Thursday, October 27 to Sunday, October 30, 2016


Opening Date: Friday, April 1, 2016 DEADLINE: Friday, June 3, 2016

The SPARC Organizing Committee is committed to making the Symposium for Performing Arts in Rural Communities accessible to people from settings and communities with limited resources, including youth, volunteers and community-based creators, producers and presenters in the fields of dance, music, theatre and media arts. SPARC is eager to provide opportunities for participants to expand connections, share ideas and be inspired.

Although every attempt will be made to assist as many people as possible, we regret that the Scholarship Fund is limited, and we will not be able to meet all requests. We ask that you make every effort to seek outside funding support beforeapplying to the SPARC Scholarship Fund and ask only for what you really need so that we can assist as many as possible. We reserve the right to offer partial scholarships or to propose alternative arrangements.

Applications will be reviewed and decisions made based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated financial need.
  • No other funding opportunities available:we expect that you will seek funding from alternative sources e.g. organizational assistance, performing arts professional development funds etc.,before you apply to the SPARC Scholarship Fund.
  • A demonstrated benefit to the applicant and to their community:priority will be given to those whoseattendance at the symposiumwill help enhance their work in their own communities, to those who are able to assist in the transfer of skills and knowledge acquired at the symposium, and is relevant to their professional or community work or field of study.
  • People who have been selected to present their work (seminar, workshop, panel, research or community bytes) at the symposium.

What does the Access Fund cover?

  • Registration fees.
  • Travel: by the most economical means
  • Accommodation – up to 3 nights: we hope you will agree to share a room, which helps us support more people. If you decide not to share, we will be able to offer a contribution towards the cost of a private room - you will be responsible for the balance.

Applications will be reviewed by the SPARC Working Group. You will be notified of the outcome by Friday, June 30, 2016.

SPARC Scholarship Fund Application

All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.

First name:Last name:

Organization (if applicable):

Mailing address:

City:Province:Postal Code:


I am a (check all that apply):

 Symposium Speaker (hopefully, I’ve submitted a proposal)

 Performing arts community member

 Small agency/organization staff  Volunteer/Board member

Student: Undergraduate Postgraduate. Subject area: ______

 Other: ______

I have applied for assistance from the following sources:
 Professional Development Funds  Organizational funds
 Scholarships (University/College)  Other: ______
Name of organization(s) to which you have applied for assistance:______
What was the outcome of the these applications?:

I am requesting the following types of assistance:

Full Symposium Registration Fee

One day Symposium Registration Fee (Date: ______)

Accommodation (night of Thurs  Fri Sat)

Travel costs (From: ______)One way Return 

Mode of transport: ______

If you are requesting accommodation, are you willing to share with one other person?

 Yes No

If yes, would you like us to match you with a room mate?  Yes  No

Is there another delegate with whom you wish to share? Name: ______

Any other specific requirements? ______

Please respond to the following statements with short paragraphs.

1. I require financial assistance to attend the symposium because:

2. Attending the symposium will be of benefit to me personally and to my community because:

Please email this form to or print and mail to SPARC, c/o Rachel Gillooly, Project Coordinator, 1013 Pinoak Lane, Minden ON K0M 2L1.

All applications must be received by Friday, June 10, 2016

Thank you for your interest in SPARC.