Erin Luhmann
TEDU 414
Due date: 11/12/14
Multicultural Lesson Plan: Is There Really a Human Race?
It is important to teach this lesson on multicultural diversity to explain the fact that there are many different cultures present in our society today and that each should be treated and represented equally. This lesson will provide basic information concerning the concept of cultural diversity while including a read aloud, discussion, and a hands-on activity to help build a better understanding concerning this topic.
Oral Language:
K.3 The student will build oral communication skills.
a) Express ideas in complete sentences and express needs through direct requests.
b) Begin to initiate conversations.
c) Begin to follow implicit rules for conversation, including taking turns and staying on
d) Listen and speak in informal conversations with peers and adults.
e) Participate in group and partner discussions about various texts and topics.
f) Begin to use voice level, phrasing, and intonation appropriate for various
language situations.
g) Follow one- and two-step directions.
h) Begin to ask how and why questions.
K.8 The student will expand vocabulary.
a) Discuss meanings of words.
b) Develop vocabulary by listening to a variety of texts read aloud.
K.10 The student will demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
a) Use pictures to identify topic and make predictions.
b) Identify text features specific to the topic, such as titles, headings, and pictures.
K.12 The student will write to communicate ideas for a variety of purposes.
a) Differentiate pictures from writing.
b) Draw pictures and/or use letters and phonetically spelled words to write about
c) Use letters and beginning consonant sounds to spell phonetically words to describe pictures or write about experiences.
d) Write left to right and top to bottom.
Visual Arts:
The student will create works of art that represent personal responses to art-making problems.
The student will create works of art that express feelings and ideas.
The student will follow a sequence of steps used in creating works of art.
The student will create works of art that commemorate personal or community events.
The student will create works of art that connect to everyday life.
The student will create works of art that include the human figure as subject matter.
Given the read aloud from the book, “Is There Really a Human Race?” the discussion regarding human race and cultural diversity, and the hands-on activities at the end, the students will be able to understand the concept of diversity and importance of the various cultures in our society today while also completing the art and writing activity to their best ability.
-Have the students come to the front carpet and circle around the rocking chair for read aloud
-Show the students the book, “Is There Really a Human Race?” by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell and ask the students what they believe a human race is?
-Ask the students to make predictions about what the story will be about
-Read the book aloud and provide time for the students to ask and answer questions throughout the story
-“Today we are going to learn about what a human race is and why it is important to accept all human races.”
-Give the definition and explanation of what the human race is.
All the people in the world. Everyone as one big group.
-Include information regarding cultural diversity.
The state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization
-Ask the students what different kind of races and cultures do they think exist.
-Ask the students how do they think they should treat people of other diversities.
-We are going to do a writing activity: What is diversity to you? (attached)
-Each of you will complete the sentence regarding what you think diversity is.
-We are also going to do an art activity (attached)
-Each student will draw a picture of what they think diversity looks like
-Each student will color the picture provided of the different culturally diverse individuals
-Move around the room during both exercises to answer questions, see each students’ progress.
-Book, “Is There Really a Human Race” by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell
-Worksheet for writing activity (see attached)
-Worksheet of art activity (see attached)
-Writing and art supplies (included in the classroom)
Evaluation Part A:
Evaluation Part B: