3 Moderate Problem, 2 Minor Problem, 1 Not a Problem

2016 - 2013 / 2016 SOS Results / Impediments to Success
(Ordered by 2016 Average Score; biggest -to-least problem) / 2013 SOS Results / 2010 SOS Results
Avg / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD
(0.02) / 491 / 2.11 / 1.04 / Job responsibilities / 540 / 2.13 / 1.09 / 808 / 2.09 / 1.06
(0.05) / 532 / 1.98 / 1.04 / Paying for college / 592 / 2.03 / 1.06 / 907 / 2.03 / 1.08
(0.09) / 505 / 1.95 / 1.04 / Family responsibilities / 585 / 2.04 / 1.03 / 901 / 2.03 / 1.06
(0.12) / 504 / 1.54 / 0.94 / Transportation to and from college / 561 / 1.66 / 0.97 / 832 / 1.49 / 0.84
0.03 / 420 / 1.50 / 0.9 / Health problems / 455 / 1.47 / 0.82 / 600 / 1.41 / 0.8
0.04 / 420 / 1.47 / 0.89 / Finding adequate housing / 457 / 1.43 / 0.86 / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.04 / 250 / 1.46 / 0.9 / Finding child care / 353 / 1.42 / 0.87 / 526 / 1.55 / 0.99
0.09 / 264 / 1.44 / 0.86 / Disability issues / 351 / 1.35 / 0.77 / 500 / 1.28 / 0.7

SOS Section #3: College Environment, Experiences, Outcomes - Frequency of Academic Experiences

Scale: 5 Very Frequent, 4 Frequent, 3 Sometimes, 2 Rarely, 1 Never

2016 - 2013 / 2016 SOS Results / Frequency of Academic Experiences
(Ordered by 2016 Average Score; highest-to-lowest frequency) / 2013 SOS Results / 2010 SOS Results
Avg / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD
0.08 / 576 / 4.35 / 0.78 / Gone to Class with Readings & Assignments Completed / 644 / 4.27 / 0.87 / 977 / 4.29 / 0.82
0.04 / 574 / 4.13 / 0.82 / Required to Think Critically in Completing Assignments / 638 / 4.09 / 0.84 / 976 / 4.16 / 0.82
0.01 / 575 / 3.91 / 0.91 / Been Intellectually Engaged by Material Covered in Class / 643 / 3.90 / 0.88 / 977 / 3.82 / 0.92
0.07 / 575 / 3.89 / 0.96 / Rec’d Instructor Feedback on Quality of Work (written/oral) / 643 / 3.82 / 0.99 / 975 / 3.80 / 0.98
(0.01) / 566 / 3.78 / 1.13 / Out-of-Class Assignments that Required a Written Response / 627 / 3.79 / 1.08 / 973 / 3.55 / 1.19
0.02 / 567 / 3.50 / 1.10 / Worked with Other Students on Class Assignments / 640 / 3.48 / 1.12 / 973 / 3.54 / 1.12
0.03 / 553 / 3.48 / 1.16 / Engaged in a creative or research project under the direction of faculty member / 626 / 3.45 / 1.19 / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.01 / 553 / 3.45 / 1.09 / Faculty Used Innovative Technology to Aid Learning / 617 / 3.44 / 1.11 / 969 / 3.35 / 1.16
(0.01) / 541 / 3.34 / 1.14 / Faculty Required You to Judge Value of Information, Arguments, Methods / 619 / 3.35 / 1.10 / 975 / 3.15 / 1.17
0.05 / 568 / 3.03 / 1.17 / Discussions, Meetings, Conversations w/Instructors Outside of Class / 626 / 2.98 / 1.19 / 973 / 2.75 / 1.15
0.15 / 485 / 2.45 / 1.33 / Been involved in community service or service learning activities at this college / 529 / 2.30 / 1.33 / 977 / 1.72 / 1.14
(0.13) / 550 / 2.27 / 1.16 / Observed acts of misbehavior(“incivility” in 2013) by students outside classroom / 617 / 2.40 / 1.23 / n/a / n/a / n/a
(0.18) / 545 / 2.13 / 1.11 / Observed Student Dishonesty in Assignments or Exams / 615 / 2.31 / 1.22 / 975 / 2.06 / 1.16
(0.12) / 555 / 2.12 / 1.07 / Observed acts of misbehavior (“incivility” in 2013) by students in the classroom / 617 / 2.24 / 1.19 / 972 / 2.67 / 1.18
n/a / 544 / 1.60 / 0.97 / Witnessed acts of prejudice based on gender identity or sexual orientation (New 2016)

SOS Section #3: College Environment, Experiences, Outcomes - Role of GCC in Contributing to…

Scale: 5 Very Large Contribution, 4 Large Contribution, 3 Moderate Contribution, 2 Small Contribution, 1 No Contribution

2016 - 2013 / 2016 SOS Results / GCC Contribution to Growth and Learning
(Ordered by 2016 Average Score; high-to-low) / 2013 SOS Results / 2010 SOS Results
Avg / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD / N / Avg / SD
(0.07) / 566 / 3.73 / 1.05 / Acquiring knowledge and skills needed for a career / 623 / 3.80 / 0.99 / 873 / 3.75 / 1.09
0.00 / 568 / 3.67 / 1.01 / Acquiring knowledge and skills for further academic study / 628 / 3.67 / 0.97 / 844 / 3.51 / 1.06
(0.02) / 571 / 3.65 / 1.05 / Acquiring knowledge and skills for intellectual growth throughout your life / 623 / 3.67 / 1.00 / 828 / 3.42 / 1.12
(0.07) / 567 / 3.58 / 1.02 / Acquiring information, ideas, and concepts / 625 / 3.65 / 0.98 / 855 / 3.48 / 1.03
0.04 / 568 / 3.58 / 1.06 / Writing clearly and effectively / 622 / 3.54 / 1.08 / 880 / 3.19 / 1.13
n/a / 566 / 3.54 / 1.01 / Developing problem-solving skills (NEW 2016) / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.04 / 566 / 3.53 / 1.12 / Speaking clearly and effectively / 620 / 3.49 / 1.12 / 862 / 3.00 / 1.17
0.08 / 569 / 3.51 / 1.10 / Working well with others / 624 / 3.43 / 1.13 / 874 / 3.15 / 1.19
0.09 / 563 / 3.51 / 1.10 / Developing an openness to the opinions of others / 619 / 3.42 / 1.13 / 835 / 3.07 / 1.18
0.11 / 562 / 3.50 / 1.14 / Understanding your personal ethics and values / 618 / 3.39 / 1.19 / n/a / n/a / n/a
(0.03) / 569 / 3.49 / 1.14 / Using computer and information technology effectively / 622 / 3.52 / 1.13 / 856 / 3.31 / 1.24
n/a / 560 / 3.46 / 1.19 / Leading a meaningful life (NEW 2016) / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.07 / 548 / 3.38 / 1.18 / Understanding and appreciating ethnic/cultural/language diversity / 609 / 3.31 / 1.19 / 841 / 2.98 / 1.25
0.10 / 552 / 3.37 / 1.19 / Understanding your rights and responsibilities as a global citizen / 612 / 3.27 / 1.17 / 828 / 2.67 / 1.24
(0.03) / 556 / 3.36 / 1.09 / Acquiring scientific and mathematical thinking skills / 608 / 3.39 / 1.03 / n/a / n/a / n/a
0.01 / 553 / 3.26 / 1.14 / Understanding and appreciating political, social, and historical issues / 613 / 3.25 / 1.12 / 860 / 2.67 / 1.17
0.03 / 556 / 3.22 / 1.20 / Developing leadership skills / 610 / 3.19 / 1.20 / 852 / 2.94 / 1.25
0.04 / 533 / 3.15 / 1.26 / Appreciating artistic expression (writing, art, music, theater, etc.) / 567 / 3.11 / 1.28 / 845 / 2.63 / 1.32
0.06 / 545 / 3.08 / 1.22 / Understanding environmental and sustainability issues / 595 / 3.02 / 1.21 / n/a / n/a / n/a

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